Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

It's not cheaper not better.....
I see people from all over the world to the Mayo and Cleveland Clinics, St Jude and LaBohner hospitals.....I dont see people flocking to Canada for medial care....

Rand Paul just went to Canada for health care.

Other countries pay for less.
Oh.....I'm glad you said that, now I know more

Rand Paul headed to Canada for surgery, but will pay out of pocket

He'll be paying for his care in full.

"This is a private, world-renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services,” a spokesperson told POLITICO

This private system sounds awesome...we should do it.....
Private hospital and capitalism...count me in!

IO want to thank Dave for bringing this to my attention, so when people want real care in Canada, they go to the private capitalistic hospitals.....who knew????

So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???
Rand Paul just went to Canada for health care.

Other countries pay for less.
Oh.....I'm glad you said that, now I know more

Rand Paul headed to Canada for surgery, but will pay out of pocket

He'll be paying for his care in full.

"This is a private, world-renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services,” a spokesperson told POLITICO

This private system sounds awesome...we should do it.....
Private hospital and capitalism...count me in!

IO want to thank Dave for bringing this to my attention, so when people want real care in Canada, they go to the private capitalistic hospitals.....who knew????

So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???

Ranked higher in quality that the US system.
Oh.....I'm glad you said that, now I know more

Rand Paul headed to Canada for surgery, but will pay out of pocket

He'll be paying for his care in full.

"This is a private, world-renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services,” a spokesperson told POLITICO

This private system sounds awesome...we should do it.....
Private hospital and capitalism...count me in!

IO want to thank Dave for bringing this to my attention, so when people want real care in Canada, they go to the private capitalistic hospitals.....who knew????

So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???

Ranked higher in quality that the US system.
Thank you private system...….I would've thought it was their government system, until you helped me find out they have an entire private system that people flock too.....if they have the cash...….it was very revealing
So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???

Ranked higher in quality that the US system.
Thank you private system...….I would've thought it was their government system, until you helped me find out they have an entire private system that people flock too.....if they have the cash...….it was very revealing
Well duh, it's the insurance that is socialized. Do you know NOTHING about this topic? That is what is proposed here: public insurance. You would take it to a private doctor. Catch up, dude.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???

Ranked higher in quality that the US system.
Thank you private system...….I would've thought it was their government system, until you helped me find out they have an entire private system that people flock too.....if they have the cash...….it was very revealing
Well duh, it's the insurance that is socialized. Do you know NOTHING about this topic? That is what is proposed here: public insurance. You would take it to a private doctor. Catch up, dude.
Sorry man, maybe you can learn to use Google
Canadian Health Care: Private Clinics

Private Clinics
In addition to public health care providers such as primary care doctors and hospitals, many private clinics offering specialized services also operate in Canada.

Under federal law, private clinics are not legally allowed to provide services covered by the Canada Health Act. Regardless of this legal issue, many do offer such services.

The advantage of private clinics is that they typically offer services with reduced wait times compared to the public health care system. For example, obtaining an MRI scan in a hospital could require a waiting period of months, whereas it could be obtained much faster in a private clinic.

Private clinics are a subject of controversy, as some feel that their existence unbalances the health care system and favors treatments to those with higher incomes.

Costs in private clinics are usually covered by private insurance policies, which will typically pay around 80% of the costs.

You lie....they are not a lot of them and they are unusual.
Wow private insurance too.....who knew????
The private hospitals are better with much shorter weight times...who knew?
And again, some people in Canada dont like them.....why you ask? Because it's unfair rich people get better care....even in socialist Canada...….I'm learning all kinds of private insurance and services are much better...….Thanks again for playing...…...Hint: Try using Google you may learn something.....
What exactly is the gop planone the ACA is gone?

Best plan I've heard suggested involves block grants to states for them to set up and manage their own plans for those who are unlikely otherwise to have coverage. Had a lot of other good points. Unfortunately, I saw the article while I was busy doing other stuff and didn't have time to save it. Now I'm having trouble locating it again. If I can, I will post a link.
Aren't block grants sorta like the federal government giving states money in order to subsidize health insurance?

is that sorta like that communist-socialist Medicaid?
Jesus people.

We had THAT plan before.

That's WHY Obamacare was passed.

"Free Market" healthcare was a DISASTER
It served the majority of the population very well, but it did need attend to the problems of some people who were not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid and didn't have insurance from their employer. Unfortunately the Democrats chose to politicize healthcare instead of dealing with it pragmatically.

It served SOME of the population reasonably well...and drove hundreds of thousands into bankruptcy

Bullshit which is the stuff Obamacare was made of. The vast majority of Americans got their health insurance from their employer and polls showed they were satisfied with it. Only very poor people who were not quite poor enough to qualify for Medicaid and some people with who had pre existing conditions ran into problems, but these could easily have been resolved, as I previously pointed out to you, without a monstrosity like Obamacare. Obamacare didn't arise from the needs of the people but from the need of the Democratic Party to have a national issue.
The ACA had little effect om employee coverages. If you were actually employed, you would know that.

Millions of people without insurance IS a national issue. Premiums rising at a rate over 9% a year is a national issue.

Prior to trhe ACA, healthcare &health Insurance was financially & literally killing Americans.

For you to claim itr wasdn't is roof of your ignorance.

Pre-existing Conditions
Coverage ceilings
Canceling policies

Small employers got help. Over half of all business have fewer than 9. Self employed got major help.
As I've explained before, everyone had access to healthcare before ACA, but if they needed hospital care, they had to spend down their assets and not have much in the way of earnings to be eligible for Medicaid, but that could have been remedies by simply passing a law that raised the amount of earnings and assets slightly that applied to people who would not normally have been eligible for Medicaid if they needed hospital care. The rest of ACA was strictly political. ACA was a great success politically, but as healthcare reform, it failed to hold down costs or provide universal healthcare and the courts will probably find it was unconstitutional.
I have access to build my own private jet

but I am currently not able to afford it...which is ok, because I won't die because of it
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

Allowing insurance companies to choose what their policies cover, allows people who want more comprehensive coverage to buy the insurance policies they want, while those who want something simpler and cheaper, to get the policies they want.

In 2006, I had an insurance policy that covered everything I needed, for $67/month.

The cheapest policy I can get today is $300/month. And the deductible on my $67/month policy was less than half the deductible on that $300 policy... which is why I don't have insurance at all right now.

The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices.
Ours has nearly tripled. The deductible was ZERO, only copay....Now its $2500 per person per year and coverage has gone from 90% to 80%.
The only improvement is there are certain so called "well care" items that are covered for the copay...Which by the way was $15, is now $25
You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???

Ranked higher in quality that the US system.
Thank you private system...….I would've thought it was their government system, until you helped me find out they have an entire private system that people flock too.....if they have the cash...….it was very revealing
Well duh, it's the insurance that is socialized. Do you know NOTHING about this topic? That is what is proposed here: public insurance. You would take it to a private doctor. Catch up, dude.
Sorry man, maybe you can learn to use Google
Canadian Health Care: Private Clinics

Private Clinics
In addition to public health care providers such as primary care doctors and hospitals, many private clinics offering specialized services also operate in Canada.

Under federal law, private clinics are not legally allowed to provide services covered by the Canada Health Act. Regardless of this legal issue, many do offer such services.

The advantage of private clinics is that they typically offer services with reduced wait times compared to the public health care system. For example, obtaining an MRI scan in a hospital could require a waiting period of months, whereas it could be obtained much faster in a private clinic.

Private clinics are a subject of controversy, as some feel that their existence unbalances the health care system and favors treatments to those with higher incomes.

Costs in private clinics are usually covered by private insurance policies, which will typically pay around 80% of the costs.

You lie....they are not a lot of them and they are unusual.
Wow private insurance too.....who knew????
The private hospitals are better with much shorter weight times...who knew?
And again, some people in Canada dont like them.....why you ask? Because it's unfair rich people get better care....even in socialist Canada...….I'm learning all kinds of private insurance and services are much better...….Thanks again for playing...…...Hint: Try using Google you may learn something.....

Who knew?
Anyone with 1/2 a brain.
My corporate uk colleagues all have a choice between NHS and private
Where have you been?
Too much knees news?
Rand Paul just went to Canada for health care.

Other countries pay for less.
Oh.....I'm glad you said that, now I know more

Rand Paul headed to Canada for surgery, but will pay out of pocket

He'll be paying for his care in full.

"This is a private, world-renowned hospital separate from any system and people come from around the world to pay cash for their services,” a spokesperson told POLITICO

This private system sounds awesome...we should do it.....
Private hospital and capitalism...count me in!

IO want to thank Dave for bringing this to my attention, so when people want real care in Canada, they go to the private capitalistic hospitals.....who knew????

So my example doesn't count because this is a world renowned doctor but you used Mayo Clinic,, a world renowned hospital, to claim Canadians run to America.

You are quite the ass.
No I used your example and learned about this private system. I even gave you credit, why be a dick? HE went to Canada to use a private hospital(not the typical Canadian socialist one). And the private guy is world renown…… interesting

You thought you had me, but it backfired, we found out that Canadians have a two tier system and people with care pay cash and get good service, those that use the government, wish they could use the private one...….Thanks again for making it so clear.

You rubes didn't know Canada (and the U.K.) have a two tiered system?
Too much knees news ? (The more you watch the more ignorant you get)
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???
You obviously have never lived in Canada or the uk or know Canadians.
I have.
They love their quality system
The only place I have to wait for my cardio is here Darlin
Here's a uk anecdote
I go in a clinic not feeling well
No reams of folders,
No one waiting
Gal says "you want to see a doc?
We have 3 back there doing nothing"
Doc gives me great physical, drugs.
I walk out zero pay.
The service depends a great deal on where you live
No, because they never mention that on CNN or MSNBC...…
Funny how they dont mention the quality care in Canada is the Private system...….I wonder why???

Ranked higher in quality that the US system.
Thank you private system...….I would've thought it was their government system, until you helped me find out they have an entire private system that people flock too.....if they have the cash...….it was very revealing
Well duh, it's the insurance that is socialized. Do you know NOTHING about this topic? That is what is proposed here: public insurance. You would take it to a private doctor. Catch up, dude.
Sorry man, maybe you can learn to use Google
Canadian Health Care: Private Clinics

Private Clinics
In addition to public health care providers such as primary care doctors and hospitals, many private clinics offering specialized services also operate in Canada.

Under federal law, private clinics are not legally allowed to provide services covered by the Canada Health Act. Regardless of this legal issue, many do offer such services.

The advantage of private clinics is that they typically offer services with reduced wait times compared to the public health care system. For example, obtaining an MRI scan in a hospital could require a waiting period of months, whereas it could be obtained much faster in a private clinic.

Private clinics are a subject of controversy, as some feel that their existence unbalances the health care system and favors treatments to those with higher incomes.

Costs in private clinics are usually covered by private insurance policies, which will typically pay around 80% of the costs.

You lie....they are not a lot of them and they are unusual.
Wow private insurance too.....who knew????
The private hospitals are better with much shorter weight times...who knew?
And again, some people in Canada dont like them.....why you ask? Because it's unfair rich people get better care....even in socialist Canada...….I'm learning all kinds of private insurance and services are much better...….Thanks again for playing...…...Hint: Try using Google you may learn something.....

Who knew?
Anyone with 1/2 a brain.
My corporate uk colleagues all have a choice between NHS and private
Where have you been?
Too much knees news?
Sorry. Single payer is not a possibility. No matter how much you desire free crap, you'll not have it. Not at taxpayer expense.
Oh, according to Kamala Harris all private insurance and private medical care under her plan will be illegal
Most people choose dotors by reputation. I know of no one calling for quotes. You are lying as usual.

Show of hands, everyone who assumes that because "Assfuck Dave" doesn't personally know someone doing something, it never happens. Anyone?

Of course people don't often ask for prices for regular medical care. BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE TO PAY THE BILL. Duuuuhhh. They DO, however, ask about prices for things they DO have to pay for themselves. Take a look at cosmetic surgery, for example. Unless it's reconstructive due to a trauma, it's not covered by most insurances. And you'd best believe people do NOT sign up for it without finding out how much it's gonna cost first.

Another area in healthcare where innovation continues, costs come down and quality goes up.

Dental and vision care are also places where a lot of self-pay happens, either because people don't have plans at all, or because their plans don't cover a lot. Ever seen those commercials for eyeglass centers and their BOGO sales? That's why.
This is true.....and people again, will shop around for deals......
Really. " Hi, how much do you charge for a filling" Yea right.
Glasses are different.

So you just go to the dentist, get the work, and let them "surprise" you with your out-of-pocket? Really?

Does it ever cross your mind at all, "Assfuck Dave", that most people aren't as dumb as you are?

While I have excellent dental coverage from my employer, I am fully aware of the things I will need which they do not cover 100%. And you'd better freaking believe that when I needed a new dentist, I called around to find out how much my out-of-pocket was going to be.
This is true.....and people again, will shop around for deals......
Really. " Hi, how much do you charge for a filling" Yea right.

Yeah, really. I've said exactly those words. When I didn't have insurance, and I needed a filling. But that doesn't fit your narrative, so go ahead and pretend I'm lying.

I think I may have mentioned this before. I prefer to have laser treatment instead of a prescription for antibiotics after a deep cleaning, because excessive antibiotics just leads to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. I know my insurance doesn't currently cover the laser (although I suspect it will next year). Why in God's name would I want to find out - SURPRISE! - that I owe $50 more for it than I have to, after it's already over and done with?
AOC is further evidence PR needs to be cut loose and made an independent nation
Why can’t we get Republicans to say what the benefit is of free money to insurance companies for doing nothing other than setting up or denying doctor appointments is?
So you want TO GET RID OF INSURANCE? I'm ok with that, pay for it yourself.....Rdean is now a super libertarian

Dean doesn't want to get rid of insurance. He just wants there to be only one insurance company, run by the government.
Why do all the other advanced countries have cheaper and better healthcare?
Not populated by zero college rubes?
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said!!
It's not cheaper not better.....
I see people from all over the world to the Mayo and Cleveland Clinics, St Jude and LaBohner hospitals.....I dont see people flocking to Canada for medial care....

Rand Paul just went to Canada for health care.

Other countries pay for less.

Rand Paul didn't go to a socialized-medicine hospital in Canada, did he? He went to a private hospital outside of Canada's government system that takes cash payments. He shopped for the best price he could find from a place that specializes in the operation he needed, and paid for it himself. In other words, he did what WE are advocating, not what YOU are advocating.

Thanks for making our point.
So you want TO GET RID OF INSURANCE? I'm ok with that, pay for it yourself.....Rdean is now a super libertarian

Dean doesn't want to get rid of insurance. He just wants there to be only one insurance company, run by the government.
so the same he wants the government to get free money for setting up or denying doctor appointments....i'd rather joe 6 pack do that and not some soyboy fed worker.

The Government is not taking a profit, dumbass.

No, but the companies that contract to run Medicare do. Do you think they're doing it for free?

So you think hiring those sub contractors is the same as insurance companies losdred with sales & high paid CEOs.

No, I'm pretty sure he thinks it's NOT the same, and that government contractors are not the better option.
So you want TO GET RID OF INSURANCE? I'm ok with that, pay for it yourself.....Rdean is now a super libertarian

Dean doesn't want to get rid of insurance. He just wants there to be only one insurance company, run by the government.
Why do all the other advanced countries have cheaper and better healthcare?
Not populated by zero college rubes?
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said!!
It's not cheaper not better.....
I see people from all over the world to the Mayo and Cleveland Clinics, St Jude and LaBohner hospitals.....I dont see people flocking to Canada for medial care....

Rand Paul just went to Canada for health care.

Other countries pay for less.

Rand Paul didn't go to a socialized-medicine hospital in Canada, did he? He went to a private hospital outside of Canada's government system that takes cash payments. He shopped for the best price he could find from a place that specializes in the operation he needed, and paid for it himself. In other words, he did what WE are advocating, not what YOU are advocating.

Thanks for making our point.
Funny chit. Your buddy claimed that Canadians come here for healthcare because our systen os so great. I responded that if that was the case, why did Rand Paul go to Canada,

Try to keep up.

And get serious, you think Paul 's care was cheaper paying cash in Canada than getting care in the US covered by his US Senate provided health insurance?

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