Gore: Record Snow and Cold must be Global Warming - WTF!

A Bear farts in the woods, must be Global Warming. Gore has become such a joke that anything bad that happens he blames on Global Warming!

No, actually scientists have been saying for decades that global warming would lead to more storms, including storms that happen when the temp is below 32... Yes this means snow.

Pretty much everything they've been saying will happen, is happening...
And the same things have been happening all throughout Earth's history.

So you've seen these record snowfalls and superstorms like those occuring along the East coast and up into the Northeast time after time this year, FEET of snow...

I don't think so.

And nobody is blaming everything on Global Warming, this extreme weather is wrong. I remember snow storms and even an occasional blizzard, a rare blissard but nothing like this.

Summertime heat? Same extreme weather.
Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

Overview of conditions

Arctic sea ice extent averaged over January 2011 was 13.55 million square kilometers (5.23 million square miles). This was the lowest January ice extent recorded since satellite records began in 1979. It was 50,000 square kilometers (19,300 square miles) below the record low of 13.60 million square kilometers (5.25 million square miles), set in 2006, and 1.27 million square kilometers (490,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average.

Ice extent in January 2011 remained unusually low in Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait (between southern Baffin Island and Labrador), and Davis Strait (between Baffin Island and Greenland). Normally, these areas freeze over by late November, but this year Hudson Bay did not completely freeze over until mid-January. The Labrador Sea remains largely ice-free

In recorded human history.

Got some data for the earths history on warming?

Data IS available for that from studies of marine organisms in the fossil layers. They use an organism that hasn't changed in eons and whose population numbers depends on temperature. By comparing numbers to those of today, an estimation of the temperature at the time can be made.
Gore is only a joke to one political party in the entire world. The most ignorant political party in the entire world. They laugh at Gore, the entire world laughs at them. So it evens out.
If climate change is such a threat, why did Gore buy a house on the beach?

Because he's going to do something about it, despite the ignorance of people like you. :thup:
Gore is only a joke to one political party in the entire world. The most ignorant political party in the entire world. They laugh at Gore, the entire world laughs at them. So it evens out.
If climate change is such a threat, why did Gore buy a house on the beach?

Because he's going to do something about it, despite the ignorance of people like you. :thup:

Like what, put out another globull warming 'film' filled with inaccuracies?
Gore is only a joke to one political party in the entire world. The most ignorant political party in the entire world. They laugh at Gore, the entire world laughs at them. So it evens out.
If climate change is such a threat, why did Gore buy a house on the beach?

Because he's going to do something about it, despite the ignorance of people like you. :thup:

Explain how making his carbon footprint bigger a help.
Maybe the Gorical and Bob Redford can team up. Bob seems to be on board with 'green'. Well, when it suits him. And Lord knows the man does film well.


(ah, go on and have a looksee. It's only a two minute video.)
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Global Warming is GOOD! Just ask the people who lived through the Little Ice Age.

Or are living through Snowmageddon this winter.
Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

Overview of conditions

Arctic sea ice extent averaged over January 2011 was 13.55 million square kilometers (5.23 million square miles). This was the lowest January ice extent recorded since satellite records began in 1979. It was 50,000 square kilometers (19,300 square miles) below the record low of 13.60 million square kilometers (5.25 million square miles), set in 2006, and 1.27 million square kilometers (490,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average.

Ice extent in January 2011 remained unusually low in Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait (between southern Baffin Island and Labrador), and Davis Strait (between Baffin Island and Greenland). Normally, these areas freeze over by late November, but this year Hudson Bay did not completely freeze over until mid-January. The Labrador Sea remains largely ice-free

In recorded human history.

Got some data for the earths history on warming?

Data IS available for that from studies of marine organisms in the fossil layers. They use an organism that hasn't changed in eons and whose population numbers depends on temperature. By comparing numbers to those of today, an estimation of the temperature at the time can be made.

I know that. The data also says that the earth goes through hot, warm, and cold cycles. So global warming and cooling is nothing new. It happens. Deal with it.
Global Warming is GOOD! Just ask the people who lived through the Little Ice Age.

Or are living through Snowmageddon this winter.

We are currently living in the "warm" that ended the last ice age. Warm turns to hot. Its been happening since the earth was formed.
We're actually in a quite mild zone right now.

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A Bear farts in the woods, must be Global Warming. Gore has become such a joke that anything bad that happens he blames on Global Warming! Record snow and cold (in which he predicted by this time our children wouldn't know what snow was) is because of Global Warming, :cuckoo:, did Gore get into his son's stash? WTF

If the planet is warming, why is a third of America locked in a deep freeze, with record-low temperatures as far south as the Mexican border, where the thermometer in Ciudad Juarez plummeted Wednesday night to a bone-chilling 9-below zero?

Self-proclaimed planetary climate czar Al Gore thinks he has answer.

Great General Answer (actually its not, it blows), but where's the beef!
FoxNews.com - Al Gore Explains 'Snowmageddon'
"As it turns out, the scientific community has been addressing this particular question for some time now, and they say increased heavy snowfalls are completely consistent with what they have been predicting as a consequence of man-made global warming," Gore write in a blog post.

Finally real scientist offer voices of reason!
But not surprisingly, some climate-change skeptics are a bit hot under the collar over Gore’s “scientific” explanation.

“Gore’s statement actually indicates a deeper problem -- lack of precise predictions,” said Dr. William M. Briggs, a statistician and climate scientist. His research shows that there are no increased weather problems because of global warming, Briggs told FoxNews.com.

“He’s saying that anything bad that happens must be because global warming caused it. Activists like Gore are great at identifying events after the fact as being caused by global warming, but terrible at predicting them beforehand,” Briggs said.

Meteorologist Art Horn agreed, noting the extensive history of devastating weather over the millennia -- none of which he connects with global warming.
“If one actually studies the history of weather over the last 2,000 years, you see massive storms, amazing heat, brutal cold waves, devastating droughts, terrible floods and disastrous hurricanes -- none caused by global warming,” he told FoxNews.com.

“Gore has no appreciation for large natural variability in weather,” Horn said.

Art Horn has his head up his ass. Just because something had one cause in the past doesn't mean it couldn't have another now. Answer this, "what happens, if GHGs keep going up?" Where's that extra trapped energy going to go? Statistically 50% will be re-emitted into space, but logically the other half will be emitted towards earth, warming it.


As Polar Bear astutely points out........the window manufacturers have a better understanding of radiation absorption than the "real scientists"!!!:up::fu:
No, actually scientists have been saying for decades that global warming would lead to more storms, including storms that happen when the temp is below 32... Yes this means snow.

Pretty much everything they've been saying will happen, is happening...
And the same things have been happening all throughout Earth's history.

So you've seen these record snowfalls and superstorms like those occuring along the East coast and up into the Northeast time after time this year, FEET of snow...

I don't think so.
Uhhh...I turn 48 this month. How old do you think the Earth is? :lol:

And yes, the weather has been worse in the northeast before, your irrational belief that if you haven't seen it, it didn't happen notwithstanding:



And nobody is blaming everything on Global Warming, this extreme weather is wrong. I remember snow storms and even an occasional blizzard, a rare blissard but nothing like this.

Summertime heat? Same extreme weather.
And how old are you? Do you think what you've seen in your short lifetime is statistically significant when factored into all of even the short period of recorded human history?

Hint: It's not.
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Gore is only a joke to one political party in the entire world. The most ignorant political party in the entire world. They laugh at Gore, the entire world laughs at them. So it evens out.
If climate change is such a threat, why did Gore buy a house on the beach?

Because he's going to do something about it, despite the ignorance of people like you. :thup:
:rofl: And what can Al do about rising oceans? Command them to recede?

Do you really think his carbon trading scam is going to affect the environment? Then you're a fool. :lol:
What's the matter with you deniers?

Didn't you know that the climate would be a steady state if it wasn't for us filthy humans?

Based on the natural forcing we supposed to be .6-.7c below today in global temperature and going down as the tsi of the past 30 years have been moving on a downwards trend...The past 5 years we have been within a grand minimum=decreasing temperatures.

The natural forcing peaked in the 1945-1950 period. This forcing has remained near the tsi for the last 10,000 years at least....going up and down.

the temperatures of our planet supposed to be near 1920 like. In if this max doesn't turn around and we go through 3-4 like it we should be -1.5-2c below today.

1# Tsi for short term, 2# Axis alinement or inclination of the planet, which goes from 22-24.5 within a period of a few tens of thousands of years. The more north to south=ess energy within the northern and southern parts of the planet...possibly reason for advance and retreat phases of the glacial periods.

3# Orbit of the planet....More circular=even energy, but oval=less energy some parts of the year. could be the reason for the 100-115 kya cycle of the glacials.
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We're actually in a quite mild zone right now.


seems that there maybe a 100-150 million year cycle throughout the past 500 million years, which might be much alike the orbital cycle that causes the 100-115kya interglacial to glacial cycles over the past 800 thousand years. Interesting.
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What's the matter with you deniers?

Didn't you know that the climate would be a steady state if it wasn't for us filthy humans?

Based on the natural forcing we supposed to be .6-.7c below today in global temperature and going down as the tsi of the past 30 years have been moving on a downwards trend...The past 5 years we have been within a grand minimum=decreasing temperatures.

The natural forcing peaked in the 1945-1950 period. This forcing has remained near the tsi for the last 10,000 years at least....going up and down.

the temperatures of our planet supposed to be near 1920 like. In if this max doesn't turn around and we go through 3-4 like it we should be -1.5-2c below today.

1# Tsi for short term, 2# Axis alinement or inclination of the planet, which goes from 22-24.5 within a period of a few tens of thousands of years. The more north to south=ess energy within the northern and southern parts of the planet...possibly reason for advance and retreat phases of the glacial periods.

3# Orbit of the planet....More circular=even energy, but oval=less energy some parts of the year. could be the reason for the 100-115 kya cycle of the glacials.

= Matthew pnws all.....................

and if I may say, what do the k00ks have to say about every single IPCC member who has left the organization trashes the shit out of their "science". Only the k00ks think they've been bought off by big oil!!:D:funnyface::fu::boobies::lmao::D:funnyface::fu::boobies::fu:

The IPCC is a total scam..............http://exquisitelife.researchresearch.com/exquisite_life/2010/02/climate-panels-future-hangs-in-the-balance.html
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What's the matter with you deniers?

Didn't you know that the climate would be a steady state if it wasn't for us filthy humans?

Based on the natural forcing we supposed to be .6-.7c below today in global temperature and going down as the tsi of the past 30 years have been moving on a downwards trend...The past 5 years we have been within a grand minimum=decreasing temperatures.

The natural forcing peaked in the 1945-1950 period. This forcing has remained near the tsi for the last 10,000 years at least....going up and down.

the temperatures of our planet supposed to be near 1920 like. In if this max doesn't turn around and we go through 3-4 like it we should be -1.5-2c below today.

1# Tsi for short term, 2# Axis alinement or inclination of the planet, which goes from 22-24.5 within a period of a few tens of thousands of years. The more north to south=ess energy within the northern and southern parts of the planet...possibly reason for advance and retreat phases of the glacial periods.

3# Orbit of the planet....More circular=even energy, but oval=less energy some parts of the year. could be the reason for the 100-115 kya cycle of the glacials.

= Matthew pnws all.....................

and if I may say, what do the k00ks have to say about every single IPCC member who has left the organization trashes the shit out of their "science". Only the k00ks think they've been bought off by big oil!!:D:funnyface::fu::boobies::lmao::D:funnyface::fu::boobies::fu:

The IPCC is a total scam..............Climate panel's future hangs in the balance - Research Blogs

Tells us what Matthew knows. Seems to me the article supports AGW. It says we should be colder now, because of natural fluctuations. So what are you cheering about, unless you've changed sides? You can't even seem to be able to comprehend something as simple as that, so why should we pay any attention to what you have to say?!?! :lol::cuckoo:

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