GOP's Major Race Problem

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Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
GOP?s race problem: What?s really behind that bad tweet -

With this week marking the 58th anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, much has rightly been made of the Republican National Committee tweeting a picture of Rosa Parks this weekend, with a caption that said: “today we remember Rosa Parks’ bold stand and her role in ending racism.” (emphasis added)

But while many have justifiably focused on the claim that racism has “ended” (which the RNC later “clarified“), another significant truth has gotten lost. If they really cared about Rosa Parks’ memory, Republicans would attempt to emulate her courage in challenging the white male entitlement that demanded she give up the seat that she paid for. That kind of white male entitlement still dominates both the GOP and the American political scene today.

For example, if the party really wanted to take lessons from Rosa Parks’ story, it would think about the 90 percent of African-Americans who stayed off those buses and walked or carpooled to work in order to demand equal treatment and recognition of their dignity. In contemporary elections, it is routine that more than 90 percent of black America votes for anyone but the GOP.

GOP cronies and conservatives masquerading as moderates (Arne Duncan, here’s looking at you) would stop the kind of union busting in places like Chicago that continue to erode the school system and disadvantage the predominantly black and brown students that attend Chicago public schools. Old school civil rights figures would decry the school reform movement and see clearly that it places black children back in the very kinds of conditions that Brown v. Board of Education was meant to rectify. Companies like Wal-Mart would pay their workers a living wage and acknowledge that they could do so and still remain profitable each year to the tune of billions of dollars.

Sad days for the party of Lincoln.
Two race-baiting threads in one morning? *yawn*

Just so you know. Race Baiting is using a black mother on welfare or Willie Horton fear to score political points. For example, when a party is 90% white and engages, publicly, in voter suppression, then reporting that is not race baiting. It's reporting the actions of a group that is undermining our democracy.

I hoped that helped.
So the Republicans are racist, because they don't share the authors delusions that there is a cabal of white males oppressing everyone in the country?

I know Obama is half white, but seriously? Are people that don't realize Obama is the person they put in power and isn't for these paranoid conspiracies?

And you call the Tea Party conspiratory theorists.
Two race-baiting threads in one morning? *yawn*

Just so you know. Race Baiting is using a black mother on welfare or Willie Horton fear to score political points. For example, when a party is 90% white and engages, publicly, in voter suppression, then reporting that is not race baiting. It's reporting the actions of a group that is undermining our democracy.

I hoped that helped.

It helped to verify that you are a certified talking point repeater who has never had an original thought.

BTW, Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. The thug Trayvon was killed in self defense. Your avatar is further confirmation of your idiocy.
Two race-baiting threads in one morning? *yawn*

Par for the course.

The liberals are losing in every issue they're involved in. So they have to create others, to divert attention from Obamacare, Benghazi, the IRS etc.

There are half a dozen fake threads on the board now.

No real surprise.
The GOP's race problem is that they are mostly white, and being white is a problem for Democrats.

Being born white is the only 'original sin' Democrats believe in. Unless you atone for it by becoming a progressive, you'll always be viewed as racist.
theres already a thread on the appreciate forum on this topic- ...closed.
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