GOP's "image problem" heading into 2014

I have seen many, many people take the offensive again the right wing spin machine but I must say, that was the cleanest smack down I have ever seen. "You heard what I said." and didn't clarify it any more than that. That is going to to leave finger prints across Hannity's face of a long time.

^ :lmao:

In reality, Hannity made the stupid liberal Democratic Congressbitch look like a massive gaping pussy.
There is no image problem other than the one manufactured to placate the drones who vote democratic.
I find this absolutely hilarious...

WASHINGTON -– RedState’s Erick Erickson took aim at conservative media Wednesday for “failing to advance ideas and stories” and not concentrating on the essentials of reporting.

More: Erick Erickson, RedState Editor: Conservative Media 'Failing To Advance Ideas And Stories'


What ideas do they really have?

"We oppose everything the democrats want to do and we want to return America to the 1950's."

Not exactly inspirational stuff here.

Then perhaps you should actually look at the platform instead of making up straw men.

Heaven forbid you deal with actual positions.
If The Blaze or World News Daily or the Washington Times or the Daily Caller or CNS News or Breitbart or posted that Michelle Obama's shit clogged a White House toilet, the UnConservative rubes would be burning up their keyboards racing to copy and paste it here in at least ten topics.

If The Blaze or World News Daily or the Washington Times or the Daily Caller or CNS News or Breitbart or posted that a bill in Congress would force newborn babies to be henceforth tattooed with a likeness of Obama, the UnConservative rubes would be burning up their keyboards racing to copy and paste it here in at least two DOZEN topics.

Right now, as they are reading this, at least two of them are thinking, "I wouldn't put it past him!"

It would never occur to a single one of them to READ THE BILL for themselves. That takes too much time! If they did that, they would not have time to make a couple hundred posts in the topics about the bill. They wouldn't have time to drink all the piss being poured for them at their favorite hack sites.

And The Blaze, World News Daily, the Washington Times, the Daily Caller, CNS News, Breitbart, and absolutely depend on that.

Which is why I get so much joy out of life asking for quotes from the actual source and then watching heads explode.

What is most baffling, though, is the astonishing short memory of these parrots. They keep falling for the same tricks from their puppeteers over and over and over and over and over. :eek:

Their brains are as smooth as a baby's ass...

Whatever new message the GOP comes up with for the rubes better not exceed the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.
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How fucked up are lefties when they get their political opinions from comics and comedians?

How messed up are they when they think we want their advice on how to change ourselves when they want us to lose
The republicans might be starting to get the idea that the majority in the nation are leeches who intend to bleed what hosts they can find dry. The nation is going to collapse. Trying to stop it wont' work, it will just delay the inevitable. What republicans should do is manage the coming collapse to their advantage, and let it happen.

Majority of Americans are on that

Stop advocating government sponsored robbery and im sure he would consider it.

What ideas do they really have?

"We oppose everything the democrats want to do and we want to return America to the 1950's."

Not exactly inspirational stuff here.

Then perhaps you should actually look at the platform instead of making up straw men.

Heaven forbid you deal with actual positions.

You mean the platform that even Romney ignored?

That platform?

I have seen many, many people take the offensive again the right wing spin machine but I must say, that was the cleanest smack down I have ever seen. "You heard what I said." and didn't clarify it any more than that. That is going to to leave finger prints across Hannity's face of a long time.

^ :lmao:

In reality, Hannity made the stupid liberal Democratic Congressbitch look like a massive gaping pussy.

Please don't insult female genitalia like that.
You mean the platform that even Romney ignored?

That platform?

Again with the straw men. Is addressing the platform that difficult for you? Are you really that intellectually dishonest?

Why address a platform when even the candidates ignore it.

That would be like addressing the rules of a sport if the refs just made up rules on the fly.

It's meaningless and intellectually dishonest to pretend that it means anything.
The republicans might be starting to get the idea that the majority in the nation are leeches who intend to bleed what hosts they can find dry. The nation is going to collapse. Trying to stop it wont' work, it will just delay the inevitable. What republicans should do is manage the coming collapse to their advantage, and let it happen.

Majority of Americans are on that

Stop advocating government sponsored robbery and im sure he would consider it.


Did you report it?
Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

Gimme food stamps, gimme an oil subsidy, gimme a mortgage interest tax deduction, gimme a child tax credit, gimme a cell phone, gimme a bailout, gimme free healthcare, gimme an energy-efficient refrigerator tax deduction, gimme some cheese!

Where my ObamaDeduction at?

Don't make me pay for my screwups. Hey, I dropped out of high school; pay for my healthcare and food stamps. Hey, I ran this bank into the ground; bail me out. Hey, we asked for so much stuff from the government my taxes are too high; borrow the money from China.

That guy over there is getting too much stuff from the government; all this is HIS fault!!!! Somebody stop him!!!
They'll do what it takes to stay relevant in elections including throwing their social conservative beliefs under the bus if it means they can somehow gain seats (get gov't obs that entail ensure hand-outs for their campaign contributors) through doing it :thup:
Emblazoned on the GOP House Majority crest should be the Latin phrase for the famous Poker term of throwing in the cards:

I Fold!

Something along the lines of: "Ego conicio in meus pecto."
Stop advocating government sponsored robbery and im sure he would consider it.

We're not - I for one am dead against it. The biggest leeches are the uber wealthy and corporations - just look at the slant in their favor in the tax codes and with subsidies. But we don't see you guys crying about that one little bit, and that's where the BIG money is going.

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