GOP war on the poor: Georgia

As always when this subject comes up, the right's answer comes down to: "I got mine. Screw you."

The compassionate conservatism of the elder Bush has given way to a reckless selfishness, an intense grabbing for all the pile which their greasy hands can hold. Owing nothing to their fellow man, owing nothing to the country which gave them opportunity or to the society which sustains them, ignoring the assist they got from others, pretending they got here on their own, their position would drive America back to the 19th century when poor people literally starved to death and died young from disease.

Thank God a majority of American's rejected your myopic and self-centered view.

How is asking people to work for something or live under spartan condtions when being aided by MY tax dollars "I got mine, screw you?".

Its far more of a shame to coddle them and let them fester under the help of the state than maybe subject them to a little suffering in order to get them off thier asses and supporting themselves.

progressives have taken a safety net and turned it into a fishing net that traps people in it, because it is simple human nature for some people to just get along with handouts than to have to work for thier own well being.

We have to bring shame back to the equation. Shame of not being able to support yourself or your family without the help of daddy government.

It's not. But if he is honest with himself and with his position and with the positions of others, he might have to reassess his viewpoints.
Are there nutters here who think that a man working 40 hours per week doesn't deserve to lead a middle class lifestyle? That a family with two parents working full time jobs are being unreasonable for expecting that they be able to feed their two children and keep them healthy.....and still have a few bucks left over to enjoy some leisure time?

I know hard working honest people who, in spite of all their diligence and hard work are broke and poor, because they failed to exercise good judgment.

They bought home they could not afford. They bought cars they could not afford. They went on vacations they could not afford.

Many of them are on food stamps and government assistance.

They get no pity or sympathy from me.

Bullshit stereotype. Happens.....but not often. You are a tool.
Oh the horror.......going after lazy scum that are just sitting around not working at Burger King because they know some welfare check is coming next week.

Many of these people work underground jobs that are so-called legal like construction, mowing grass or illegal like robbing people, selling drugs, etc....all the while taking a welfare check because "dey don't have no job" according to their ghetto babble.
As always when this subject comes up, the right's answer comes down to: "I got mine. Screw you."

Why do you imagine you are entitled to anything I earned? That's what your complaint implies. It's the lament of a thief.

The compassionate conservatism of the elder Bush has given way to a reckless selfishness, an intense grabbing for all the pile which their greasy hands can hold. Owing nothing to their fellow man, owing nothing to the country which gave them opportunity or to the society which sustains them, ignoring the assist they got from others, pretending they got here on their own, their position would drive America back to the 19th century when poor people literally starved to death and died young from disease.

What has my fellow man done that entitles him to anything I have earned? I've paid a small mountain of cash to the government in my life, so what do I owe it? If anything, it owes me. Any government services I may have used have already been paid for several times over. government forces you to pay for those services, so it's not like you have an option. During the 19th century the standard of living in this country grew at a incredible rate. Any sane person would understand that a growing economy benefits everyone. Only liberal shitheads like you think destroying the goose that lays the golden eggs is a smart policy.

Thank God a majority of American's rejected your myopic and self-centered view.

Your view is what is destroying this country. You can blame 100 years of liberalism for chronic 8% unemployment, a $16 trillion national debt and anemic 1% economic growth.
Oh the horror.......going after lazy scum that are just sitting around not working at Burger King because they know some welfare check is coming next week.

Many of these people work underground jobs that are so-called legal like construction, mowing grass or illegal like robbing people, selling drugs, etc....all the while taking a welfare check because "dey don't have no job" according to their ghetto babble.

The dreaded "many"!

How many lazy scumbags are working as construction grunts or landscapers under the table? How many?

Who is paying them?

As always when this subject comes up, the right's answer comes down to: "I got mine. Screw you."

Why do you imagine you are entitled to anything I earned? That's what your complaint implies. It's the lament of a thief.

The compassionate conservatism of the elder Bush has given way to a reckless selfishness, an intense grabbing for all the pile which their greasy hands can hold. Owing nothing to their fellow man, owing nothing to the country which gave them opportunity or to the society which sustains them, ignoring the assist they got from others, pretending they got here on their own, their position would drive America back to the 19th century when poor people literally starved to death and died young from disease.

What has my fellow man done that entitles him to anything I have earned? I've paid a small mountain of cash to the government in my life, so what do I owe it? If anything, it owes me. Any government services I may have used have already been paid for several times over. government forces you to pay for those services, so it's not like you have an option. During the 19th century the standard of living in this country grew at a incredible rate. Any sane person would understand that a growing economy benefits everyone. Only liberal shitheads like you think destroying the goose that lays the golden eggs is a smart policy.

Thank God a majority of American's rejected your myopic and self-centered view.

Your view is what is destroying this country. You can blame 100 years of liberalism for chronic 8% unemployment, a $16 trillion national debt and anemic 1% economic growth.

Mountain of cash my ass. Nobody believes that you are have taxes due in April. Fucking liar.

How much? How much cash have you paid? How much have you benefited from that amount?

As always when this subject comes up, the right's answer comes down to: "I got mine. Screw you."

Why do you imagine you are entitled to anything I earned? That's what your complaint implies. It's the lament of a thief.

What has my fellow man done that entitles him to anything I have earned? I've paid a small mountain of cash to the government in my life, so what do I owe it? If anything, it owes me. Any government services I may have used have already been paid for several times over. government forces you to pay for those services, so it's not like you have an option. During the 19th century the standard of living in this country grew at a incredible rate. Any sane person would understand that a growing economy benefits everyone. Only liberal shitheads like you think destroying the goose that lays the golden eggs is a smart policy.

Thank God a majority of American's rejected your myopic and self-centered view.

Your view is what is destroying this country. You can blame 100 years of liberalism for chronic 8% unemployment, a $16 trillion national debt and anemic 1% economic growth.

Mountain of cash my ass. Nobody believes that you are have taxes due in April. Fucking liar.

How much? How much cash have you paid? How much have you benefited from that amount?

Wow, you're a nosy one.
Oh, that's your claim 0 are working under the table and taking welfare checks too.

Of course, you're a fucking idiot.

Oh the horror.......going after lazy scum that are just sitting around not working at Burger King because they know some welfare check is coming next week.

Many of these people work underground jobs that are so-called legal like construction, mowing grass or illegal like robbing people, selling drugs, etc....all the while taking a welfare check because "dey don't have no job" according to their ghetto babble.

The dreaded "many"!

How many lazy scumbags are working as construction grunts or landscapers under the table? How many?

Who is paying them?

Being on welfare should be just as hard as described above.

Able to work and no kids? 4 hours cleaning streets/parks, 4 hours training at some skill.

Have young kids? 5 hour mandatorydaily classes on some skill, even basic housekeeping, and we watch the kid while you are at it.

Older kids? We provide basic daycare, you go to class or do #1 above.

I would be willing to pay for this, not handouts that have no downside.

So would I, so long as we also provide food, shelter and a wage along with that training. AND that a job is available at the end of it.

No wage with the training if you get food and shelter. You get the basics only, and if you fuck around, then its time for 8 hour days picking up trash until you get the message. As for a guaranteed job that would be a strech. Everyone else goes out and hustles for work, these people should too.

We coddle people far too much on welfare and assitance nowadays.
The belief that people prefer welfare to jobs is simply a myth. It always has been and it always will be. Major obstetricals that stand between the poor and jobs are not removed by reducing aid. The lack of relative job experience, education, a clean criminal record, transportation, childcare, physical and mental disabilities, drug and alcohol dependence, are not addressed by cutting aid to the poor. If anything, if makes a bad situation worse by increasing social problems such deterioration of neighborhoods, crime and child neglect.

What so many people seem to ignore, is that the poor do have jobs; temporary and part-time. These jobs rarely produce enough income to support a single person, much less a family.
So would I, so long as we also provide food, shelter and a wage along with that training. AND that a job is available at the end of it.

No wage with the training if you get food and shelter. You get the basics only, and if you fuck around, then its time for 8 hour days picking up trash until you get the message. As for a guaranteed job that would be a strech. Everyone else goes out and hustles for work, these people should too.

We coddle people far too much on welfare and assitance nowadays.
The belief that people prefer welfare to jobs is simply a myth. It always has been and it always will be. Major obstetricals that stand between the poor and jobs are not removed by reducing aid. The lack of relative job experience, education, a clean criminal record, transportation, childcare, physical and mental disabilities, drug and alcohol dependence, are not addressed by cutting aid to the poor. If anything, if makes a bad situation worse by increasing social problems such deterioration of neighborhoods, crime and child neglect.

What so many people seem to ignore, is that the poor do have jobs; temporary and part-time. These jobs rarely produce enough income to support a single person, much less a family.

So I have to pay for someone else's mistakes? If thats the case then I should be able to dictate how they get the money. If that means forced work so be it. If that means mandatory classes so be it. If that means a time limit before it all ends so be it.

There are very few cases where poverty is "no one's fault." Be it pissing away an education, drugs, getting knocked up in your teens, or just general laziness progressives come up with every excuse under the sun why we should just give these people reasources, and none on how to get them off said reasources.

Of course the progressives love having voters they can keep in thier back pocket for benefits.

If you want my money for the poor, convince me to help them, dont force me using the government's guns.
Mountain of cash my ass. Nobody believes that you are have taxes due in April. Fucking liar.

How much? How much cash have you paid? How much have you benefited from that amount?


My finances are my business, but I'm willing to bet I make considerably more than you.

For the record, I haven't benefited jack shit from the taxes I pay. 80% of it goes to pay the bills of ticks on the ass of society. Anything the government does that I actually find useful would be done cheaper and better by private corporations. So almost all the taxes I pay actually harm me. They don't benefit me in any way.
Mountain of cash my ass. Nobody believes that you are have taxes due in April. Fucking liar.

How much? How much cash have you paid? How much have you benefited from that amount?


My finances are my business, but I'm willing to bet I make considerably more than you.

For the record, I haven't benefited jack shit from the taxes I pay. 80% of it goes to pay the bills of ticks on the ass of society. Anything the government does that I actually find useful would be done cheaper and better by private corporations. So almost all the taxes I pay actually harm me. They don't benefit me in any way.

You would lose that bet.

80% huh? Cool. Insane......but a very cool number.
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So almost all the taxes I pay actually harm me. They don't benefit me in any way.

Really? You don't drive on publicly financed roads? You don't rely on government bank regulators to keep your friendly banker from running off with all your money? You don't rely on the cops to protect you or the fire department to come put out your fires? You don't fly under the watchful eye of air traffic controllers? You don' get my drift, don't you?
So almost all the taxes I pay actually harm me. They don't benefit me in any way.

Really? You don't drive on publicly financed roads? You don't rely on government bank regulators to keep your friendly banker from running off with all your money? You don't rely on the cops to protect you or the fire department to come put out your fires? You don't fly under the watchful eye of air traffic controllers? You don' get my drift, don't you?

even if I granted that I benefit from the items you listed, that only comes to a small percentage of what I pay in taxes.

Now the reality:

government roads:

the Interstate highway system put the railroads out of business in the passenger business. so we replaced a system that was more efficient and required absolutely no taxes to fund with a gross monstrosity that we have spent hundreds of billions on. I don't see that as a benefit.

Most roads in residential areas are built by the developers, not the government.

government bank regulators:

We didn't need government regulators before the government took over the banking system and basically made banking into a license to print money.

The federal Reserve is just one vast fraud and counterfeiting racket. it rips off Americans to the tune of $trillions every year.

Yeah, we sure benefit from the government's control over banking.

Police and fire protection:

Private fire protection is much cheaper and more efficient that public fire protection. The fact has been demonstrated many times by the numerous private fire departments that exist in this country. Pensions for fire fighters who earn over $100,000 annual and retire with full pay at the age of 50 is one of the main reasons many local and state governments are going bankrupt.

And, no, most people don't rely on the police for protection. They have private security or they buy a gun. Many people live in gated communities precisely because they can't count on the police for protection.

air traffic control:

This job could easily be performed by a private company better and cheaper.
This is the future the GOP would like to bring to all of America.

"...What's Georgia's secret? According to government documents, interviews with poor Georgians, and those who work with them, it's a simple one: Combine an all-Republican state government out to make a name for itself as tough on freeloaders; a state welfare commissioner so zealous about slashing the rolls that workers say she handed out Zero candy bars to emphasize her goal of zero welfare; and federal rules that, regardless of who's in the White House, give states the leeway to use the 1996 law's requirement for "work activities"—the same provision that Republicans have charged President Obama wants to unfairly water down—to slam the door in the face of the state's neediest...."

Georgia’s war against the poor: The southern state is emptying its welfare rolls at the same time that poverty is soaring. - Slate Magazine
More "War on whatever" bullshit.

Fact: More folks, especially women, are in poverty under this administration than ever in recent history.
Reflecting the lingering impact of the recession, the U.S. poverty rate from 2007-2010 has now risen faster than any three-year period since the early 1980s, when a crippling energy crisis amid government cutbacks contributed to inflation, spiraling interest rates and unemployment.

Measured by total numbers, the 46 million now living in poverty is the largest on record dating back to when the census began tracking poverty in 1959. Based on percentages, it tied the poverty level in 1993 and was the highest since 1983.​

Census: US poverty rate swells to nearly 1 in 6 - Yahoo! News

I'd ask you to pull your head out of your ass so that your brain could think for itself, but I really don't believe too many are capable of doing so at this point. America has been too dumbed down, by design.

Part of the increase is because it's so easy to be poor these days. Poverty used to mean you couldn't afford food. These days it means you can't afford a flat screen for the bathroom.

We keep moving the bar in order to get more and more people dependent on government.
No wage with the training if you get food and shelter. You get the basics only, and if you fuck around, then its time for 8 hour days picking up trash until you get the message. As for a guaranteed job that would be a strech. Everyone else goes out and hustles for work, these people should too.

We coddle people far too much on welfare and assitance nowadays.
The belief that people prefer welfare to jobs is simply a myth. It always has been and it always will be. Major obstetricals that stand between the poor and jobs are not removed by reducing aid. The lack of relative job experience, education, a clean criminal record, transportation, childcare, physical and mental disabilities, drug and alcohol dependence, are not addressed by cutting aid to the poor. If anything, if makes a bad situation worse by increasing social problems such deterioration of neighborhoods, crime and child neglect.

What so many people seem to ignore, is that the poor do have jobs; temporary and part-time. These jobs rarely produce enough income to support a single person, much less a family.

So I have to pay for someone else's mistakes? If thats the case then I should be able to dictate how they get the money. If that means forced work so be it. If that means mandatory classes so be it. If that means a time limit before it all ends so be it.

There are very few cases where poverty is "no one's fault." Be it pissing away an education, drugs, getting knocked up in your teens, or just general laziness progressives come up with every excuse under the sun why we should just give these people reasources, and none on how to get them off said reasources.

Of course the progressives love having voters they can keep in thier back pocket for benefits.

If you want my money for the poor, convince me to help them, dont force me using the government's guns.
You are correct. You do have to pay for the mistakes of others; be it in the form of taxes, increased crime, or deterioration of our schools and neighborhoods.

Determining who is at fault for personal economic failure is an exercise in futility. Although the father has a drug history and can't hold down a job, the mother was knocked up as a teen and dropped out of school, or there are mental of physical problems, we are still left with the problem of providing support for the family. Withdrawing that support does not fix the problem. It only makes it worst, particular for the children.

Seekng to punish all that abuse the system may seem like a good idea. However putting that idea into practice often turns out to be very expensive and have unanticipated consequences.

Social problems are the most difficult problems a nation faces but they must be addressed because they are at the heart of the nation's financial, educational, and productivity problems. The Right advises that government should just ignore social problems. Ignore the poor, the homeless, the unemployed, the uninsured, and the uneducated. Leave it to the businesses community, charities, and churches to solve these problems. Anyone who actually believes this nonsense is very naive.
No, they aren't. It is not the insurance companies paying for medical research.

Who pays for medical advances?

Medical Research Takes a Hit

Furthermore, the fastest way that Big Insurance dodges paying for a procedure is to call it "expiramental". Even if the science has already been proven.

For instance, Cigna called not paying for Nataline Sarkisyan's liver transplant "expiramental".

And she died.

Cigna did pay Ex-CEO Ed Hanaway 73 million dollars are his retirement, though. I'm sure that was entirely deserved.

How do you know that the exact procedure her operation demanded wasn't experimental? You don't have enough information to come to a conclusion.

Actually, I do.

The guy who totally blew the whistle on Cigna was it's former VP, Wendell Potter, who pretty much said Cigna was going to try to outlast Nataline until she died with bureaucracy, until public opinion and large angry mobs showed up in front of their offices.

Furhtermore, her doctors said she had a very good chance of survival if she had the operation.
Yea and Georgia farmers had crops rot in the fields because no one unemployed would step up and go to work when they passed the new immigration laws. No one wants to get their hands dirty or hurt their backs when they can stay home and collect government assistance.

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