GOP's healthcare debacle


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Not only didn't they know how to pass the bill, they never had any clear idea what to put in the bill.

The Looming Republican Disgrace

At the end of the day, the most important difference between the parties on health care may be that the Democrats had a vision that they were thoroughly committed to and were astonishingly courageous in effecting. No one had more to lose from sticking with the forced march toward passage of Obamacare than Nancy Pelosi, and yet no one was as devoted to the cause. If she becomes speaker again in 2019 after Republicans—disunited, selfish and fearful—have whiffed on repealing her handiwork, it will be the sweetest revenge.
Well, the jury’s still out on the overall picture.

Within the next few months, tens of millions of Americans will be facing yet another round of premium spikes, co-pay increases, increased deductibles, and state monopolies due to insurers pulling out of their state markets.

And this is ALL the direct result of the folly that we refer disparagingly as “Obamacare.”

As planned by the devious Dem’s, Republicans have been placed in the untenable position of trying to un-do something that was stupid and devious from its beginnings, but which incidentally helped millions of Americans (while harming tens of millions of Americans). So any attempt to repeal is characterized in the MSM as “taking away health care from MILLIONS!”

O’Care will have to be modified significantly, but neither party will walk into next year’s elections with the upper hand based on healthcare issues. They both suck.
The Big LIE undermining the ACA is from the "right" saying it was "rammed" through Congress with little debate and no contributions from Republicans! ALL lies; Obama went on an extensive speaking tour, gave countless press conferences, hosted town halls, and Republicans got all kinds of input/amendments even though none voted for the bill! The only reason the ACA is on life support is because Republicans are choking off the oxygen hose! It's an entitlement they wanted to eliminate and it's "too late baby!" :banana: :beer: :eusa_clap:
The Big LIE undermining the ACA is from the "right" saying it was "rammed" through Congress with little debate and no contributions from Republicans! ALL lies; Obama went on an extensive speaking tour, gave countless press conferences, hosted town halls, and Republicans got all kinds of input/amendments even though none voted for the bill! The only reason the ACA is on life support is because Republicans are choking off the oxygen hose! It's an entitlement they wanted to eliminate and it's "too late baby!" :banana: :beer: :eusa_clap:

WOW your post is totally FAKE NEWS made up bullshit :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Within the next few months, tens of millions of Americans will be facing yet another round of premium spikes, co-pay increases, increased deductibles, and state monopolies due to insurers pulling out of their state markets.
True, they will.

The thing is that were Congress to allow O-care to work as planned, the effects you have mentioned would be notably attenuated. Instead, the Republicans, at the expense of people's ability to obtain healthcare insurance, and in turn affordable healthcare, have deliberately subverted key aspects of the design of the program.

One of those aspects is the risk corridor payments that were included in the ACA legislation. Risk corridor payments were included to ameliorate the costliness of insuring people in higher risk states. The arrears on those payments total to ~$8B. That money they don't receive via the risk corridor program must be made up for, as best can be, via higher premiums and deductibles.

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