GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

Move. Cuba is calling you!! Perhaps Venezuela? Just bring your own toilet paper.

To paraphrase the outgoing POTUS...."elections have consequences.. Get in the back of the bus".

You didn't answer the question.

Can you?

Again, why is being an American citizen worse than being a Brit ... or anyone anywhere in Europe? Why is it worse than being a citizen of Japan?

Seriously - I want to know.

We are different countries, that's why.

Move to Europe or Japan.

Elections have consequences. You lost. Get in the back of the bus.
That's not the question.

The question is why is being an American citizen worse than being a citizen of any country in Europe, Japan, UK, Israel, or the rest?

It's not worse. It's just different.

If you are really unhappy, you should expatriate. It's not hard.....or you could win some elections. They do have consequences, Obama told me.
I don't have to worry about it. I have a top of the line, gold star plan that seems to want to find more ways to serve me. Providers are way happy to see me - and I'm sure my good looks can't explain that much happy.

But, as someone who cares about America I am NOT interested in seeing us decide that the price of MY policy is more important than whether tens of millions of Americans get ANY health care - that we're ready to dump people from health care coverage, because I just need my policy to be cheaper.

More than that, I am TOTALLY POed over this idea of killing what we have, what every family in America is depending on, without even knowing what's going to happen.

Congress can NOT get more irresponsible than that. It should be a crime.

And, yes, being an American citizen should be every bit as good as being some European or Japanese or whatever.
your words are hollow.
where was your concern when the ACA was being passed? did you have problems with the number of people currently insured that would end up losing their coverage? if not then you really have no basis to say that you care now how many will lose or be adversely affected.
You've made some harsh charges on insurance companies here.

You should cite something that supports your charges.

Like with the reason for auto insurance requirements, citizens aren't in a position to pay for health care purely on an as-needed basis, because the costs are just far too high for that.

The result is that we need some sort of system that keeps citizens from declaring bankruptcy or just dying. (The largest reason for bankruptcy prior to the ACA was health care.) And, we can not afford to serve people's health by using our ERs - the most expensive health care we have. Having tax payers support ERs is not a solution. And, having hospitals distribute their ER costs to all who use the hospitals just leads to $100 aspirin tablets and even less affordable service for those who need the hospital. We saw these problems before the ACA.
Your name fits as you need to read more. I just gave you several examples from personal knowledge and experience. I could write several books on the subject of insurance experiences over the years from medical, homes, employees, commercial, bonding to vehicles, sales and even contracting services for a few of them years ago but truthfully I won't do that all on message board postings. Most insurance companies in my book are slime (attorneys play a large role in that). Notice I did not say "all" as I know some I consider pretty decent with decent people and they even have decent attorneys that work with them and for them.

You claim that aspirin will be a $100.00. The following used to cost a flat hundred bucks but that changed in the last ten years> How about I go with a bill I received for $660.00 for a $6.00 shot at the ER when I accidentally walked right over the top of a ground hornets nest last summer (at least forty stings in that ordeal). Now I could have had a shot here on hand if'n the pharma industry and regulatiors were not such dickheads, I could have given myself that $6.00 shot saving everyone the trouble of that trip to the ER but regulatory bs stops that. And how would they pay for that new fancy hospital and support that whole medical industry complex as a whole if'n people could have these cheap emergency supplies on hand verses going through all their commercial sectors.

"....citizens aren't in a position to pay for health care purely on an as-needed basis, because the costs are just far too high for that"
That is your take on it. Truth is some are too lazy, some are fully entrenched from being propagandized for the majority of their lives, others merely are ignorant as they believe its all good and nobody would really do anything that bad as to risk someone else's health and well being for a few lousy bucks but fact is there are those who really could care less as long as it ain't them.

Now you have those who twist phrases like "personal responsibility" in order to make one side make the other side look like real assholes or get a rise out of people in order to get a storm moving so their agenda can be filled with faithful blind supporters (the more recent hate movements during the election should give you a clue on that end as to how that works). Just toss out a catch phrase the media moguls can run with and they will all be parroting whatever is new on 'mount Nebo' (spiritual speak you can look it up since you need to read more).
Give me something to read supporting your issue. Don't tell me I won't read when you can't cite anything.

The "$100 aspirin" thing is an expression that I thought was well known. It refers to the high price of drugs administered in the hospital. Hospitals have to stay whole, so when we leave people who can't pay with no alternative but ER care (the most expensive care we have) hospitals have to jack prices to others - raising the cost of services AND of health insurance.

The drug case you mention is, I assume, the "epi pen" thing. That isn't the ACA. That's the drug company that makes them.

So, we already see on just this thread of the ACA being accused of stuff it doesn't have a part in.

The only people I've called irresponsible are those who want to kill what every American policy holder is depending on before we have any replacement.

And, that IS irresponsible.
What is perceived as an overcharge, a $100 for an aspirin or a $600 charge in the ER for some Tylenol is in reality a charge for a number of items that are not billed separately. For example the 10 mins you spend with a triage nurse when you first enter the ER who makes $60,000 a year, the 10 mins with the orderly that wheels you back to an examination room who makes $30,000 a year, the 15 mins with an ER nurse who makes $65,000 a year that takes your vitals and other information you provide, 15 mins. with the EKG technician that takes the standard EKG administered to all patients, who makes $40,000 a year, the 10 mins an ER tech spends looking up an printing out your medical history who makes $30,000 a year, the 20 min visit with the ER doctor who makes $187,000 a year and of course millions of dollars in equipment and specialist on call just in case your ER visit turns out to be a lot more than just a headache.

But, those charges also have to cover the failures in collections just like stores have to cover the cost of products not paid for by thieves, the bad checks, and the other sources of loss.

In general, the cost of ER services is significant and having that be the source of health care for the indigent means a whole lot of spectacularly priced aspirins.
You didn't answer the question.

Can you?

Again, why is being an American citizen worse than being a Brit ... or anyone anywhere in Europe? Why is it worse than being a citizen of Japan?

Seriously - I want to know.

We are different countries, that's why.

Move to Europe or Japan.

Elections have consequences. You lost. Get in the back of the bus.
That's not the question.

The question is why is being an American citizen worse than being a citizen of any country in Europe, Japan, UK, Israel, or the rest?

It's not worse. It's just different.

If you are really unhappy, you should expatriate. It's not hard.....or you could win some elections. They do have consequences, Obama told me.
I don't have to worry about it. I have a top of the line, gold star plan that seems to want to find more ways to serve me. Providers are way happy to see me - and I'm sure my good looks can't explain that much happy.

But, as someone who cares about America I am NOT interested in seeing us decide that the price of MY policy is more important than whether tens of millions of Americans get ANY health care - that we're ready to dump people from health care coverage, because I just need my policy to be cheaper.

More than that, I am TOTALLY POed over this idea of killing what we have, what every family in America is depending on, without even knowing what's going to happen.

Congress can NOT get more irresponsible than that. It should be a crime.

And, yes, being an American citizen should be every bit as good as being some European or Japanese or whatever.
your words are hollow.
where was your concern when the ACA was being passed? did you have problems with the number of people currently insured that would end up losing their coverage? if not then you really have no basis to say that you care now how many will lose or be adversely affected.

You say MY words are hollow on the basis of TOTAL BS you make up about me?

You really are a cheap punk. Grow up and maybe we can have a discussion about real issues.
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?
Obamadon'tcare was never going to cover everyone, either, so we're not really worse off, are we?
The fact that it has covered 20M more who were not covered is really rather amazing given the work Republicans have put into trying to make it fail.

Think what the ACA could do if Rs just didn't try so hard to make it fail.
What did the Republicans do to make if fail, give Obama everything he asked for?
You've made some harsh charges on insurance companies here.

You should cite something that supports your charges.

Like with the reason for auto insurance requirements, citizens aren't in a position to pay for health care purely on an as-needed basis, because the costs are just far too high for that.

The result is that we need some sort of system that keeps citizens from declaring bankruptcy or just dying. (The largest reason for bankruptcy prior to the ACA was health care.) And, we can not afford to serve people's health by using our ERs - the most expensive health care we have. Having tax payers support ERs is not a solution. And, having hospitals distribute their ER costs to all who use the hospitals just leads to $100 aspirin tablets and even less affordable service for those who need the hospital. We saw these problems before the ACA.
Your name fits as you need to read more. I just gave you several examples from personal knowledge and experience. I could write several books on the subject of insurance experiences over the years from medical, homes, employees, commercial, bonding to vehicles, sales and even contracting services for a few of them years ago but truthfully I won't do that all on message board postings. Most insurance companies in my book are slime (attorneys play a large role in that). Notice I did not say "all" as I know some I consider pretty decent with decent people and they even have decent attorneys that work with them and for them.

You claim that aspirin will be a $100.00. The following used to cost a flat hundred bucks but that changed in the last ten years> How about I go with a bill I received for $660.00 for a $6.00 shot at the ER when I accidentally walked right over the top of a ground hornets nest last summer (at least forty stings in that ordeal). Now I could have had a shot here on hand if'n the pharma industry and regulatiors were not such dickheads, I could have given myself that $6.00 shot saving everyone the trouble of that trip to the ER but regulatory bs stops that. And how would they pay for that new fancy hospital and support that whole medical industry complex as a whole if'n people could have these cheap emergency supplies on hand verses going through all their commercial sectors.

"....citizens aren't in a position to pay for health care purely on an as-needed basis, because the costs are just far too high for that"
That is your take on it. Truth is some are too lazy, some are fully entrenched from being propagandized for the majority of their lives, others merely are ignorant as they believe its all good and nobody would really do anything that bad as to risk someone else's health and well being for a few lousy bucks but fact is there are those who really could care less as long as it ain't them.

Now you have those who twist phrases like "personal responsibility" in order to make one side make the other side look like real assholes or get a rise out of people in order to get a storm moving so their agenda can be filled with faithful blind supporters (the more recent hate movements during the election should give you a clue on that end as to how that works). Just toss out a catch phrase the media moguls can run with and they will all be parroting whatever is new on 'mount Nebo' (spiritual speak you can look it up since you need to read more).
Give me something to read supporting your issue. Don't tell me I won't read when you can't cite anything.

The "$100 aspirin" thing is an expression that I thought was well known. It refers to the high price of drugs administered in the hospital. Hospitals have to stay whole, so when we leave people who can't pay with no alternative but ER care (the most expensive care we have) hospitals have to jack prices to others - raising the cost of services AND of health insurance.

The drug case you mention is, I assume, the "epi pen" thing. That isn't the ACA. That's the drug company that makes them.

So, we already see on just this thread of the ACA being accused of stuff it doesn't have a part in.

The only people I've called irresponsible are those who want to kill what every American policy holder is depending on before we have any replacement.

And, that IS irresponsible.
What is perceived as an overcharge, a $100 for an aspirin or a $600 charge in the ER for some Tylenol is in reality a charge for a number of items that are not billed separately. For example the 10 mins you spend with a triage nurse when you first enter the ER who makes $60,000 a year, the 10 mins with the orderly that wheels you back to an examination room who makes $30,000 a year, the 15 mins with an ER nurse who makes $65,000 a year that takes your vitals and other information you provide, 15 mins. with the EKG technician that takes the standard EKG administered to all patients, who makes $40,000 a year, the 10 mins an ER tech spends looking up an printing out your medical history who makes $30,000 a year, the 20 min visit with the ER doctor who makes $187,000 a year and of course millions of dollars in equipment and specialist on call just in case your ER visit turns out to be a lot more than just a headache.

But, those charges also have to cover the failures in collections just like stores have to cover the cost of products not paid for by thieves, the bad checks, and the other sources of loss.

Yeah, that's why we have to pay $2000 for a pair of shoes . . . . . . . er, no, we don't have to pay that much.

In general, the cost of ER services is significant and having that be the source of health care for the indigent means a whole lot of spectacularly priced aspirins.

In most industrustries people would go to jail for those kinds of business practises.
We are different countries, that's why.

Move to Europe or Japan.

Elections have consequences. You lost. Get in the back of the bus.
That's not the question.

The question is why is being an American citizen worse than being a citizen of any country in Europe, Japan, UK, Israel, or the rest?

It's not worse. It's just different.

If you are really unhappy, you should expatriate. It's not hard.....or you could win some elections. They do have consequences, Obama told me.
I don't have to worry about it. I have a top of the line, gold star plan that seems to want to find more ways to serve me. Providers are way happy to see me - and I'm sure my good looks can't explain that much happy.

But, as someone who cares about America I am NOT interested in seeing us decide that the price of MY policy is more important than whether tens of millions of Americans get ANY health care - that we're ready to dump people from health care coverage, because I just need my policy to be cheaper.

More than that, I am TOTALLY POed over this idea of killing what we have, what every family in America is depending on, without even knowing what's going to happen.

Congress can NOT get more irresponsible than that. It should be a crime.

And, yes, being an American citizen should be every bit as good as being some European or Japanese or whatever.
your words are hollow.
where was your concern when the ACA was being passed? did you have problems with the number of people currently insured that would end up losing their coverage? if not then you really have no basis to say that you care now how many will lose or be adversely affected.

You say MY words are hollow on the basis of TOTAL BS you make up about me?

You really are a cheap punk. Grow up and maybe we can have a discussion about real issues.
Im sorry, I must have missed where you were concerned about all of the people that did have insurance that would end up losing it, or having it suddenly so expensive that they would not be able to use it if they did have it.
So far all I hear you concerned with are the people that never had it, suddenly got it at the expense of others and now might lose it because those others simply cant afford to carry yet another free service on their backs.
Or am I wrong? did you express concern for the working class that will no longer have access to affordable care because of the ACA.
as far as who is a punk? that would be the person that is not willing to carry their own weight in life and has to look to others to subsidize their existence.
So, shop for a different policy.

Insurance companies can charge whatever they want and cover whatever they want.

The ACA is still free market capitalism.
No they can't, moron. Not under Obamacare. It places all kinds of restrictions on what insurance companies can offer you.

It bears no resemblance to free market capitalism.
If you think there is an ACA restriction on drug coverage, then cite it.

And, yes, there are restrictions, but you seem to want to just blame it on the ACA - and, that is BS.

The ACA mandates every coverage in an Obamacare policy, dumbass. It's all because of government regulations.
No, that's just plain false.

That's simple to show by noting that there are differences between policies.
That's like saying the government will let you buy a car any color you want, as long as it's a volkswagen.

Can you buy a policy that doesn't include maternity care? Nope. Can you buy a policy that doesn't cover substance abuse treatment? Nope. Can you buy a policy that doesn't include subsidies for all the ticks on the ass of society? Nope.
Yes. You can not buy a car and drive it on public roads without a hood, without windshield wipers, without rear view mirrors, without knobs that protrude, without air bags, without a steering wheel that has protrusions, without brakes capable of stopping the car even if the accelerator is depressed, without roll-over protection, without being capable of at least 25mph, etc., etc.

And, in health care you can't dump people who get sick, refuse to sell to those who have diabetes, etc., etc. - as you pointed out.

So, for instance with drug treatment, if you decide to try out heroin I don't have to be on the hook for trying to save your ass - which I would be, if you didn't have coverage.
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?

They can get "coverage" through the local county welfare clinic. Just like they did before this disastrous Obamacare was passed that nobody that voted for it even bothered to read and that the administration lied to us about what it contained.
You've made some harsh charges on insurance companies here.

You should cite something that supports your charges.

Like with the reason for auto insurance requirements, citizens aren't in a position to pay for health care purely on an as-needed basis, because the costs are just far too high for that.

The result is that we need some sort of system that keeps citizens from declaring bankruptcy or just dying. (The largest reason for bankruptcy prior to the ACA was health care.) And, we can not afford to serve people's health by using our ERs - the most expensive health care we have. Having tax payers support ERs is not a solution. And, having hospitals distribute their ER costs to all who use the hospitals just leads to $100 aspirin tablets and even less affordable service for those who need the hospital. We saw these problems before the ACA.
Your name fits as you need to read more. I just gave you several examples from personal knowledge and experience. I could write several books on the subject of insurance experiences over the years from medical, homes, employees, commercial, bonding to vehicles, sales and even contracting services for a few of them years ago but truthfully I won't do that all on message board postings. Most insurance companies in my book are slime (attorneys play a large role in that). Notice I did not say "all" as I know some I consider pretty decent with decent people and they even have decent attorneys that work with them and for them.

You claim that aspirin will be a $100.00. The following used to cost a flat hundred bucks but that changed in the last ten years> How about I go with a bill I received for $660.00 for a $6.00 shot at the ER when I accidentally walked right over the top of a ground hornets nest last summer (at least forty stings in that ordeal). Now I could have had a shot here on hand if'n the pharma industry and regulatiors were not such dickheads, I could have given myself that $6.00 shot saving everyone the trouble of that trip to the ER but regulatory bs stops that. And how would they pay for that new fancy hospital and support that whole medical industry complex as a whole if'n people could have these cheap emergency supplies on hand verses going through all their commercial sectors.

"....citizens aren't in a position to pay for health care purely on an as-needed basis, because the costs are just far too high for that"
That is your take on it. Truth is some are too lazy, some are fully entrenched from being propagandized for the majority of their lives, others merely are ignorant as they believe its all good and nobody would really do anything that bad as to risk someone else's health and well being for a few lousy bucks but fact is there are those who really could care less as long as it ain't them.

Now you have those who twist phrases like "personal responsibility" in order to make one side make the other side look like real assholes or get a rise out of people in order to get a storm moving so their agenda can be filled with faithful blind supporters (the more recent hate movements during the election should give you a clue on that end as to how that works). Just toss out a catch phrase the media moguls can run with and they will all be parroting whatever is new on 'mount Nebo' (spiritual speak you can look it up since you need to read more).
Give me something to read supporting your issue. Don't tell me I won't read when you can't cite anything.

The "$100 aspirin" thing is an expression that I thought was well known. It refers to the high price of drugs administered in the hospital. Hospitals have to stay whole, so when we leave people who can't pay with no alternative but ER care (the most expensive care we have) hospitals have to jack prices to others - raising the cost of services AND of health insurance.

The drug case you mention is, I assume, the "epi pen" thing. That isn't the ACA. That's the drug company that makes them.

So, we already see on just this thread of the ACA being accused of stuff it doesn't have a part in.

The only people I've called irresponsible are those who want to kill what every American policy holder is depending on before we have any replacement.

And, that IS irresponsible.
What is perceived as an overcharge, a $100 for an aspirin or a $600 charge in the ER for some Tylenol is in reality a charge for a number of items that are not billed separately. For example the 10 mins you spend with a triage nurse when you first enter the ER who makes $60,000 a year, the 10 mins with the orderly that wheels you back to an examination room who makes $30,000 a year, the 15 mins with an ER nurse who makes $65,000 a year that takes your vitals and other information you provide, 15 mins. with the EKG technician that takes the standard EKG administered to all patients, who makes $40,000 a year, the 10 mins an ER tech spends looking up an printing out your medical history who makes $30,000 a year, the 20 min visit with the ER doctor who makes $187,000 a year and of course millions of dollars in equipment and specialist on call just in case your ER visit turns out to be a lot more than just a headache.

But, those charges also have to cover the failures in collections just like stores have to cover the cost of products not paid for by thieves, the bad checks, and the other sources of loss.

Yeah, that's why we have to pay $2000 for a pair of shoes . . . . . . . er, no, we don't have to pay that much.

In general, the cost of ER services is significant and having that be the source of health care for the indigent means a whole lot of spectacularly priced aspirins.

In most industrustries people would go to jail for those kinds of business practises.
All stores have those business practices.

They all have losses due to non-payment - shop lifters, employees who carry stuff out the back door, NSF checks, etc. So, you and I pay more for products from stores to cover that.

Before the ACA, we had more direct government support of hospitals with ERs. After the ACA, we cut that aid to hospitals. And, we got millions more people to go to providers instead - lowering the cost of health care.

If we cut the ACA, we'll have to start sending tax dollars to ERs again - or watch ERs go bankrupt.
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?

They can get "coverage" through the local county welfare clinic. Just like they did before this disastrous Obamacare was passed that nobody that voted for it even bothered to read and that the administration lied to us about what it contained.
There was a full compliment of Republicans actively involved in the House and Senate bi-partisan committees that wrote the ACA.

None of them has ANY excuse for not knowing the ACA.

Other evidence of their knowledge of the content came in the many presentations made by Republican committee members concerning what was in it - made while it was being written. Plus, Republicans made more than 160 amendments to the ACA once it came out of committee and changes had to go through the amendment process.

These claims that nobody knew what was in the ACA are just BS.

Republican congressmen were not that irresponsible.
We have been living with the lies of the ironically named "affordable care act" ever since the democrat regime (that never even read the thing which is as long as a Stephen King novel and twice as scary) used bribes and intimidation to get it passed. Now the left finally admits that it needs to be fixed. That's a start anyway.
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?
Obamadon'tcare was never going to cover everyone, either, so we're not really worse off, are we?
The fact that it has covered 20M more who were not covered is really rather amazing given the work Republicans have put into trying to make it fail.

Think what the ACA could do if Rs just didn't try so hard to make it fail.
What did the Republicans do to make if fail, give Obama everything he asked for?
Obama didn't write this bill.

His original ask was for a single payer system.

Dems in congress believed such a bill wouldn't pass. They then created the ACA, basing it on the Republican counter proposal that had been made during BClinton's terms.

Obviously, Obama promoted what the bi-partisan congress committees created, and he signed it, but claiming it is what he asked for isn't really true. And, suggesting he wrote any part of it is absolutely false.

Do you think President Trump is going to write whatever the Republicans promote?? Obviously not. He may tweet his feelings, but he has other stuff to tweet about.
We have been living with the lies of the ironically named "affordable care act" ever since the democrat regime (that never even read the thing which is as long as a Stephen King novel and twice as scary) used bribes and intimidation to get it passed. Now the left finally admits that it needs to be fixed. That's a start anyway.
No bill of ANY size has EVER remained unmodified for years.

There were pieces that were purposefully omitted to ensure that ever last crazy left wing Democrat would vote for it. Unfortunately, that included pieces that were specifically designed to reduce health care costs.

Those could be added now. But, Republicans would never allow that.
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?

They can get "coverage" through the local county welfare clinic. Just like they did before this disastrous Obamacare was passed that nobody that voted for it even bothered to read and that the administration lied to us about what it contained.
There was a full compliment of Republicans actively involved in the House and Senate bi-partisan committees that wrote the ACA.

None of them has ANY excuse for not knowing the ACA.

Other evidence of their knowledge of the content came in the many presentations made by Republican committee members concerning what was in it - made while it was being written. Plus, Republicans made more than 160 amendments to the ACA once it came out of committee and changes had to go through the amendment process.

These claims that nobody knew what was in the ACA are just BS.

Republican congressmen were not that irresponsible.

You may not remember this but that filthy ass bill was passed along party lines in both houses and then signed by that Democrat asshole President.

The Democrats lied about what was in the bill and snookered the paying American people into higher premiums, higher deductibles and higher co payments so the welfare queens could get their subsidies for the entitlement to the same insurance as the paying customers. Despicable!
You've made some harsh charges on insurance companies here.

You should cite something that supports your charges.

Like with the reason for auto insurance requirements, citizens aren't in a position to pay for health care purely on an as-needed basis, because the costs are just far too high for that.

The result is that we need some sort of system that keeps citizens from declaring bankruptcy or just dying. (The largest reason for bankruptcy prior to the ACA was health care.) And, we can not afford to serve people's health by using our ERs - the most expensive health care we have. Having tax payers support ERs is not a solution. And, having hospitals distribute their ER costs to all who use the hospitals just leads to $100 aspirin tablets and even less affordable service for those who need the hospital. We saw these problems before the ACA.
Your name fits as you need to read more. I just gave you several examples from personal knowledge and experience. I could write several books on the subject of insurance experiences over the years from medical, homes, employees, commercial, bonding to vehicles, sales and even contracting services for a few of them years ago but truthfully I won't do that all on message board postings. Most insurance companies in my book are slime (attorneys play a large role in that). Notice I did not say "all" as I know some I consider pretty decent with decent people and they even have decent attorneys that work with them and for them.

You claim that aspirin will be a $100.00. The following used to cost a flat hundred bucks but that changed in the last ten years> How about I go with a bill I received for $660.00 for a $6.00 shot at the ER when I accidentally walked right over the top of a ground hornets nest last summer (at least forty stings in that ordeal). Now I could have had a shot here on hand if'n the pharma industry and regulatiors were not such dickheads, I could have given myself that $6.00 shot saving everyone the trouble of that trip to the ER but regulatory bs stops that. And how would they pay for that new fancy hospital and support that whole medical industry complex as a whole if'n people could have these cheap emergency supplies on hand verses going through all their commercial sectors.

"....citizens aren't in a position to pay for health care purely on an as-needed basis, because the costs are just far too high for that"
That is your take on it. Truth is some are too lazy, some are fully entrenched from being propagandized for the majority of their lives, others merely are ignorant as they believe its all good and nobody would really do anything that bad as to risk someone else's health and well being for a few lousy bucks but fact is there are those who really could care less as long as it ain't them.

Now you have those who twist phrases like "personal responsibility" in order to make one side make the other side look like real assholes or get a rise out of people in order to get a storm moving so their agenda can be filled with faithful blind supporters (the more recent hate movements during the election should give you a clue on that end as to how that works). Just toss out a catch phrase the media moguls can run with and they will all be parroting whatever is new on 'mount Nebo' (spiritual speak you can look it up since you need to read more).
Give me something to read supporting your issue. Don't tell me I won't read when you can't cite anything.

The "$100 aspirin" thing is an expression that I thought was well known. It refers to the high price of drugs administered in the hospital. Hospitals have to stay whole, so when we leave people who can't pay with no alternative but ER care (the most expensive care we have) hospitals have to jack prices to others - raising the cost of services AND of health insurance.

The drug case you mention is, I assume, the "epi pen" thing. That isn't the ACA. That's the drug company that makes them.

So, we already see on just this thread of the ACA being accused of stuff it doesn't have a part in.

The only people I've called irresponsible are those who want to kill what every American policy holder is depending on before we have any replacement.

And, that IS irresponsible.
What is perceived as an overcharge, a $100 for an aspirin or a $600 charge in the ER for some Tylenol is in reality a charge for a number of items that are not billed separately. For example the 10 mins you spend with a triage nurse when you first enter the ER who makes $60,000 a year, the 10 mins with the orderly that wheels you back to an examination room who makes $30,000 a year, the 15 mins with an ER nurse who makes $65,000 a year that takes your vitals and other information you provide, 15 mins. with the EKG technician that takes the standard EKG administered to all patients, who makes $40,000 a year, the 10 mins an ER tech spends looking up an printing out your medical history who makes $30,000 a year, the 20 min visit with the ER doctor who makes $187,000 a year and of course millions of dollars in equipment and specialist on call just in case your ER visit turns out to be a lot more than just a headache.

But, those charges also have to cover the failures in collections just like stores have to cover the cost of products not paid for by thieves, the bad checks, and the other sources of loss.

In general, the cost of ER services is significant and having that be the source of health care for the indigent means a whole lot of spectacularly priced aspirins.
With the addition of about 10 million more people on Medicaid, writes offs of the indigents should be going down.
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?
Obamadon'tcare was never going to cover everyone, either, so we're not really worse off, are we?
The fact that it has covered 20M more who were not covered is really rather amazing given the work Republicans have put into trying to make it fail.

Think what the ACA could do if Rs just didn't try so hard to make it fail.
What did the Republicans do to make if fail, give Obama everything he asked for?
Obama didn't write this bill.

His original ask was for a single payer system.

Dems in congress believed such a bill wouldn't pass. They then created the ACA, basing it on the Republican counter proposal that had been made during BClinton's terms.

Obviously, Obama promoted what the bi-partisan congress committees created, and he signed it, but claiming it is what he asked for isn't really true. And, suggesting he wrote any part of it is absolutely false.

Do you think President Trump is going to write whatever the Republicans promote?? Obviously not. He may tweet his feelings, but he has other stuff to tweet about.
Of course not, he's going to be too busy casting insults at all those who disparage his good name. I wonder if he's going to have a Twitter secretary.
GOP won't promise ObamaCare fix will cover all

How many Americans left without coverage will Republicans find unacceptable? Half? Three quarters?
Obamadon'tcare was never going to cover everyone, either, so we're not really worse off, are we?
The fact that it has covered 20M more who were not covered is really rather amazing given the work Republicans have put into trying to make it fail.

Think what the ACA could do if Rs just didn't try so hard to make it fail.
You mean like fighting to preserve Medicare after Obama raided billions from it?
Adrenaclick an auto injection pen with same medication as an epipen, cost as little as $140 without insurance, and is covered by most insurance plans. Carrying a bottle of epinephrine and a syringe at all times instead of an auto injection pen is being penny wise and dollar foolish IMHO.
Your opinion fails to consider all of the factors involved. I don't have $140.00. If I did it would have to go to the property taxes that we struggle to pay every year to insure we have a roof (leaky as it may be) over our heads instead of living under a bridge somewhere. If big pharma and AMA were not so greedy and our legislators would put a leash and chain on them people like myself could make our own health decisions such as these.
My costs went up by 60% in the last two years.

Let those twenty million who need insurance buy their own. I'm sick of paying for someone else's health care. Mine is getting more expensive all because of the ACA.
Adrenaclick an auto injection pen with same medication as an epipen, cost as little as $140 without insurance, and is covered by most insurance plans. Carrying a bottle of epinephrine and a syringe at all times instead of an auto injection pen is being penny wise and dollar foolish IMHO.
Your opinion fails to consider all of the factors involved. I don't have $140.00. If I did it would have to go to the property taxes that we struggle to pay every year to insure we have a roof (leaky as it may be) over our heads instead of living under a bridge somewhere. If big pharma and AMA were not so greedy and our legislators would put a leash and chain on them people like myself could make our own health decisions such as these.
Big Pharma is doing what it has always done, maximize profit while staying within FDA regs. This has nothing to do with Obamacare. The FDA regs and the laws that support them need to be changed. They protect drug companies investment in new drugs which is all fine and good except no other country on earth does that. The result is that the US supports the cost of developing new drugs for entire world. In the US we pay over twice as much for drugs as the rest of the world. That has to change and repealing Obamacare will not do it.

In most other countries there are only a few entities negotiating with the drug companies but they have huge clout because they are a large segment of the market. Drug companies have to lower their prices if they want to sell their drugs in that country. The result is that they cutout most of the R&D cost in their bids and leave that to US customers to pay. In the US there are thousands of entities negotiating with the drug companies, none of which has a large segment of the market and thus can not negotiate low prices.

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