Got to Give it to Obama, this Ripping of Trump was hysterical and well delivered!!!

I think both Obama and Trump can walk away with positive talking points over the subject.
Having said that, it isn't solving our debt crisis.

It might, if we can walk away from Afghanistan with some semblance of respect even earlier than planned. That would save a few billion a month.

I was referring to the b/c fiasco.

But, I'm wondering if we now will leave Afaganistan soon?....I hope we do, that's throwing money down a bottomless pit. The government is really corrupt over there

the birth certificate wasn't a fiasco. and any postive talking points trump may have had got dissolved at the press corps dinner where he was ground into dirt.

i almost think the president released the birth certificate just so he could do that, too. :D
I can hardly wait until the day after election day 2012. Put a microphone in front of Trump so he can say......."Mr. President, you're fired."

If you truly aspire to see Trump in the WH you have zero credibility...seriously...

Trump said he thought the photoshopped "Trump White House" was funny. One of the few things he did comment on. That got me thinking about the mystery of the huge building where bin Laden got lunch, the house being eight times bigger than the other ritzy houses on the block, and no one seemed to question who lived there. Maybe they thought it was just one of Trump's summer homes.
You don't think it's "light-hearted" to poke fun at Trump by saying that he's next going to look into whether or not the 1969 Apollo moon landing was faked? How is that a serious political attack?

I never said it was a serious political attack. You did. What I said was is that it is not classy. He's there to poke fun at himself, not to score cheap political points. That's what I said.

Of course Trump had been trying to score cheap political points and wasn't even using a comedy venue to do it. But you see that as okay. Gotcha.

You don't see a difference between making thinly veiled accusations at press conferences and making what was widely seen as a series of jokes at a televised event that has a years long history of politicians and comedians poking fun at the people who weild power and influence in the country?
And yet for SOME political hacks, Obama's cracks on a BILLIONAIRE TV personality somehow are egregious...:cuckoo:

Can you believe it?

It must be because they believe Trump has money. For the right wing, if you have money you can do anything. Bin Laden had hundreds of millions of dollars. That didn't stop Obama.

It's about Obama's character. He uses an event like this, which is supposed to be light hearted, as a stage to strike back at his political foe. No class.

Questioning Obama's education is a valid point. Bush released his college grades and papers. What is Obama hiding?

Obama was the editor of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated near the top of his class.

Obama presented a standard, state issued birth certificate and still, for the right wing, that wasn't enough. They real reason they keep going after Obama is because they hate having a black guy in the WHITE House. Why try to satisfy your enemies? And considering the number of death threats Obama has received, the right wing, home of Jim Crowe, IS his enemy.
I never said it was a serious political attack. You did. What I said was is that it is not classy. He's there to poke fun at himself, not to score cheap political points. That's what I said.

Of course Trump had been trying to score cheap political points and wasn't even using a comedy venue to do it. But you see that as okay. Gotcha.

You don't see a difference between making thinly veiled accusations at press conferences and making what was widely seen as a series of jokes at a televised event that has a years long history of politicians and comedians poking fun at the people who weild power and influence in the country?

Huh? I do. It's Jack that doesn't.

Campaign rhetoric, period. Promises (and lies) abound. McCain and Palin both falsely claimed that Alaska produces 20% of the domestic oil and natural gas supply, when the actual number is 7.4%. And they repeated it at every rally!!!

Republicans lied????

Next you'll be telling us there were no WMDs in Iraq.

Remember one year at the same annual dinner when Bush pretended to "look under his desk" to find those missing WMDs? Bush sent thousands of soldiers to their deaths to look for those weapons, and he somehow found humor in that mistake. Talk about tasteless!!!

Leave it to you, deen'o to infer the race card from that statement. :cuckoo:

Hmmm...the first person I see say the word "race", is you....:eusa_eh:

That's all your boy is good for ... stupid rhetoric. He makes Bill Clinton look like an angel.


Leave it to you, deen'o to infer the race card from that statement. :cuckoo:

And you don't? Gimme a break.
Bo, either quit your drinking, or start comprehending posts from the left side, Okay?
Your one liners are really tiresome and border on trolling.
It might, if we can walk away from Afghanistan with some semblance of respect even earlier than planned. That would save a few billion a month.

I was referring to the b/c fiasco.

But, I'm wondering if we now will leave Afaganistan soon?....I hope we do, that's throwing money down a bottomless pit. The government is really corrupt over there

the birth certificate wasn't a fiasco. and any postive talking points trump may have had got dissolved at the press corps dinner where he was ground into dirt.

i almost think the president released the birth certificate just so he could do that, too. :D

IMO, it was a fiasco, because it shouldn't even have been an issue, Jillian. I expected no less from the media to hammer Trump over it, but Trump did force Obama's hand into revealing it.
You don't think it's "light-hearted" to poke fun at Trump by saying that he's next going to look into whether or not the 1969 Apollo moon landing was faked? How is that a serious political attack?

I never said it was a serious political attack. You did. What I said was is that it is not classy. He's there to poke fun at himself, not to score cheap political points. That's what I said.

Of course Trump had been trying to score cheap political points and wasn't even using a comedy venue to do it. But you see that as okay. Gotcha.

Trump got BO to show his long form. Trump speaks and Obama jumps. Obama is the one striking back in anger and he used a lighthearted event to do it. No class at all.
For Obama to use this event to skewer his opponents shows what a coward our President is. This event is for laughing at yourself. Every other President including Bush used this even for that purpose. What does Obama do? He uses it to poke back at his political opponents. No class at all. If they debated each other, Trump would mop the floor with BO.

Guess what? EVERYBODY who attends the annual event is expected to leave his ego at the door and be able to take a good-natured ribbing without being petulant about it. It's called being mature and having a sense of humor. My bet is that Trump has a staggering deficit of both of those qualities. And he's too stupid to realize that he looks like a fool when he complains about how he was treated.

The President attends to poke fun at himself. Obama used it to poke back politically at his political foe, but that's Obama and we all know him now. He's snarky and nasty.

I guess you didn't watch the whole thing...he poked lots of fun at himself...his birth certificate, the whole teleprompter thing, Africa, the messiah thing, even poked fun at his wife's anti-obesity campaign....

But, what the heck, comment without watching.
And yet for SOME political hacks, Obama's cracks on a BILLIONAIRE TV personality somehow are egregious...:cuckoo:

Can you believe it?

It must be because they believe Trump has money. For the right wing, if you have money you can do anything. Bin Laden had hundreds of millions of dollars. That didn't stop Obama.

It's about Obama's character. He uses an event like this, which is supposed to be light hearted, as a stage to strike back at his political foe. No class.

Questioning Obama's education is a valid point. Bush released his college grades and papers. What is Obama hiding?

Yep, you didn't even watch it.
Leave it to you, deen'o to infer the race card from that statement. :cuckoo:

Hmmm...the first person I see say the word "race", is you....:eusa_eh:

And you don't? Gimme a break.

Did you notice which post came first? Why was YOURS
Bo, either quit your drinking, or start comprehending posts from the left side, Okay?
Your one liners are really tiresome and border on trolling.

I think I'm not the one with the drinking problem in this case. But please continue with the Race Card Card.
Last edited:
I never said it was a serious political attack. You did. What I said was is that it is not classy. He's there to poke fun at himself, not to score cheap political points. That's what I said.

Of course Trump had been trying to score cheap political points and wasn't even using a comedy venue to do it. But you see that as okay. Gotcha.

Trump got BO to show his long form. Trump speaks and Obama jumps. Obama is the one striking back in anger and he used a lighthearted event to do it. No class at all.

i think obama released his birth certificate just so he could humiliate trump at the press corps dinner.

poor loon.
I was referring to the b/c fiasco.

But, I'm wondering if we now will leave Afaganistan soon?....I hope we do, that's throwing money down a bottomless pit. The government is really corrupt over there

the birth certificate wasn't a fiasco. and any postive talking points trump may have had got dissolved at the press corps dinner where he was ground into dirt.

i almost think the president released the birth certificate just so he could do that, too. :D

IMO, it was a fiasco, because it shouldn't even have been an issue, Jillian. I expected no less from the media to hammer Trump over it, but Trump did force Obama's hand into revealing it.

did you hear what the president said to michelle bachmann at the dinner the other night? he said "michelle bachmann wants to run for president. but i heard she was born in canada....... (pause)... yes, michelle, that's how it starts".

he got tired of trump thumping around running his mouth. i suspect he wanted it done before the bin laden take-down, though i kid and say it was so he could slice and dice trump at the dinner... truly a thing of beauty.

and no, it shouldn't have been an issue. but no one told that to the birfer trash.
anyone have a link to the whole thing? The original one in the OP is just one part.
Tell that to deen'o, he's the one that "inferred" the race card, Bo. You may have to look up the word "infer" in the dictionary....obviously you got stuck on that one. :razz:
But first step back from that bottle of Thunderbird.


Nice one!!!

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