Got to Give it to Obama, this Ripping of Trump was hysterical and well delivered!!!

Just out of curiosity, when did our lives become about Dems vs. the GOP? I swear to God, some of you are never happy. how do we make oil drop? are you serious? If it was one of your Republican brethren, you'd be creaming in your pants.

I don't give a shit who was on watch when it happened... the fact that it happened is the point.

It has become a game of Us vs. Them, and in the mean time the United States is sinking economically.

Yep, the great uniter, go figure.....
I predict the slamming that Trump took will make him absolutely determined to run for President. The man has an ego the size of Mount Rushmore. The GOP better nominate him, cause he has the funds to run on his own.

Does the name Ross Perot mean anything to you?
I didn't know Obama set gas prices..go figure...

Then why did Pelosi blame Bush and Cheney in 2008 for high gas prices? Was she lying to the American people?

It was dumb then and it's dumb now. The market sets the price with their forecasting. Earlier today, the price of oil dropped by 2% all because of the news of the bin Laden kill. So the sellers all made some bucks for about four hours, after which it went right back up 2%. No president has any control at all over what the speculators do with regard to oil commodities.
I was skeptical from the beginning of Trump's presidential bid. A skepticism that turned to an interested curiosity during his tough talking, policy ideas- not really policy specifics, but rather a general talk of how to bring down gas prices. His success as an entrepreneur gave me confidence that he has the competency and life experience to solve some of the problems facing America.
I even believed he should be a contender after he made some pretty, just-off-the-wall comments without giving any specifics. Trump said he would make countries that receive protection from America’s military begin paying some kind of compensation. Now I’ve seen every episode of ‘The Sapranos”; what are we the mafia?
The final straw on the proverbial camel’s back was the press conference after president Obama released his long-form birth certificate. I was initially interested in the ‘Birther Controversy”. There were a lot of inconsistencies and questions that gave it intrigue; intrigue that quickly faded after Obama released the mystery birth certificate. Trump came out and congratulated himself, completely ignoring the press’ questions regarding his past accusations and statements. One particularly interesting statement, that he would release his tax returns after the president releases his birth certificate, gave Trump a lot of annoyance.
The president sealed The Donald’s fate during the correspondents’ dinner. Trump has suggested that the amount of jokes aimed at him might be inappropriate, but he has brought it all on himself. And the president has made sure that The Donald will only be seen as a joke, just some novelty that the Republican Party will only tolerate according to his contributions.
I will not ever vote for Trump. I am even kinda skeptical that he was ever serious. Who benefits from all this? Was Trump not once a registered Democrat, a large donator to Harry Reid? Obama and the MSNBC have been feverishly trying to pin every conservative as a racist birther? I question Trumps motives, and after that press conference I don’t believe it’s unfair to say perhaps racist motives.

No matter how much the new breed of conservatives think that "diplomacy" isn't a necessary requirement for leadership, it most definitely is. The leader of the free world cannot go around making wild accusations or threats laced with profanity against other countries, even if they are political or economic enemies. We're not savages, and Donald Trump of all people should know that the US no longer operates in its own private bubble but what we do and how we act and REact to global situations and foreign entities greatly affects our own security and wellbeing.
For Obama to use this event to skewer his opponents shows what a coward our President is. This event is for laughing at yourself. Every other President including Bush used this even for that purpose. What does Obama do? He uses it to poke back at his political opponents. No class at all. If they debated each other, Trump would mop the floor with BO.

Guess what? EVERYBODY who attends the annual event is expected to leave his ego at the door and be able to take a good-natured ribbing without being petulant about it. It's called being mature and having a sense of humor. My bet is that Trump has a staggering deficit of both of those qualities. And he's too stupid to realize that he looks like a fool when he complains about how he was treated.

The President attends to poke fun at himself. Obama used it to poke back politically at his political foe, but that's Obama and we all know him now. He's snarky and nasty.
I was skeptical from the beginning of Trump's presidential bid. A skepticism that turned to an interested curiosity during his tough talking, policy ideas- not really policy specifics, but rather a general talk of how to bring down gas prices. His success as an entrepreneur gave me confidence that he has the competency and life experience to solve some of the problems facing America.
I even believed he should be a contender after he made some pretty, just-off-the-wall comments without giving any specifics. Trump said he would make countries that receive protection from America’s military begin paying some kind of compensation. Now I’ve seen every episode of ‘The Sapranos”; what are we the mafia?
The final straw on the proverbial camel’s back was the press conference after president Obama released his long-form birth certificate. I was initially interested in the ‘Birther Controversy”. There were a lot of inconsistencies and questions that gave it intrigue; intrigue that quickly faded after Obama released the mystery birth certificate. Trump came out and congratulated himself, completely ignoring the press’ questions regarding his past accusations and statements. One particularly interesting statement, that he would release his tax returns after the president releases his birth certificate, gave Trump a lot of annoyance.
The president sealed The Donald’s fate during the correspondents’ dinner. Trump has suggested that the amount of jokes aimed at him might be inappropriate, but he has brought it all on himself. And the president has made sure that The Donald will only be seen as a joke, just some novelty that the Republican Party will only tolerate according to his contributions.
I will not ever vote for Trump. I am even kinda skeptical that he was ever serious. Who benefits from all this? Was Trump not once a registered Democrat, a large donator to Harry Reid? Obama and the MSNBC have been feverishly trying to pin every conservative as a racist birther? I question Trumps motives, and after that press conference I don’t believe it’s unfair to say perhaps racist motives.

No matter how much the new breed of conservatives think that "diplomacy" isn't a necessary requirement for leadership, it most definitely is. The leader of the free world cannot go around making wild accusations or threats laced with profanity against other countries, even if they are political or economic enemies. We're not savages, and Donald Trump of all people should know that the US no longer operates in its own private bubble but what we do and how we act and REact to global situations and foreign entities greatly affects our own security and wellbeing.

I see you pretty much agree with tough to the American people and kiss our competetor nation's asses.
I aspire to growing a Trump comb-over. Too bad the razor keeps getting in the way.

You could just let your eyebrows grow out and comb them back. Or start shaving between your eyebrows for the Hannity/Blagojevich look.
The Vice President (at the time) was not a private citizen - he was a public official.

Try again

Obama made fun of political opponents who questioned his American citizenship and education. Nothing wrong there.

Bush however, made fun of not finding WMDs. He was outright laughing at the fake reason that was behind the death of thousands of Americans, the maiming of over 50 thousand Americans and the loss of who know how much in treasure. Remember, it's going to take hundreds of billions alone simply to pay for those unnecessary medical costs.

What Bush did was a "slap in the face" to the families of those Americans who died, who were wounded and who served in Iraq.

How dare you suggest who Obama did was wrong and not a word about the disgusting and un American way Bush and the Republicans acted when they controlled the government. Shame. Something Republicans have none of.

Bush said he didn't think about Bin Laden and he truly wasn't "concerned" about Bin Laden. Anything else would make him a fucking liar, now wouldn't it?

And yet for SOME political hacks, Obama's cracks on a BILLIONAIRE TV personality somehow are egregious...:cuckoo:

Can you believe it?

It must be because they believe Trump has money. For the right wing, if you have money you can do anything. Bin Laden had hundreds of millions of dollars. That didn't stop Obama.
For Obama to use this event to skewer his opponents shows what a coward our President is. This event is for laughing at yourself. Every other President including Bush used this even for that purpose. What does Obama do? He uses it to poke back at his political opponents. No class at all. If they debated each other, Trump would mop the floor with BO.

No he wouldn't. For every question asked, and answered by Obama, Trump would interject "EXCUSE ME?" He would make fool of himself.
Obama made fun of political opponents who questioned his American citizenship and education. Nothing wrong there.

Bush however, made fun of not finding WMDs. He was outright laughing at the fake reason that was behind the death of thousands of Americans, the maiming of over 50 thousand Americans and the loss of who know how much in treasure. Remember, it's going to take hundreds of billions alone simply to pay for those unnecessary medical costs.

What Bush did was a "slap in the face" to the families of those Americans who died, who were wounded and who served in Iraq.

How dare you suggest who Obama did was wrong and not a word about the disgusting and un American way Bush and the Republicans acted when they controlled the government. Shame. Something Republicans have none of.

Bush said he didn't think about Bin Laden and he truly wasn't "concerned" about Bin Laden. Anything else would make him a fucking liar, now wouldn't it?

And yet for SOME political hacks, Obama's cracks on a BILLIONAIRE TV personality somehow are egregious...:cuckoo:

Can you believe it?

It must be because they believe Trump has money. For the right wing, if you have money you can do anything. Bin Laden had hundreds of millions of dollars. That didn't stop Obama.

It's about Obama's character. He uses an event like this, which is supposed to be light hearted, as a stage to strike back at his political foe. No class.

Questioning Obama's education is a valid point. Bush released his college grades and papers. What is Obama hiding?
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For Obama to use this event to skewer his opponents shows what a coward our President is. This event is for laughing at yourself. Every other President including Bush used this even for that purpose. What does Obama do? He uses it to poke back at his political opponents. No class at all. If they debated each other, Trump would mop the floor with BO.

No he wouldn't. For every question asked, and answered by Obama, Trump would interject "EXCUSE ME?" He would make fool of himself.

"Excuse me?", it more more like, "YOUR FIRED!", then he would make a fool of himself.
And yet for SOME political hacks, Obama's cracks on a BILLIONAIRE TV personality somehow are egregious...:cuckoo:

Can you believe it?

It must be because they believe Trump has money. For the right wing, if you have money you can do anything. Bin Laden had hundreds of millions of dollars. That didn't stop Obama.

It's about Obama's character. He uses an event like this, which is supposed to be light hearted, as a stage to strike back at his political foe. No class.

Questioning Obama's education is a valid point. Bush released his college grades and papers. What is Obama hiding?

You don't think it's "light-hearted" to poke fun at Trump by saying that he's next going to look into whether or not the 1969 Apollo moon landing was faked? How is that a serious political attack?
Doesn't this man realize that people can say anything about you once you're a political candidate?

"Real estate mogul Donald Trump called jokes made about him at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner 'inappropriate in certain respects.'"

Source: thehill(dot)com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/158495-trump-says-jokes-about-him-by-obama-meyers-were-inappropriate

I thought the jokes were funny. Now everybody knows what kind of person Trump is (if they didn't know before). But what is truly sad is that this guy was able to get Obama to show his birth certificate and then explain his reasons on Oprah. That's very poor leadership on the part of Obama IMO.

That Oprah segment was taped the day after he produced the long form, and the program was shown TODAY. He did not choose Oprah's show to announce it first.
And yet for SOME political hacks, Obama's cracks on a BILLIONAIRE TV personality somehow are egregious...:cuckoo:

Can you believe it?

It must be because they believe Trump has money. For the right wing, if you have money you can do anything. Bin Laden had hundreds of millions of dollars. That didn't stop Obama.

It's about Obama's character. He uses an event like this, which is supposed to be light hearted, as a stage to strike back at his political foe. No class.

Questioning Obama's education is a valid point. Bush released his college grades and papers. What is Obama hiding?

Jack, Obama was gaming the GOP with the b/ our economy sank. Now it's the school records...he's still gaming the our economy sinks even further.

Let's get off the dog and pony show and get back challenging Obama on the critical issues this country is facing. you really want Biden to take over the presidency?
Can you believe it?

It must be because they believe Trump has money. For the right wing, if you have money you can do anything. Bin Laden had hundreds of millions of dollars. That didn't stop Obama.

It's about Obama's character. He uses an event like this, which is supposed to be light hearted, as a stage to strike back at his political foe. No class.

Questioning Obama's education is a valid point. Bush released his college grades and papers. What is Obama hiding?

You don't think it's "light-hearted" to poke fun at Trump by saying that he's next going to look into whether or not the 1969 Apollo moon landing was faked? How is that a serious political attack?

I never said it was a serious political attack. You did. What I said was is that it is not classy. He's there to poke fun at himself, not to score cheap political points. That's what I said.

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