Got to Give it to Obama, this Ripping of Trump was hysterical and well delivered!!!

And yet for SOME political hacks, Obama's cracks on a BILLIONAIRE TV personality somehow are egregious...:cuckoo:

Can you believe it?

It must be because they believe Trump has money. For the right wing, if you have money you can do anything. Bin Laden had hundreds of millions of dollars. That didn't stop Obama.

It's about Obama's character. He uses an event like this, which is supposed to be light hearted, as a stage to strike back at his political foe. No class.

Questioning Obama's education is a valid point. Bush released his college grades and papers. What is Obama hiding?

Do you have a link showing transcripts of Bush's college papers? Or even a copy of his grades? He SAID he was a C-average student at Yale, and that's all I recall about his education, and there was some back and forth at the time over who had better grades, Bush or Kerry.
This thread subject serves as an interesting litmus test for identifying partisanship.

Watching people trying to explain to us how something that was so obviously funny wasn't funny?

If there's one area that authoritarian personalities typically fail at, its getting humor.

And that is so clearly shown to us in this thread with some of your comments

I remember when Bush looked for WMDs under his seat.


Bush actually did have a good sense of humor. So much in fact that it got him in trouble.

So does Obama.


Ah...not so much, that's obvious, too, especially after this event.

Americans will not, I think, elect a thin-skinned bully-boy like Trump.

And Trump's behavior, while he was being roasted by Obama, his inability to laugh at himself?

That's a terrible personality trait for somebody the American people are considering to give enormous power.

I think Trumps election bid is over, folks.

I think the oval office would be way too hot for a delicate flower like him.


You're right.
Tell that to deen'o, he's the one that "inferred" the race card, Bo. You may have to look up the word "infer" in the dictionary....obviously you got stuck on that one. :razz:
But first step back from that bottle of Thunderbird.

No, you blatantly said it was the race card....all he said is "boy?" You took it from there.

And Rdean answered with "And you don't? Gimme a break."
I knew exactly where dean was going with it, Bo. I've read enough of his posts. You are so blinded by partisan hackery, that you finally become a joke. Keep going, Bo.

Which was a very valid question after you had already proved by your comment (with no help from anyone else) that you thought it was racist.....No one helped you say the Race Card had been pointed it out first and then (laughably) tried to pretend that there was no legitimate basis for saying it was about race.....To be plain, if there was no legitimate reason....why did you think it was about the Race Card?

I would have asked you the same question "And you don't?" after you clearly had, by your post, indicated that you thought it was.
For Obama to use this event to skewer his opponents shows what a coward our President is. This event is for laughing at yourself. Every other President including Bush used this even for that purpose. What does Obama do? He uses it to poke back at his political opponents. No class at all. If they debated each other, Trump would mop the floor with BO.

God, what a total fuckin' hack you are.


You'd think he would have actually watched the whole video before posting something so silly like that.
No, you blatantly said it was the race card....all he said is "boy?" You took it from there.

And Rdean answered with "And you don't? Gimme a break."
I knew exactly where dean was going with it, Bo. I've read enough of his posts. You are so blinded by partisan hackery, that you finally become a joke. Keep going, Bo.

Which was a very valid question after you had already proved by your comment (with no help from anyone else) that you thought it was racist.....No one helped you say the Race Card had been pointed it out first and then (laughably) tried to pretend that there was no legitimate basis for saying it was about race.....To be plain, if there was no legitimate reason....why did you think it was about the Race Card?

I would have asked you the same question "And you don't?" after you clearly had, by your post, indicated that you thought it was.

Oh brother, you should quit embarrassing yourself. :eusa_whistle:
I disagree. I don't think we should be paying the president to tell jokes.

It's only been a standard affair for 90 years. So we should go back and reimburse taxpayers?

So your argument is that since a waste of taxpayer money has been going on for years that we should pay for it forever.

It is exactly that "thinking" that has put us in the financial hole we are in.

Actually, the only part taxpayers would be responsible for is security. The WHC is paid for by membership dues, which includes their annual dinner and also all the scholarships announced each year.

Of course if you'd done your homework, you'd know that before making foolish statements.


And for whomever wanted to know if there's a download of Obama's comments at the dinner last Saturday, it can be found at that site also.
I fail to see how a President "ripping" American citizens is funny. I don't recall any other President doing this. I guess King Hussein the Elitist is the exception

so them ripping on the president is funny. but the president giving it back, isn't?

so you're both stupid and disingenuous. :clap2:

Yeah there is nothing like a petulant president trying to one up everyone who ever criticizes him to inspire the American people.

Do you live in a cave? The fucking Correspondents' dinner is intended to be a ROAST!!!!!

Correction: I should put 'fucking' in the right place:

The Correspondents' dinner is intended to be a fucking roast.
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It's only been a standard affair for 90 years. So we should go back and reimburse taxpayers?

So your argument is that since a waste of taxpayer money has been going on for years that we should pay for it forever.

It is exactly that "thinking" that has put us in the financial hole we are in.

Actually, the only part taxpayers would be responsible for is security. The WHC is paid for by membership dues, which includes their annual dinner and also all the scholarships announced each year.

Of course if you'd done your homework, you'd know that before making foolish statements.


And for whomever wanted to know if there's a download of Obama's comments at the dinner last Saturday, it can be found at that site also.

And the security is the only thing I mentioned previously.

If the president wants to make a social call that is not a necessary part of his duties then he should pay for his own security.

That's called being a responsible steward of other peoples' money.
so them ripping on the president is funny. but the president giving it back, isn't?

so you're both stupid and disingenuous. :clap2:

Yeah there is nothing like a petulant president trying to one up everyone who ever criticizes him to inspire the American people.

Do you live in a cave? The fucking Correspondents' dinner is intended to be a ROAST!!!!!

Correction: I should put 'fucking' in the right place:

The Correspondents' dinner is intended to be a fucking roast.

Yes because our petulant president never ever demeans his critics other than at a correspondents dinner right?
Funny things

1) UBL 'former' CIA employee was already dead, years ago.

2) BHO was never a Citizen.

3) Millions of dumbfucks STILL will vote for the usurper in 2012
Can we get back to the fox that Trump has on top of his head? I thought that's what this thread was about before the anti-Obama crowd got their panties in a twist.
Can we get back to the fox that Trump has on top of his head? I thought that's what this thread was about before the anti-Obama crowd got their panties in a twist.

the donald goes to a procotologist.

when the doc asks: how can i help you?

the fox answers: i need you to remove this ugly useless cyst from my ass.

then the stone-faced unamused cyst wants a second opinion.

the doc says: you are ugly, too!

and helps the fox to get rid of the cyst with a clean clinical shot above the left eye of the ugly useless growth.

then the fox walks into a bar and says: ouch.
Donald Chump got so pwned. LOL, so pwned that now he's calling for a truce like a little bitch hahahaa

And it couldn't happen to a more $hittier guy.


Now that we know what was about to go down...Obama would have shut Trump up for a month or so just with the death of Bin Laden. Really blows the whole "He had to show it" argument out of the water. My President did what he thought was right to get the distraction out of the way.

I wish he would have saved it and make the GOP'ers walk the plank on it a little later but Trump's scalp on the wall was reward enough I suppose.
Funny things

1) UBL 'former' CIA employee was already dead, years ago.

2) BHO was never a Citizen.

3) Millions of dumbfucks STILL will vote for the usurper in 2012

What did you do before Internet conspiracy theories took over your life?

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