GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

Of course they don't promise. Only liberals promise health care shit they can't and have no intention of delivering. :p
not everyone has it now. So the libturds didn't do it either. So again, we're looking at hypocrisy of the left.
Adrenaclick an auto injection pen with same medication as an epipen, cost as little as $140 without insurance, and is covered by most insurance plans. Carrying a bottle of epinephrine and a syringe at all times instead of an auto injection pen is being penny wise and dollar foolish IMHO.
Your opinion fails to consider all of the factors involved. I don't have $140.00. If I did it would have to go to the property taxes that we struggle to pay every year to insure we have a roof (leaky as it may be) over our heads instead of living under a bridge somewhere. If big pharma and AMA were not so greedy and our legislators would put a leash and chain on them people like myself could make our own health decisions such as these.
Big Pharma is doing what it has always done, maximize profit while staying within FDA regs. This has nothing to do with Obamacare. The FDA regs and the laws that support them need to be changed. They protect drug companies investment in new drugs which is all fine and good except no other country on earth does that. The result is that the US supports the cost of developing new drugs for entire world. In the US we pay over twice as much for drugs as the rest of the world. That has to change and repealing Obamacare will not do it.

In most other countries there are only a few entities negotiating with the drug companies but they have huge clout because they are a large segment of the market. Drug companies have to lower their prices if they want to sell their drugs in that country. The result is that they cutout most of the R&D cost in their bids and leave that to US customers to pay. In the US there are thousands of entities negotiating with the drug companies, none of which has a large segment of the market and thus can not negotiate low prices.
It is all relative as it all plays a part and a piece in the scheme of things when it comes to medical cost and care and the insuring of it. Do you not know that a physical condition in the head and neck area can manifest in a toe or show signs that the patient has internal injuries or disease by looking at their fingernails?

The current insurance situation and rising cost of medical care is showing the sickness due to the complicity from the regulatory agencies such as FDA, EPA, DOA, DOE, etc.. and policies that have ignored known problems that existed. i.e., The lack of oversight of chemical poisoning created through the farming industry which EPA can give exemptions above and beyond establish limits of chemicals grown into the food in order to support the commerce of the farming, seed and chemical industry. It is like anything if the diseases/problem areas that are a piece and a part are not treated it just spreads and weakens the whole in time. Once weakened it opens the door for other diseases and can grow until it consumes the whole. We are at that critical point where too much has been ignore that should have been address previously instead of putting on bandages and doing limited excisions but not going after the actual causes because people in commerce may become uncomfortable.

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