GOPers Gunning After Americans Again i.e. Social Security, etc.


Sep 18, 2018
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
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It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.

McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com

McConnell should be living out his old age at a turtle farm.
After that, he can go over to the glue factory.
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McConnell is right. Except that "disturbing deficit increase" wouldn't be such a problem if 50 million illegals weren't scamming Social Security and medicare benefits.

Find them and deport them all.
McConnell should be living out his old age at a turtle farm.[/QUOTE] For them who have been voting against their own interests in favor of this GOPer terrorist racket that has added almost $1 trillion the deficit with a hater attitude, and if they care about their own survival, now is the time to see the forest for the trees. This is when it comes to the GOP being their greatest human threat on Earth.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.

McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com

The most anti-American policy in the history of man-kind. Designed to swamp the country with debt, and that it has done.

Morons blame the tax cuts. The problem isn't that Americans are able to keep their own earnings.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.

McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com

The most anti-American policy in the history of man-kind. Designed to swamp the country with debt, and that it has done.

Morons blame the tax cuts. The problem isn't that Americans are able to keep their own earnings.

True. If anything, Social Security and Medicare has proven that socialism won't work anywhere it's tried, not even here.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.

McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com

Are you trying to tell me that JUST ACKNOWLEDGING THE TRUTH of the matter is "Gunning for SSecurity"??

It's about fucking time to talk about it. It's about $80Bill of new debt per year. Trust Fund is a book-keeping illusion. It's been in debt since about 2010. There is nothing in the Trust Fund to PAY current dollars to reciepients. You've been robbed TWICE.

No wonder you don't want to talk about the effect on the yearly deficits.
Look guys, my parents saved up enough money for retirement that they'll be fine with Social Security and Medicare being gutted. So I'm okay with this. It's the only way to keep our 800 global military bases open and stocked with a ton of F-35's that we'll never need. We also have to make sure Trump, Jeff Bezos, et al never have to pay taxes. SACRIFICE already dammit!
If you seriously worked your entire life banking on SS to keep you comfortable in retirement you're an idiot. You invested all that money over 40 to 50 years to get what? 1200 bucks a month? If you would have done the same thing in the market you would be rich. Only idiots bank on the government for their retirement.
If you seriously worked your entire life banking on SS to keep you comfortable in retirement you're an idiot. You invested all that money over 40 to 50 years to get what? 1200 bucks a month? If you would have done the same thing in the market you would be rich. Only idiots bank on the government for their retirement.
Lol retirement. Such a baby boomer concept.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.

McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
Does this seriously surprise you?
If you seriously worked your entire life banking on SS to keep you comfortable in retirement you're an idiot. You invested all that money over 40 to 50 years to get what? 1200 bucks a month? If you would have done the same thing in the market you would be rich. Only idiots bank on the government for their retirement.
Lol retirement. Such a baby boomer concept.
Yeah, they counted on the government to take their money and take care of them when it came time. That was not smart.
If you seriously worked your entire life banking on SS to keep you comfortable in retirement you're an idiot. You invested all that money over 40 to 50 years to get what? 1200 bucks a month? If you would have done the same thing in the market you would be rich. Only idiots bank on the government for their retirement.
Lol retirement. Such a baby boomer concept.

You like to see 70 yr old roofers still hoofing it up a ladder?? Because that's always been the "simple" solution that your Demos are eager to offer...
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.

McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com

The biggest deficits in 6 years? But I thought Trump's tax cuts was going to give Americans a four thousand dollar raise?
What do you mean that two thirds of American saw nothing.
I thought the tax cuts were going to pay for themselves?
So who got the money?

It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.

McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com

The most anti-American policy in the history of man-kind. Designed to swamp the country with debt, and that it has done.

Morons blame the tax cuts. The problem isn't that Americans are able to keep their own earnings.

The problem is the massive tax cuts for multi-million dollar companies.
Watching Trumps rallies he has assured us that he won't allow any cuts to medicare or SSI.

And we all know he has never lied-----------------???
I gotta be honest here but why the hell should I care about SS taking a cut? I wasn't the baby boomer putting all my chips in the government retirement system. I didn't get to vote for that like they did. So why now do I have to feel bad if their investment isn't going to pay off like they hoped?

They voted for this system, and now it can't pay out what they hoped. That's not my problem. It's theirs.

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