GOP's "image problem" heading into 2014

Stop advocating government sponsored robbery and im sure he would consider it.

We're not - I for one am dead against it. The biggest leeches are the uber wealthy and corporations - just look at the slant in their favor in the tax codes and with subsidies. But we don't see you guys crying about that one little bit, and that's where the BIG money is going.

Corporate welfare.. yep.. as bad as personal welfare... BUT to put your 'evil rich' keeping more of their money (when almost 50% pay no federal income tax at all) is not a handout or theft... what they earn is not yours nor government's
Stop advocating government sponsored robbery and im sure he would consider it.

We're not - I for one am dead against it. The biggest leeches are the uber wealthy and corporations - just look at the slant in their favor in the tax codes and with subsidies. But we don't see you guys crying about that one little bit, and that's where the BIG money is going.

Corporate welfare.. yep.. as bad as personal welfare... BUT to put your 'evil rich' keeping more of their money (when almost 50% pay no federal income tax at all) is not a handout or theft... what they earn is not yours nor government's

Yes, when the poor people wrote this book. Wait, it wasn't the poor who wrote that book. It was, hhhmmmm, help me out here. Who wrote that book? (Thank you, Tim Ryan from Ohio for that one. :D)


Just a hypothetical here.

Let's say this person came up to me and started discussing any number of hot-button political issues. It could well be that he is making perfectly legitimate and reasonable points (at least from his political perspective), supported by hard facts and thoughtful premises.

I don't think the average person would blame me if I had a little trouble taking him seriously.

Image counts, whether it should or not.

Terminally low taxes, hawkish foreign policy, largely unfettered gun rights and opposition to abortion and gay rights have defined the GOP since the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. And as recently as 2004, President George W. Bush's re-election seemed to signify a sweeping affirmation of these central principles.

For Republicans, the road map back to victory involves speaking less stridently about some of these issues, and emphasizing certain elements of the GOP platform over others. Virtually all Republicans recoil at the comments last fall about "legitimate rape" by Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin, but no mainstream GOP leader has suggested that the party jettison its longstanding opposition to abortion rights.

Actually, Reagan spoke in support of background checks, and signed on to a letter with Carter and Ford in support of an Assault weapons ban.

Just another example of a person's political views following what they have personally experienced..
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