NATIONAL DEBT EXPLODES under Trump now threatening programs like SOCIAL SECURITY

Obama added 10 trillion. Far more than any other President. Trump isn't even remotely close to that number. Stick with Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels and kicking Republicans out of restaurants.
Trump is on his way to surpassing that, despite being handed a strong economy.

Obama's debt to GDP ratio rose 38% from 2009 - 2016. Trump's estimated for his first four years is only 3%.
I should hope so, since he was handed a strong economy. If there's one guy I bet could fuck that up, it's your tariff and subsidies President.
Obama added 10 trillion. Far more than any other President. Trump isn't even remotely close to that number. Stick with Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels and kicking Republicans out of restaurants.
Trump is on his way to surpassing that, despite being handed a strong economy.

Obama's debt to GDP ratio rose 38% from 2009 - 2016. Trump's estimated for his first four years is only 3%.
I should hope so, since he was handed a strong economy. If there's one guy I bet could fuck that up, it's your tariff and subsidies President.

1% GDP growth over 8 years is "STRONG" to you?

Don't have high expectations with a liberal president, huh? It's ok, I wouldn't either.

Did Obama never have a whole year of 3% economic growth?
The article does not just say MEDICARE. It says SOCIAL SECURITY. He and McConnell and the rich got their tax cuts! That is all that matters, right?

US debt explodes under Trump — threatening vital programs like Social Security


26 JUN 2018 AT 12:34 ET

President Donald Trump is fond of boasting about the economic gains achieved by his administration, even as critics point out that improving economic indicators can be traced back to Obama era policies. The President often brags that his business acumen, applied to America’s economy and world trade, has resulted in wins for the American people.

But as Politico reported Tuesday, the US federal deficit has also soared during his time in office, threatening the future of vital programs like Social Security and Medicare.

According to Congressional Budget Office estimates, in less than two decades the federal deficit will the biggest in history.

“The prospect of large and growing debt poses substantial risks for the nation and presents policymakers with significant challenges,” according to CBO director Keith Hall.

“In CBO’s projections, most of the spending growth for Social Security and Medicare results from the aging of the population. Growth in spending on Medicare and the other major health care programs is also driven by rising health care costs per person,” he said.
We need to pay defense contractors for more weapons that we'll never use. So Social Security's got to go. I would love it. All those old fucks that voted for Trump can lose it all for all I care.
The article does not just say MEDICARE. It says SOCIAL SECURITY. He and McConnell and the rich got their tax cuts! That is all that matters, right?

US debt explodes under Trump — threatening vital programs like Social Security


26 JUN 2018 AT 12:34 ET

President Donald Trump is fond of boasting about the economic gains achieved by his administration, even as critics point out that improving economic indicators can be traced back to Obama era policies. The President often brags that his business acumen, applied to America’s economy and world trade, has resulted in wins for the American people.

But as Politico reported Tuesday, the US federal deficit has also soared during his time in office, threatening the future of vital programs like Social Security and Medicare.

According to Congressional Budget Office estimates, in less than two decades the federal deficit will the biggest in history.

“The prospect of large and growing debt poses substantial risks for the nation and presents policymakers with significant challenges,” according to CBO director Keith Hall.

“In CBO’s projections, most of the spending growth for Social Security and Medicare results from the aging of the population. Growth in spending on Medicare and the other major health care programs is also driven by rising health care costs per person,” he said.

Well yea Trump SAYS a lot of stuff. But he is indeed spending like a drunken sailor. Way more than Obama ever did.
Obama added 10 trillion. Far more than any other President. Trump isn't even remotely close to that number. Stick with Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels and kicking Republicans out of restaurants.
Trump is on his way to surpassing that, despite being handed a strong economy.

Obama's debt to GDP ratio rose 38% from 2009 - 2016. Trump's estimated for his first four years is only 3%.
I should hope so, since he was handed a strong economy. If there's one guy I bet could fuck that up, it's your tariff and subsidies President.

1% GDP growth over 8 years is "STRONG" to you?

Don't have high expectations with a liberal president, huh? It's ok, I wouldn't either.

Did Obama never have a whole year of 3% economic growth?
Handed a recession, managed us through it. That's Obama's legacy.
The article does not just say MEDICARE. It says SOCIAL SECURITY. He and McConnell and the rich got their tax cuts! That is all that matters, right?

US debt explodes under Trump — threatening vital programs like Social Security


26 JUN 2018 AT 12:34 ET

President Donald Trump is fond of boasting about the economic gains achieved by his administration, even as critics point out that improving economic indicators can be traced back to Obama era policies. The President often brags that his business acumen, applied to America’s economy and world trade, has resulted in wins for the American people.

But as Politico reported Tuesday, the US federal deficit has also soared during his time in office, threatening the future of vital programs like Social Security and Medicare.

According to Congressional Budget Office estimates, in less than two decades the federal deficit will the biggest in history.

“The prospect of large and growing debt poses substantial risks for the nation and presents policymakers with significant challenges,” according to CBO director Keith Hall.

“In CBO’s projections, most of the spending growth for Social Security and Medicare results from the aging of the population. Growth in spending on Medicare and the other major health care programs is also driven by rising health care costs per person,” he said.

The good news is that the democrats won't allow it to happen.

The House can get it passed without any democratic votes but the Senate can't.

The republicans aren't going to get even one vote from a democratic politician. I won't be surprised if some moderate republicans vote no on it too.

They can't use reconciliation to pass it. They already used it on their tax cuts. So they will need 60 votes in the senate to get it passed.

The republicans can try to make those cuts but they will fail every time.
The article does not just say MEDICARE. It says SOCIAL SECURITY. He and McConnell and the rich got their tax cuts! That is all that matters, right?

US debt explodes under Trump — threatening vital programs like Social Security


26 JUN 2018 AT 12:34 ET

President Donald Trump is fond of boasting about the economic gains achieved by his administration, even as critics point out that improving economic indicators can be traced back to Obama era policies. The President often brags that his business acumen, applied to America’s economy and world trade, has resulted in wins for the American people.

But as Politico reported Tuesday, the US federal deficit has also soared during his time in office, threatening the future of vital programs like Social Security and Medicare.

According to Congressional Budget Office estimates, in less than two decades the federal deficit will the biggest in history.

“The prospect of large and growing debt poses substantial risks for the nation and presents policymakers with significant challenges,” according to CBO director Keith Hall.

“In CBO’s projections, most of the spending growth for Social Security and Medicare results from the aging of the population. Growth in spending on Medicare and the other major health care programs is also driven by rising health care costs per person,” he said.
More lying media scum.

What's the lie?
Obama added 10 trillion. Far more than any other President. Trump isn't even remotely close to that number. Stick with Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels and kicking Republicans out of restaurants.
Trump is on his way to surpassing that, despite being handed a strong economy.

Obama's debt to GDP ratio rose 38% from 2009 - 2016. Trump's estimated for his first four years is only 3%.
I should hope so, since he was handed a strong economy. If there's one guy I bet could fuck that up, it's your tariff and subsidies President.

1% GDP growth over 8 years is "STRONG" to you?

Don't have high expectations with a liberal president, huh? It's ok, I wouldn't either.

Did Obama never have a whole year of 3% economic growth?
Handed a recession, managed us through it. That's Obama's legacy.

He wasn't HANDED a recession. It's not like he ran for president, had no idea the state of the economy, then on inauguration day was like HOLY FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? No, he knew what he had going in.

He accepted the economy saying he could fix it. He lied to us. He didn't fix anything. We hobbled along for 8 years until we got Trump, now we took off. Obama had the slowest recovery in the HISTORY of our nation. That's not something to be proud of.
This feels a lot like Reagan in the early 80s, trying to starve the beast. Cut revenue and the Dems will cut spending to avoid higher dent. Except it didn't work then and it ain't working now; hell, even the Repubs are up for more spending.

One thing is for sure though, SocSec and Medicare/Medicaid are going to have to be reformed sooner or later, only an idiot can't see where this is all headed. And raising taxes just ain't going to cut it, sorry Dems.

trump could do what Clinton did.

Stop using social security revenues to pay for other spending.

Clinton stopped doing that. Social security quickly went back in the black. The truth is if politicians would stop stealing from it to pay for their spending such as tax cuts social security wouldn't need to be changed. Social security always runs in the black if the revenues are used only on social security.

Raising taxes will help by paying for our other budget obligations with regular federal income taxes instead of using social security revenues.
The article does not just say MEDICARE. It says SOCIAL SECURITY. He and McConnell and the rich got their tax cuts! That is all that matters, right?

US debt explodes under Trump — threatening vital programs like Social Security


26 JUN 2018 AT 12:34 ET

President Donald Trump is fond of boasting about the economic gains achieved by his administration, even as critics point out that improving economic indicators can be traced back to Obama era policies. The President often brags that his business acumen, applied to America’s economy and world trade, has resulted in wins for the American people.

But as Politico reported Tuesday, the US federal deficit has also soared during his time in office, threatening the future of vital programs like Social Security and Medicare.

According to Congressional Budget Office estimates, in less than two decades the federal deficit will the biggest in history.

“The prospect of large and growing debt poses substantial risks for the nation and presents policymakers with significant challenges,” according to CBO director Keith Hall.

“In CBO’s projections, most of the spending growth for Social Security and Medicare results from the aging of the population. Growth in spending on Medicare and the other major health care programs is also driven by rising health care costs per person,” he said.
More lying media scum.

What's the lie?
Anything from the msm.
Reaganesque Keynesianism.

Increasing the debt load, passing it on to our kids.

No reagan wasn't a Keynesian. Keynesian is demand side economics. Where wealth is spread all throughout the economy to create a solid and stable economy.

reagan was a friedman supply side trickle down economics person. Where the wealth is concentrated at the top and growth is stifled because the rest of the population doesn't have the money to maintain the economy.

reagan got around that by telling Americans that debt is good and to use their homes as their ATM. So while the nation was getting into record debt so was the middle class and poor. While the rich got richer.
We're told the tax receipts will pay for this.

Tick, tick, tick.

The growth of tax receipts has been slowed thanks to the tax cuts, which always slow revenue growth.

That is why tax cuts without spending cuts are just one more statist tool to keep control

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You’re full of shit.

January was the first month for revenues under the new tax plan and the government collected RECORD taxes, $361B vs. $349B Jan ‘17, nearly $12B more.

Keep it up and you might be nominated for membership in the JBD club.
Obama added 10 trillion. Far more than any other President. Trump isn't even remotely close to that number. Stick with Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels and kicking Republicans out of restaurants.
Trump is on his way to surpassing that, despite being handed a strong economy.

Obama's debt to GDP ratio rose 38% from 2009 - 2016. Trump's estimated for his first four years is only 3%.
I should hope so, since he was handed a strong economy. If there's one guy I bet could fuck that up, it's your tariff and subsidies President.

Any republican can mess it up.

The bush boy was handed an even better economy and in 8 short years completely collapsed it.

Obama handed him a good economy and he's doing his best to mess it up.
Take this to the bank

By the end of his second term, Trump will be the first President since Coolidge to retire US debt.

Trump will also put Congress back on a real budget and get back the line item veto Presidents had prior to the Progressives stealing it with the Budget Impoundment Act of 1974
If the premise of the OP is true, it is the DOD that is in danger.

The safety is not, because the American voter will destroy any politician who votes against it.
We're told the tax receipts will pay for this.

Tick, tick, tick.

The growth of tax receipts has been slowed thanks to the tax cuts, which always slow revenue growth.

That is why tax cuts without spending cuts are just one more statist tool to keep control

Sent from my iPhone using
You’re full of shit.

January was the first month for revenues under the new tax plan and the government collected RECORD taxes, $361B vs. $349B Jan ‘17, nearly $12B more.

Keep it up and you might be nominated for membership in the JBD club.


You people are such sheep.

Yes, the difference from Jan 17 to Jan 18 was a 5.2% increase...and the difference from Jan 16 to Jan 17 was a 9% increase...which of those seem better to you?

Yes, revenue went up, but it went up at a slower rate, as it does after every tax cut.

The 10 years before the Reagan tax cut revenue grew at a rate of 12.41%, the 10 years after it grew at a rate of 5.68%
The10 years before the Bush II tax cut revenue grew at a rate of 6.61%, the 10 years after it grew at a rate of 1.87%

These are cold hard facts.

Keep in mind also...

Between 1 Oct 2017 and 1 Jan 2018 $2,693,984,023 added per day to the deficit.

Between 1 Jan 2018 and 25 May 2018 $4,188,972,073 added per day to the deficit.

Since the day the tax cuts took effect, we are adding $1,494,988,050 more to the deficit each day than before the tax cuts. What do you think might be the cause of the increase in the amount being added to the deficit since there was no significant spending increase?
Take this to the bank

By the end of his second term, Trump will be the first President since Coolidge to retire US debt.

Trump will also put Congress back on a real budget and get back the line item veto Presidents had prior to the Progressives stealing it with the Budget Impoundment Act of 1974

You are living in a fantasy world, Trump has not even talked about cutting spending, all he wants to do is spend more on different things.
Obama added 10 trillion. Far more than any other President. Trump isn't even remotely close to that number. Stick with Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels and kicking Republicans out of restaurants.

Trump is on track to add 1.3 trillion this FY. At that rate he can almost catch Obama in one term

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He must be so proud. I'm sure his FOLLOWERS are.
Take this to the bank

By the end of his second term, Trump will be the first President since Coolidge to retire US debt.

Trump will also put Congress back on a real budget and get back the line item veto Presidents had prior to the Progressives stealing it with the Budget Impoundment Act of 1974

You are living in a fantasy world, Trump has not even talked about cutting spending, all he wants to do is spend more on different things.

You'll see

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