Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

It's not cheaper not better.....
I see people from all over the world to the Mayo and Cleveland Clinics, St Jude and LaBohner hospitals.....I dont see people flocking to Canada for medial care....

Rand Paul just went to Canada for health care.

Other countries pay for less.
Oh.....I'm glad you said that, now I know more

Rand Paul headed to Canada for surgery, but will pay out of pocket

He'll be paying for his care in full.

"This is a private, world-renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services,” a spokesperson told POLITICO

This private system sounds awesome...we should do it.....
Private hospital and capitalism...count me in!

IO want to thank Dave for bringing this to my attention, so when people want real care in Canada, they go to the private capitalistic hospitals.....who knew????

So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

90% of all UK and Canadian systems love their system.
Amazing how having no bills relaxes the mind.
We all can pick examples that fit our made up mind.
Even in the U K you can pay.
The people love their system
How long did you live in the UK?

How many people in the UK and Canada have ever known anything BUT their system?
Amazing how having the bill hidden from you relaxes the mind . . . if you're fucking STUPID. Only a born sucker and fool hand over his wallet and says, "Here, you just take what you want to charge for it, because if I don't see the price tag, I can relax and pretend there isn't one."
Americans tend to be more independent than either the British or Canadians, and it's in our national character to gripe.
So You think taking away access is not taking it away.

The ACA exchanges offered health insurance policies with subsidies for those households earning less than 4x poverty rate. The subsidies were based on people paying the maximum of 9.5% of that income on premiums.

You really need to learn what is in the ACA because you are making an ass out of yourself on this subject.
A group of mostly Republicans subsidizes a group of mostly Democrats.

That's how Welfare works.

I guess you have never spent much time in Appalachia.

Furthermore you are ignorant of how the ACA is funded.

Really.... do tell.... how is it funded?

Because last I looked up the US Federal Budget, the ACA programs were line items on the general budget, which means it's funded by ...... Medicare taxes, Social Security taxes, Income Taxes, and Corporate taxes.

In short..... us. We pay for it.

So here you are having a tissy firt & you have no clue how the ACA was funded? Really?

How Is Obamacare Paid For?

No, I know exactly how it is funded. I'm asking you, because you clearly don't.

Because last I looked up the US Federal Budget, the ACA programs were line items on the general budget, which means it's funded by ...... Medicare taxes, Social Security taxes, Income Taxes, and Corporate taxes.
Oh.....I'm glad you said that, now I know more

Rand Paul headed to Canada for surgery, but will pay out of pocket

He'll be paying for his care in full.

"This is a private, world-renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services,” a spokesperson told POLITICO

This private system sounds awesome...we should do it.....
Private hospital and capitalism...count me in!

IO want to thank Dave for bringing this to my attention, so when people want real care in Canada, they go to the private capitalistic hospitals.....who knew????

So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???
You obviously have never lived in Canada or the uk or know Canadians.
I have.
They love their quality system
The only place I have to wait for my cardio is here Darlin
Here's a uk anecdote
I go in a clinic not feeling well
No reams of folders,
No one waiting
Gal says "you want to see a doc?
We have 3 back there doing nothing"
Doc gives me great physical, drugs.
I walk out zero pay.
The service depends a great deal on where you live
No I haven't used it......but I know how good and services work.....quality goes down when you have no incentive to provide's not a hard concept
no paperwork? I find that unlikely
and no wait? again, I doubt that
brothers and sisters: RICK SCOTT is the only man who can fix american health care. only he can fix it.

under the Democrat plan, millions of americans will die needlessly!
"Everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn’t work. Premiums & deductibles are far too high - Really bad HealthCare! Even the Dems want to replace it, but with Medicare for all, which would cause 180 million Americans to lose their beloved private health insurance. The Republicans are developing a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles than ObamaCare. In other words it will be far less expensive & much more usable than ObamaCare. Vote will be taken right after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win back the House. It will be truly great HealthCare that will work for America. Also, Republicans will always support Pre-Existing Conditions. The Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare." - Trump
So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???
You obviously have never lived in Canada or the uk or know Canadians.
I have.
They love their quality system
The only place I have to wait for my cardio is here Darlin
Here's a uk anecdote
I go in a clinic not feeling well
No reams of folders,
No one waiting
Gal says "you want to see a doc?
We have 3 back there doing nothing"
Doc gives me great physical, drugs.
I walk out zero pay.
The service depends a great deal on where you live
No I haven't used it......but I know how good and services work.....quality goes down when you have no incentive to provide's not a hard concept
no paperwork? I find that unlikely
and no wait? again, I doubt that

What is a medical incentive?
Largest source of bankruptcies?
I think my health is sufficient.
I love critics who never lived there.
Yup, no racks of files.
You have your history there on a credit card
It's actually an advanced country
You doubt, never having been to the clinic I mentioned?
"Everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn’t work. Premiums & deductibles are far too high - Really bad HealthCare! Even the Dems want to replace it, but with Medicare for all, which would cause 180 million Americans to lose their beloved private health insurance. The Republicans are developing a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles than ObamaCare. In other words it will be far less expensive & much more usable than ObamaCare. Vote will be taken right after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win back the House. It will be truly great HealthCare that will work for America. Also, Republicans will always support Pre-Existing Conditions. The Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare." - Trump

You believe our Nazi MAGA hat boy?
Who in his 6000 lies lied even about the number of floors trump tower has?
Obamacare Depends where you are.
My daughter loves it for her employees.
I thought Medicare was beloved.
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the average zero college trumpie said!!
Boy don the con said he could shoot someone and his cult would still follow.
You must be one of them?
Any idea why he created fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last 2?
Or are you spouting the fewer regs line??
brothers and sisters: RICK SCOTT is the only man who can fix american health care. only he can fix it.

under the Democrat plan, millions of americans will die needlessly!
Rick, the biggest fined guy in health care history?
Might help your bile if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective
Zero college I presume?
Rand Paul just went to Canada for health care.

Other countries pay for less.
Oh.....I'm glad you said that, now I know more

Rand Paul headed to Canada for surgery, but will pay out of pocket

He'll be paying for his care in full.

"This is a private, world-renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services,” a spokesperson told POLITICO

This private system sounds awesome...we should do it.....
Private hospital and capitalism...count me in!

IO want to thank Dave for bringing this to my attention, so when people want real care in Canada, they go to the private capitalistic hospitals.....who knew????

So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

90% of all UK and Canadian systems love their system.
Amazing how having no bills relaxes the mind.
We all can pick examples that fit our made up mind.
Even in the U K you can pay.
The people love their system
How long did you live in the UK?

How many people in the UK and Canada have ever known anything BUT their system?
Amazing how having the bill hidden from you relaxes the mind . . . if you're fucking STUPID. Only a born sucker and fool hand over his wallet and says, "Here, you just take what you want to charge for it, because if I don't see the price tag, I can relax and pretend there isn't one."
Americans tend to be more independent than either the British or Canadians, and it's in our national character to gripe.

So, never lived there?
Advanced trump U?
Good vocabulary for your kids?
They say fucking at the dinner table?
You do know you hand over way more for a system that gives worse results?
"Everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn’t work. Premiums & deductibles are far too high - Really bad HealthCare! Even the Dems want to replace it, but with Medicare for all, which would cause 180 million Americans to lose their beloved private health insurance. The Republicans are developing a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles than ObamaCare. In other words it will be far less expensive & much more usable than ObamaCare. Vote will be taken right after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win back the House. It will be truly great HealthCare that will work for America. Also, Republicans will always support Pre-Existing Conditions. The Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare." - Trump
Zero college white old farts sucking off their socialist Medicare?
Rand Paul just went to Canada for health care.

Other countries pay for less.
Oh.....I'm glad you said that, now I know more

Rand Paul headed to Canada for surgery, but will pay out of pocket

He'll be paying for his care in full.

"This is a private, world-renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services,” a spokesperson told POLITICO

This private system sounds awesome...we should do it.....
Private hospital and capitalism...count me in!

IO want to thank Dave for bringing this to my attention, so when people want real care in Canada, they go to the private capitalistic hospitals.....who knew????

So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

90% of all UK and Canadian systems love their system.
Amazing how having no bills relaxes the mind.
We all can pick examples that fit our made up mind.
Even in the U K you can pay.
The people love their system
How long did you live in the UK?

How many people in the UK and Canada have ever known anything BUT their system?
Amazing how having the bill hidden from you relaxes the mind . . . if you're fucking STUPID. Only a born sucker and fool hand over his wallet and says, "Here, you just take what you want to charge for it, because if I don't see the price tag, I can relax and pretend there isn't one."
Americans tend to be more independent than either the British or Canadians, and it's in our national character to gripe.

Actually, plenty remember very well
It came in in 1945 I
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???
You obviously have never lived in Canada or the uk or know Canadians.
I have.
They love their quality system
The only place I have to wait for my cardio is here Darlin
Here's a uk anecdote
I go in a clinic not feeling well
No reams of folders,
No one waiting
Gal says "you want to see a doc?
We have 3 back there doing nothing"
Doc gives me great physical, drugs.
I walk out zero pay.
The service depends a great deal on where you live
No I haven't used it......but I know how good and services work.....quality goes down when you have no incentive to provide's not a hard concept
no paperwork? I find that unlikely
and no wait? again, I doubt that

What is a medical incentive?
Largest source of bankruptcies?
I think my health is sufficient.
I love critics who never lived there.
Yup, no racks of files.
You have your history there on a credit card
It's actually an advanced country
You doubt, never having been to the clinic I mentioned?, you get the point
why do you think socialist countries don't inevent much nor do they make products//services people want to use......because doing a good job means nothing.......a gold star...whoooopeeeeee.......I'm in 5th grade again....yay!

You really don't know what motivates people.....competition makes people better and produces better results......the government has no competition therefore produces shitty results.......
"Everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn’t work. Premiums & deductibles are far too high - Really bad HealthCare! Even the Dems want to replace it, but with Medicare for all, which would cause 180 million Americans to lose their beloved private health insurance. The Republicans are developing a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles than ObamaCare. In other words it will be far less expensive & much more usable than ObamaCare. Vote will be taken right after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win back the House. It will be truly great HealthCare that will work for America. Also, Republicans will always support Pre-Existing Conditions. The Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare." - Trump
Zero college white old farts sucking off their socialist Medicare?
What does college degree and white people have to do with it? And it's funny since most college degrees are with white really are stupid.
Oh.....I'm glad you said that, now I know more

Rand Paul headed to Canada for surgery, but will pay out of pocket

He'll be paying for his care in full.

"This is a private, world-renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services,” a spokesperson told POLITICO

This private system sounds awesome...we should do it.....
Private hospital and capitalism...count me in!

IO want to thank Dave for bringing this to my attention, so when people want real care in Canada, they go to the private capitalistic hospitals.....who knew????

So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

90% of all UK and Canadian systems love their system.
Amazing how having no bills relaxes the mind.
We all can pick examples that fit our made up mind.
Even in the U K you can pay.
The people love their system
How long did you live in the UK?

How many people in the UK and Canada have ever known anything BUT their system?
Amazing how having the bill hidden from you relaxes the mind . . . if you're fucking STUPID. Only a born sucker and fool hand over his wallet and says, "Here, you just take what you want to charge for it, because if I don't see the price tag, I can relax and pretend there isn't one."
Americans tend to be more independent than either the British or Canadians, and it's in our national character to gripe.

Actually, plenty remember very well
It came in in 1945 I

I've noticed you post a lot, and say practically nothing.
So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

90% of all UK and Canadian systems love their system.
Amazing how having no bills relaxes the mind.
We all can pick examples that fit our made up mind.
Even in the U K you can pay.
The people love their system
How long did you live in the UK?

How many people in the UK and Canada have ever known anything BUT their system?
Amazing how having the bill hidden from you relaxes the mind . . . if you're fucking STUPID. Only a born sucker and fool hand over his wallet and says, "Here, you just take what you want to charge for it, because if I don't see the price tag, I can relax and pretend there isn't one."
Americans tend to be more independent than either the British or Canadians, and it's in our national character to gripe.

Actually, plenty remember very well
It came in in 1945 I

I've noticed you post a lot, and say practically nothing.
He trolls alot
You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???
You obviously have never lived in Canada or the uk or know Canadians.
I have.
They love their quality system
The only place I have to wait for my cardio is here Darlin
Here's a uk anecdote
I go in a clinic not feeling well
No reams of folders,
No one waiting
Gal says "you want to see a doc?
We have 3 back there doing nothing"
Doc gives me great physical, drugs.
I walk out zero pay.
The service depends a great deal on where you live
No I haven't used it......but I know how good and services work.....quality goes down when you have no incentive to provide's not a hard concept
no paperwork? I find that unlikely
and no wait? again, I doubt that

What is a medical incentive?
Largest source of bankruptcies?
I think my health is sufficient.
I love critics who never lived there.
Yup, no racks of files.
You have your history there on a credit card
It's actually an advanced country
You doubt, never having been to the clinic I mentioned?, you get the point
why do you think socialist countries don't inevent much nor do they make products//services people want to use......because doing a good job means nothing.......a gold star...whoooopeeeeee.......I'm in 5th grade again....yay!

You really don't know what motivates people.....competition makes people better and produces better results......the government has no competition therefore produces shitty results.......
Again? You never left the 5th grade.
So You think taking away access is not taking it away.

The ACA exchanges offered health insurance policies with subsidies for those households earning less than 4x poverty rate. The subsidies were based on people paying the maximum of 9.5% of that income on premiums.

You really need to learn what is in the ACA because you are making an ass out of yourself on this subject.
A group of mostly Republicans subsidizes a group of mostly Democrats.

That's how Welfare works.

I guess you have never spent much time in Appalachia.

Furthermore you are ignorant of how the ACA is funded.

Really.... do tell.... how is it funded?

Because last I looked up the US Federal Budget, the ACA programs were line items on the general budget, which means it's funded by ...... Medicare taxes, Social Security taxes, Income Taxes, and Corporate taxes.

In short..... us. We pay for it.

So here you are having a tissy firt & you have no clue how the ACA was funded? Really?

How Is Obamacare Paid For?

No, I know exactly how it is funded. I'm asking you, because you clearly don't.

Because last I looked up the US Federal Budget, the ACA programs were line items on the general budget, which means it's funded by ...... Medicare taxes, Social Security taxes, Income Taxes, and Corporate taxes.

The income tax part was increased due to provisions in the ACA. Some of the Corporate taxes went up due to provisions in the ACA.

Say a bill sasses that is funded by raising the income tax by .5%. Do you think that money goes into a special fund? Really?
"Everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn’t work. Premiums & deductibles are far too high - Really bad HealthCare! Even the Dems want to replace it, but with Medicare for all, which would cause 180 million Americans to lose their beloved private health insurance. The Republicans are developing a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles than ObamaCare. In other words it will be far less expensive & much more usable than ObamaCare. Vote will be taken right after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win back the House. It will be truly great HealthCare that will work for America. Also, Republicans will always support Pre-Existing Conditions. The Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare." - Trump

The rise of premiuns is less that it would be without the ACA. The CBO said it.

Where the fuck is this Republican plan???? They had since they blocked Hillarycare in 1995 to come up with one. They ever did. Why is that?

Republicans did nothing on pre-existing conditions.
You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???

Ranked higher in quality that the US system.
Thank you private system...….I would've thought it was their government system, until you helped me find out they have an entire private system that people flock too.....if they have the cash...….it was very revealing
Well duh, it's the insurance that is socialized. Do you know NOTHING about this topic? That is what is proposed here: public insurance. You would take it to a private doctor. Catch up, dude.
Sorry man, maybe you can learn to use Google
Canadian Health Care: Private Clinics

Private Clinics
In addition to public health care providers such as primary care doctors and hospitals, many private clinics offering specialized services also operate in Canada.

Under federal law, private clinics are not legally allowed to provide services covered by the Canada Health Act. Regardless of this legal issue, many do offer such services.

The advantage of private clinics is that they typically offer services with reduced wait times compared to the public health care system. For example, obtaining an MRI scan in a hospital could require a waiting period of months, whereas it could be obtained much faster in a private clinic.

Private clinics are a subject of controversy, as some feel that their existence unbalances the health care system and favors treatments to those with higher incomes.

Costs in private clinics are usually covered by private insurance policies, which will typically pay around 80% of the costs.

You lie....they are not a lot of them and they are unusual.
Wow private insurance too.....who knew????
The private hospitals are better with much shorter weight times...who knew?
And again, some people in Canada dont like them.....why you ask? Because it's unfair rich people get better care....even in socialist Canada...….I'm learning all kinds of private insurance and services are much better...….Thanks again for playing...…...Hint: Try using Google you may learn something.....
And yet canadians , with an almost completely socialized insurance system, enjoy better health ourcomes by every measure than americans. While spending less than half per capita, i believe.

You can stomp your feet and copy/paste stuff you never read and don't understand all day and all night...but eventually you are going to run into the brick wall of the facts i just gave you.

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