GOP war on the poor: Georgia

The only reason we have a suck law is because Big Insurance and Big Pharma wanted to preserve a private system that sucks.

The rest of the world has already figured this out, Bunky.

Single payer, universal coverage. Get the employers out of it, because they'll only fuck it up.

Our 'private' system created the most wondrous advances in medicine in the history of mankind. Hope that helps with your commie revisionism.

Really? What advances have been paid for by the Health Insurance companies?


All of them.
Back a time people used to find a way to take care of themselves (worked two jobs) if THEY HAD too..

Today they whine because they have to work and if they can't make it they just say, Oh well we can go suck off others... and we get articles like this from some liberal rag called, Slate

But that's the problem. A lot of these people DO work. A lot of them have two jobs. And some of them want jobs and can't find them because they are often competing with a college grad who can't find a job, either.

40% of Food Stamp recipiants have at least one person in the family with a job.

But when you have a situation where employers are openly discussing cutting employees hours to 32 hours a week so that they don't have to provide health care and dump them off on Medicaid, then you really don't have much room to complain when government grows.

Again- you idiots make this mess when you put the greed of employers over the needs of employees.

Consider the GOP's big picture:

First they allow, encourage...their corporate donors to consider only their next quarters bottom line, hold them to no accountability, and let them ship the good jobs overseas in pursuit of one more penny's profit.

Then, here at home, they wage a relentless assault on unions so that workers in the remaining jobs will have to take what pay their corporate bosses offer or not work at all.

Next, eliminate the social safety net whenever and wherever possible. The more poor you are, the less help you get.

Now...add all that up and what do you get? You get people who have no other option than to work for Bangladesh wages and benefits, the GOP/Corporate elite's wet dream.

This is their New World Order, this is their "global economy."

Oh...and then they have the gall to blame someone else for it!
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One suck law to try and correct the original suck law which attempted to correct another suck law.

Liberalism is a disease.

The only reason we have a suck law is because Big Insurance and Big Pharma wanted to preserve a private system that sucks.

The rest of the world has already figured this out, Bunky.

Single payer, universal coverage. Get the employers out of it, because they'll only fuck it up.

Our 'private' system created the most wondrous advances in medicine in the history of mankind. Hope that helps with your commie revisionism.

Is it not just the coolest thing to make shit up and present it as truth. Nice job knob.

Are you sure that the research money given by the Federal Government to those universities doing medical research might not have contributed a little. The government funds around 35% of medical research. According to a quick google. But I know you don't trust google. It is a left wing plot. Is the gubmint now private in your mind?
Are there nutters here who think that a man working 40 hours per week doesn't deserve to lead a middle class lifestyle? That a family with two parents working full time jobs are being unreasonable for expecting that they be able to feed their two children and keep them healthy.....and still have a few bucks left over to enjoy some leisure time?
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Are there nutters here who think that a man working 40 hours per week doesn't deserve to lead a middle class lifestyle? That a family with two parents working full time jobs are being unreasonable for expecting that they be able to feed their two children and keep them healthy.....and still have a few bucks left over to enjoy some leisure time?

What makes it particularly appalling and unbelievable is that they ARE those very same working people!

The GOP is handing the knife they'll use to cut their own throats...and they'll do it willingly!

It just defies common sense how the RW propaganda machine has convinced those poor simpleton's to vote against their own self interests.
Are there nutters here who think that a man working 40 hours per week doesn't deserve to lead a middle class lifestyle? That a family with two parents working full time jobs are being unreasonable for expecting that they be able to feed their two children and keep them healthy.....and still have a few bucks left over to enjoy some leisure time?

Where again in the Constitution are Americans guaranteed a specific lifestyle? This whole liberal give me attitude is really disgusting. You want to see the TRULY poor? Truly poor people live in huts made of straw, no floor.. they walk miles every day just to get fresh water.. They don't have cell phones, televisions, electricity, cars.. So do us all a favor, save your poor me speech for those who actually believe the snake oil you're peddling.
Are there nutters here who think that a man working 40 hours per week doesn't deserve to lead a middle class lifestyle? That a family with two parents working full time jobs are being unreasonable for expecting that they be able to feed their two children and keep them healthy.....and still have a few bucks left over to enjoy some leisure time?

What makes it particularly appalling and unbelievable is that they ARE those very same working people!

The GOP is handing the knife they'll use to cut their own throats...and they'll do it willingly!

It just defies common sense how the RW propaganda machine has convinced those poor simpleton's to vote against their own self interests.

:badgrin::lol: ^^^^ The give me generation on display
Liberals in this thread demanding a specific lifestyle or else!! You can't make this stuff up.
Are there nutters here who think that a man working 40 hours per week doesn't deserve to lead a middle class lifestyle? That a family with two parents working full time jobs are being unreasonable for expecting that they be able to feed their two children and keep them healthy.....and still have a few bucks left over to enjoy some leisure time?

What makes it particularly appalling and unbelievable is that they ARE those very same working people!

The GOP is handing the knife they'll use to cut their own throats...and they'll do it willingly!

It just defies common sense how the RW propaganda machine has convinced those poor simpleton's to vote against their own self interests.

You do realize that you Liberals are the least likely demographic to buy a product made by an America Union worker, right?
Are there nutters here who think that a man working 40 hours per week doesn't deserve to lead a middle class lifestyle? That a family with two parents working full time jobs are being unreasonable for expecting that they be able to feed their two children and keep them healthy.....and still have a few bucks left over to enjoy some leisure time?

What makes it particularly appalling and unbelievable is that they ARE those very same working people!

The GOP is handing the knife they'll use to cut their own throats...and they'll do it willingly!

It just defies common sense how the RW propaganda machine has convinced those poor simpleton's to vote against their own self interests.

:badgrin::lol: ^^^^ The give me generation on display

Or people realize that they deserve to get a better share of teh wealth they create.

You ask most people, "Do you want to work 10 extra hours this week to make sure you boss can get his Dressage Horsie", they'd look at you like you are some kind of retard.

But that's really kind of what the GOP advocates.
Back a time people used to find a way to take care of themselves (worked two jobs) if THEY HAD too..

Today they whine because they have to work and if they can't make it they just say, Oh well we can go suck off others... and we get articles like this from some liberal rag called, Slate

But that's the problem. A lot of these people DO work. A lot of them have two jobs. And some of them want jobs and can't find them because they are often competing with a college grad who can't find a job, either.

40% of Food Stamp recipiants have at least one person in the family with a job.

But when you have a situation where employers are openly discussing cutting employees hours to 32 hours a week so that they don't have to provide health care and dump them off on Medicaid, then you really don't have much room to complain when government grows.

Again- you idiots make this mess when you put the greed of employers over the needs of employees.

like we didn't know this would happen when you all voted for ObamaCare..only YOURSELVES TO one else...Now you all get to destroy a program that was set up (for temporary) help and destroy MORE jobs in this country while you're at it..

We all live in the ObamaNation
like we didn't know this would happen when you all voted for ObamaCare..only YOURSELVES TO one else...Now you all get to destroy a program that was set up (for temporary) help and destroy MORE jobs in this country while you're at it..

We all live in the ObamaNation

Again, other countries have single payer and lower unemployment than we do...

The real problem was setting up health insurance through employers instead of the government from the get-go.
So what's wrong with being tough on welfare freeloaders?? :cool:

Nothing...if they really are freeloaders. However, taking a meat cleaver to trim a little fat isn't the right approach.

In any case, it's easy to say, "Get a job," but what job? Where? After 30 years of trickle-down sending our jobs to China, telling the working poor or unemployed to just get a job doesn't do anything except basically give them the back of your hand, does it?

You guys are really quick to scream "this isn't the right approach" but then you never go on to tell us what is the right approach. why is that? Why should my family get up and go to work every day, work their ass off, while the freeloaders sit on the porch and collect from the workers?
This is the future the GOP would like to bring to all of America.

"...What's Georgia's secret? According to government documents, interviews with poor Georgians, and those who work with them, it's a simple one: Combine an all-Republican state government out to make a name for itself as tough on freeloaders; a state welfare commissioner so zealous about slashing the rolls that workers say she handed out Zero candy bars to emphasize her goal of zero welfare; and federal rules that, regardless of who's in the White House, give states the leeway to use the 1996 law's requirement for "work activities"—the same provision that Republicans have charged President Obama wants to unfairly water down—to slam the door in the face of the state's neediest...."

Georgia’s war against the poor: The southern state is emptying its welfare rolls at the same time that poverty is soaring. - Slate Magazine
I'm tough on freeloaders, too.

I'm not a fan of leeches, ticks, or any other sort of parasite, either.

You have strange tastes.
So what's wrong with being tough on welfare freeloaders?? :cool:

Nothing...if they really are freeloaders. However, taking a meat cleaver to trim a little fat isn't the right approach.

In any case, it's easy to say, "Get a job," but what job? Where? After 30 years of trickle-down sending our jobs to China, telling the working poor or unemployed to just get a job doesn't do anything except basically give them the back of your hand, does it?

You guys are really quick to scream "this isn't the right approach" but then you never go on to tell us what is the right approach. why is that? Why should my family get up and go to work every day, work their ass off, while the freeloaders sit on the porch and collect from the workers?

I would have no problem with making those who get government benefits report for work duty somewhere in exchange for it. We have plenty of infrastructure that needs fixing in this country.

But giving them productive jobs would actually be more useful,and as Old Guy pointed out, the purpose of business has been to slash payrolls, not grow them.

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