GOP war on the poor: Georgia


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
This is the future the GOP would like to bring to all of America.

"...What's Georgia's secret? According to government documents, interviews with poor Georgians, and those who work with them, it's a simple one: Combine an all-Republican state government out to make a name for itself as tough on freeloaders; a state welfare commissioner so zealous about slashing the rolls that workers say she handed out Zero candy bars to emphasize her goal of zero welfare; and federal rules that, regardless of who's in the White House, give states the leeway to use the 1996 law's requirement for "work activities"—the same provision that Republicans have charged President Obama wants to unfairly water down—to slam the door in the face of the state's neediest...."

Georgia’s war against the poor: The southern state is emptying its welfare rolls at the same time that poverty is soaring. - Slate Magazine
Welfare fraud is rampant. I hope every single state will begin its own investigation and start weeding out grown men& women who are capable of working-- lying around and getting freebies. It's beyond ridiculous and your hyperbole is duly noted. Calm down and stop using DNC crazed rantings- "REPUBLICANS HATE THE POOR!" You liberals are one sick group of people. You truly are. You don't want to do ANYTHING to fix our problems.. just use it all for political score-- Sooo sick of it. Yesterday rdean ranted on about a republican Lt. Governor wanting parents who get free lunches for their kids, to have to attend parent teacher conferences, accusing all republicans of wanting to starve kids.. IT'S SOOOOOO RIDICULOUS! Let's just keep throwing money away that we don't have without reforms.. Let's not fix a broken education system or look for welfare fraud.. YOU and your comrades make it impossible for anything to get truly done because you LIE and demonize people who actually try to get something done.
This is the future the GOP would like to bring to all of America.

"...What's Georgia's secret? According to government documents, interviews with poor Georgians, and those who work with them, it's a simple one: Combine an all-Republican state government out to make a name for itself as tough on freeloaders; a state welfare commissioner so zealous about slashing the rolls that workers say she handed out Zero candy bars to emphasize her goal of zero welfare; and federal rules that, regardless of who's in the White House, give states the leeway to use the 1996 law's requirement for "work activities"—the same provision that Republicans have charged President Obama wants to unfairly water down—to slam the door in the face of the state's neediest...."
So what's wrong with being tough on welfare freeloaders?? :cool:
Maybe they can all pack up and move to New York, Chicago, San Francisco or some utopia liberal city or state.

They can take care of them
So what's wrong with being tough on welfare freeloaders?? :cool:

Nothing...if they really are freeloaders. However, taking a meat cleaver to trim a little fat isn't the right approach.

In any case, it's easy to say, "Get a job," but what job? Where? After 30 years of trickle-down sending our jobs to China, telling the working poor or unemployed to just get a job doesn't do anything except basically give them the back of your hand, does it?
This is the future the GOP would like to bring to all of America.

"...What's Georgia's secret? According to government documents, interviews with poor Georgians, and those who work with them, it's a simple one: Combine an all-Republican state government out to make a name for itself as tough on freeloaders; a state welfare commissioner so zealous about slashing the rolls that workers say she handed out Zero candy bars to emphasize her goal of zero welfare; and federal rules that, regardless of who's in the White House, give states the leeway to use the 1996 law's requirement for "work activities"—the same provision that Republicans have charged President Obama wants to unfairly water down—to slam the door in the face of the state's neediest...."

Georgia’s war against the poor: The southern state is emptying its welfare rolls at the same time that poverty is soaring. - Slate Magazine

As opposed to the left that wants to turn the Middle-class into poor folks.........
So what's wrong with being tough on welfare freeloaders?? :cool:

Nothing...if they really are freeloaders. However, taking a meat cleaver to trim a little fat isn't the right approach.

In any case, it's easy to say, "Get a job," but what job? Where? After 30 years of trickle-down sending our jobs to China, telling the working poor or unemployed to just get a job doesn't do anything except basically give them the back of your hand, does it?

There are jobs out there, just not the perfect job that pretty much no longer exists. There's enough fault to go around both sides of the aisle. My Papa talks of doing jobs with pride that most now would scorn and laugh about, then brag that they're taking government money because they can make more that way without lifting a hand. Work ethic isn't something that registers with the "ME generation." Stop your hyperbole about reforming a broken system when nothing has even been done yet.. Let the legislators at the local levels do their jobs without people like you slandering them.
Welfare fraud is rampant. I hope every single state will begin its own investigation and start weeding out grown men& women who are capable of working-- lying around and getting freebies. It's beyond ridiculous and your hyperbole is duly noted. Calm down and stop using DNC crazed rantings- "REPUBLICANS HATE THE POOR!" You liberals are one sick group of people. You truly are. You don't want to do ANYTHING to fix our problems.. just use it all for political score-- Sooo sick of it. Yesterday rdean ranted on about a republican Lt. Governor wanting parents who get free lunches for their kids, to have to attend parent teacher conferences, accusing all republicans of wanting to starve kids.. IT'S SOOOOOO RIDICULOUS! Let's just keep throwing money away that we don't have without reforms.. Let's not fix a broken education system or look for welfare fraud.. YOU and your comrades make it impossible for anything to get truly done because you LIE and demonize people who actually try to get something done.

Funny how the left constantly calls eliminating fraud and waste a war on the poor.

Makes one wonder if all of the waste is intended or simply allowed to go on so the left can claim the GOP is conducting a war on the poor.

Wouldn't be the first time the left created a crisis in order to take advantage of it politically.
Welfare was initially started as a short term helping hand for people in need.

But it has morphed into a perpetual and multi-generational freebie that mentally cripples peoples will to work or better themselves..............
Welfare fraud is rampant. I hope every single state will begin its own investigation and start weeding out grown men& women who are capable of working-- lying around and getting freebies. It's beyond ridiculous and your hyperbole is duly noted. Calm down and stop using DNC crazed rantings- "REPUBLICANS HATE THE POOR!" You liberals are one sick group of people. You truly are. You don't want to do ANYTHING to fix our problems.. just use it all for political score-- Sooo sick of it. Yesterday rdean ranted on about a republican Lt. Governor wanting parents who get free lunches for their kids, to have to attend parent teacher conferences, accusing all republicans of wanting to starve kids.. IT'S SOOOOOO RIDICULOUS! Let's just keep throwing money away that we don't have without reforms.. Let's not fix a broken education system or look for welfare fraud.. YOU and your comrades make it impossible for anything to get truly done because you LIE and demonize people who actually try to get something done.

Funny how the left constantly calls eliminating fraud and waste a war on the poor.

Makes one wonder if all of the waste is intended or simply allowed to go on so the left can claim the GOP is conducting a war on the poor.

Wouldn't be the first time the left created a crisis in order to take advantage of it politically.

I believe what you just stated above is sadly true. I've seen it too many times now. The Left doesn't want to fix anything.. they're all about political gain. Screw America and screw Americans.. POWER matters.. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
So what's wrong with being tough on welfare freeloaders?? :cool:

Nothing...if they really are freeloaders. However, taking a meat cleaver to trim a little fat isn't the right approach.

In any case, it's easy to say, "Get a job," but what job? Where? After 30 years of trickle-down sending our jobs to China, telling the working poor or unemployed to just get a job doesn't do anything except basically give them the back of your hand, does it?

There are jobs everywhere.......they just don't pay as much as they used to so nobody is taking them. Course it sure doesn't help that the White House is constantly working to raise the cost of living through raising income taxes, payroll taxes, and excise taxes on businesses, not to mention raising the costs at the state and local governmental level so they have to raise taxes themselves. Right now our local sales taxes are almost as high as the state sales taxes. That's a little surprise we got on our food bill right before Christmas.
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So what's wrong with being tough on welfare freeloaders?? :cool:

Nothing...if they really are freeloaders. However, taking a meat cleaver to trim a little fat isn't the right approach.

In any case, it's easy to say, "Get a job," but what job? Where? After 30 years of trickle-down sending our jobs to China, telling the working poor or unemployed to just get a job doesn't do anything except basically give them the back of your hand, does it?

There are jobs everywhere.......they just don't pay as much as they used to so nobody is taking them. Course it sure doesn't help that the White House is constantly working to raise the cost of living through raising income taxes, payroll taxes, and excise taxes on businesses, not to mention raising the costs at the state and local governmental level so they have to raise taxes themselves. Right now our local sales taxes are almost as high as the state sales taxes. That's a little surprise we got on our food bill right before Christmas.

Yesterday in a thread there was actually a liberal who didn't understand the concept of inflation and arguing that it will never occur. AMAZING IGNORANCE. It's like the left want to stay dumbed down so they don't have to admit their King actually makes mistakes..
Back a time people used to find a way to take care of themselves (worked two jobs) if THEY HAD too..

Today they whine because they have to work and if they can't make it they just say, Oh well we can go suck off others... and we get articles like this from some liberal rag called, Slate
Welfare should be set up much like unemployment benefits.

You have a set amount of months to receive checks.

After you reach the limited number of months the benefits are cut off.

As it stands now; welfare benefits have no cut-off point, and checks just keep being issued forever. :cool:
So what's wrong with being tough on welfare freeloaders?? :cool:

Nothing...if they really are freeloaders. However, taking a meat cleaver to trim a little fat isn't the right approach.

In any case, it's easy to say, "Get a job," but what job? Where? After 30 years of trickle-down sending our jobs to China, telling the working poor or unemployed to just get a job doesn't do anything except basically give them the back of your hand, does it?

There are jobs everywhere.......they just don't pay as much as they used to so nobody is taking them. Course it sure doesn't help that the White House is constantly working to raise the cost of living through raising income taxes, payroll taxes, and excise taxes on businesses, not to mention raising the costs at the state and local governmental level so they have to raise taxes themselves. Right now our local sales taxes are almost as high as the state sales taxes. That's a little surprise we got on our food bill right before Christmas.

Too many of those jobs don't even pay enough to live on. A huge number of people drawing assistance ARE working, but still can't pay their bills AND feed their families.

In Georgia, that's just too damn bad for you. What would YOU tell them?
Nothing...if they really are freeloaders. However, taking a meat cleaver to trim a little fat isn't the right approach.

In any case, it's easy to say, "Get a job," but what job? Where? After 30 years of trickle-down sending our jobs to China, telling the working poor or unemployed to just get a job doesn't do anything except basically give them the back of your hand, does it?

There are jobs everywhere.......they just don't pay as much as they used to so nobody is taking them. Course it sure doesn't help that the White House is constantly working to raise the cost of living through raising income taxes, payroll taxes, and excise taxes on businesses, not to mention raising the costs at the state and local governmental level so they have to raise taxes themselves. Right now our local sales taxes are almost as high as the state sales taxes. That's a little surprise we got on our food bill right before Christmas.

Too many of those jobs don't even pay enough to live on. A huge number of people drawing assistance ARE working, but still can't pay their bills AND feed their families.

In Georgia, that's just too damn bad for you. What would YOU tell them?

My point ^^^^^^^^^^^^
why don't you caring liberals go adopt all these people
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Nothing...if they really are freeloaders. However, taking a meat cleaver to trim a little fat isn't the right approach.

In any case, it's easy to say, "Get a job," but what job? Where? After 30 years of trickle-down sending our jobs to China, telling the working poor or unemployed to just get a job doesn't do anything except basically give them the back of your hand, does it?

There are jobs everywhere.......they just don't pay as much as they used to so nobody is taking them. Course it sure doesn't help that the White House is constantly working to raise the cost of living through raising income taxes, payroll taxes, and excise taxes on businesses, not to mention raising the costs at the state and local governmental level so they have to raise taxes themselves. Right now our local sales taxes are almost as high as the state sales taxes. That's a little surprise we got on our food bill right before Christmas.

Too many of those jobs don't even pay enough to live on. A huge number of people drawing assistance ARE working, but still can't pay their bills AND feed their families.

In Georgia, that's just too damn bad for you. What would YOU tell them?

So get a 2nd job.. My dad worked two jobs all of my life growing up.. It's the way it is. You liberals need to cry a river some place else. No one feels sorry for you.. quite the opposite. We're sick of freeloaders who think they shouldn't have to take a job at McDonalds or work two jobs to feed their kids so they steal from other hard working Americans, who can barely afford to feed their own children, out there working 2 jobs and going to school.
Back a time people used to find a way to take care of themselves (worked two jobs) if THEY HAD too..

Today they whine because they have to work and if they can't make it they just say, Oh well we can go suck off others... and we get articles like this from some liberal rag called, Slate

But that's the problem. A lot of these people DO work. A lot of them have two jobs. And some of them want jobs and can't find them because they are often competing with a college grad who can't find a job, either.

40% of Food Stamp recipiants have at least one person in the family with a job.

But when you have a situation where employers are openly discussing cutting employees hours to 32 hours a week so that they don't have to provide health care and dump them off on Medicaid, then you really don't have much room to complain when government grows.

Again- you idiots make this mess when you put the greed of employers over the needs of employees.
Back a time people used to find a way to take care of themselves (worked two jobs) if THEY HAD too..

Today they whine because they have to work and if they can't make it they just say, Oh well we can go suck off others... and we get articles like this from some liberal rag called, Slate

But that's the problem. A lot of these people DO work. A lot of them have two jobs. And some of them want jobs and can't find them because they are often competing with a college grad who can't find a job, either.
40% of Food Stamp recipiants have at least one person in the family with a job.

But when you have a situation where employers are openly discussing cutting employees hours to 32 hours a week so that they don't have to provide health care and dump them off on Medicaid, then you really don't have much room to complain when government grows.

Again- you idiots make this mess when you put the greed of employers over the needs of employees.

Links to the statistics on Americans with two jobs taking welfare?? Provide them.... Secondly, we all KNOW food stamp usage has shot through the roof and college grads have a hard time finding jobs.. it was a part of this election.. you know, the one you liberals voted to keep the same RULING ELITE -- BTW What's the definition of insanity?

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