Gott admire the "protest" tactics of Repugs

So, where's the picture of it? I clicked on another link in your link and still just found claims that lots of pictures were being taken, but there are no pictures.

No tactics will ever be more down and dirty than those of that steaming pile of protesters known as OWS. And there are plenty of pictures of the poopfest. All we have in this article are claims.
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So, where's the picture of it? I clicked on another link in your link and still just found claims that lots of pictures were being taken, but there are no pictures.

No tactics will ever be more down and dirty than those of that steaming pile of protesters known as OWS. And there are plenty of pictures of the poopfest. All we have in this article are claims.

Lets see, Obama pics as Hitler, monkeys, and being hanged, really great protest.
So, where's the picture of it? I clicked on another link in your link and still just found claims that lots of pictures were being taken, but there are no pictures.

No tactics will ever be more down and dirty than those of that steaming pile of protesters known as OWS. And there are plenty of pictures of the poopfest. All we have in this article are claims.

Lets see, Obama pics as Hitler, monkeys, and being hanged, really great protest.

Is it taking skin off your ass? I hope so
So, where's the picture of it? I clicked on another link in your link and still just found claims that lots of pictures were being taken, but there are no pictures.

No tactics will ever be more down and dirty than those of that steaming pile of protesters known as OWS. And there are plenty of pictures of the poopfest. All we have in this article are claims.

Lets see, Obama pics as Hitler, monkeys, and being hanged, really great protest.

You were, I assume, equally offended by similar images of Bush, right?

Fucking hypocrite.

And... stop working for the HuffPuff. It's not helping your mental issues.
I would bet there are more Bush as a chimp pictures out there than Obama.
So, where's the picture of it? I clicked on another link in your link and still just found claims that lots of pictures were being taken, but there are no pictures.

No tactics will ever be more down and dirty than those of that steaming pile of protesters known as OWS. And there are plenty of pictures of the poopfest. All we have in this article are claims.

Lets see, Obama pics as Hitler, monkeys, and being hanged, really great protest.

Bull shit. None of that happened. Prove otherwise.
Look you cant reason with the OP. He's a moron that doesnt want to see both sides, he just attacks republicans and never looks at his own glass house.
So, where's the picture of it? I clicked on another link in your link and still just found claims that lots of pictures were being taken, but there are no pictures.

No tactics will ever be more down and dirty than those of that steaming pile of protesters known as OWS. And there are plenty of pictures of the poopfest. All we have in this article are claims.

Lets see, Obama pics as Hitler, monkeys, and being hanged, really great protest.




I bet you're equally as outraged about these, huh.... not.
Where the hell did Flaymo go??

He went where scalded dogs usually go...running away with his tail between his legs.

*Runnoft* !

[ame=]O Brother - r u n n o f t - YouTube[/ame]

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