Gotta love this woke city.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Everyone living in the woke New Hampshire city I grew up in watched as the CEO of the main medical facility went before the city council demanding masking and vaccinations, some mandatory, with the threat of job loss. Some victims of the new mRNA science got serious heart issues; others suffered varying degrees of paralysis and other immune system reactions leaving them at the mercy of lifetime uncertainty especially considering any children they may have. Vaccinated citizens got Covid anyway and some died. According to these experts, a dangerous virus was loose and drastic measures needed to be taken. Local officials draped themselves in the garb of health crusaders ordering a few to fall for the benefit of many.

What that CEO did not divulge was that masking does nothing to prevent transmission of an engineered pathogen designed to defeat standard efforts to stop the spread. Businesses were wounded and some closed. Churches were shuttered and kids stopped going to school. The Governor of the state, Chris Sununu, declared alcohol a de facto heath supplement and liquor stores went into overdrive with land office sales. And of course, illegal weed use is soaring as people privately treat themselves with self-administered medical marijuana. In other words, everything that shortens a person’s life intensified.

Some of us are left with some uncomfortable questions:

Why would the CEO of a medical facility on one hand demand masking and on the other manage the place so badly that the streets of the city are flooded with Fentanyl? Why would the city’s local media allow this individual to just step over the bodies and blame underlings? No one swooped in on that CEO and demanded investigations, the FBI was not called to go to this CEO’s house in the wee hours of the morning and drag him before cameras in handcuffs.

The city, its media, its college, and now its medical center, are the textbook definition of a national American cultural and political Chernobyl. The people there don’t know it because it is poorly reported. The city’s local media do not function to inform the people of threats that could kill them or their children. They have set up shop as public relations hawkers to put a good face on anything that might cast a bad light on the city and a tiny nucleus of hacks that profit from the city’s woke reputation. Under most circumstances media running like a Mafia law firm is expected, especially these days, but now some younger people are dropping dead, and not from a virus. Since coming back from dead is extremely difficult, you may want to keep reading.

Fentanyl is a drug developed in China that is one hundred times as powerful as morphine. It is the leading cause of death among Americans 18-45. The drug is so lethal that it kills by respiratory depression or “wooden chest syndrome” a term familiar to anesthesiologists. Essentially it stops the automatic mechanism of the human nervous system that controls breathing. If a Keene citizen swallows a pill that is ubiquitous at America’s colleges say, Adderall or Ritalin, that citizen may get more than he or she bargained for. If that pill is laced with Fentanyl to make it more addictive, that citizen could be braindead within minutes.

According to news reports originating outside the city of course, there is enough missing Fentanyl at the hospital complex to kill every man, woman, and child on the East Coast twice. Someone apparently blew a whistle somewhere otherwise the people would have been spared the unwelcome news by its local media as it has been so many times in its past. This new wave of woke news reporting that appeared after the 2016 presidential election filters uncomfortable information that might threaten an established status quo. It goes a step beyond by branding anyone that asks questions about “experts” as conspiracy theorists or white supremacists, a term that has about as much meaning in the modern world as sympathizers of the Confederacy.

How much of the deadly substance made it to the streets is uncertain as is the actual amount of the missing chemical. As usual the people are just told that everything is under control and there is no need to panic. Meanwhile some just drop dead and are apparantly written off as the cost of doing business in a woke world.

Cities like this are front and center in the postmodern world of wokeness. Consider the ridiculous paradigm afoot now that spreads the notion that Joe Biden got eighty million votes in 2020. The alternate reality of a population that idolizes an installed figurehead in Washington struggling to dress himself, unable to remember the recipe for ice cubes is just another day in paradise for cities many no longer recognize. But these places are killing our kids.

The collective intelligence level of many cities has been steadily reduced by media and academia for decades because they have gone woke and wokeness depends on propagandized neurological confusion. In simple English that means that legacy media function to make and keep the people fearful and timid, like the East German Stasi did to their population years ago. One would think the people would notice that their local media is a betrayal of public trust and a travesty of journalistic integrity. But the people seem to be under a spell. Is that what Trump Derangement Syndrome is?

The people living in urban settings and increasingly smaller towns have no sense of genuine history and are unaware that generations of children are addicted to government drugs controlling their behavior. In the wake of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society (1965), intact families headed by a biological father were abandoned in favor of a village raising a child. This made government more powerful and ushered in an explosion of bureaucracies to keep it that way.

Behavioral issues quickly materialized and to cover for itself government turned to the quackery of pseudo psychology and junk psychiatry. Convenient diseases like ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, later, ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, appeared and justified drugging small children like zoo animals. Introducing government drugs into the broken homes of the people was quickly touted as an important educational tool and the government never looked back.

You can follow Fentanyl deaths on the obituary page of local newspapers by looking for the code words: “died unexpectedly”. This is especially true if the death is premature involving previously healthy Millennials. After that very strange election of 2016, media everywhere began speaking with one voice which is a dead giveaway for the malfeasance of government propaganda. This goes largely unrecognized in woke cities. Creating and supporting gullible groupthink is job one for woke media. Using America’s new corrupted security state to prevent Donald Trump from ever running for political office again is a chosen battle plan because the people showed in 2016 that they were not on board with a new world order. Americs’s elites in Washington did not wait long to go after the people.

The FBI that couldn’t find Whitey Bulger for sixteen years, had no trouble finding Trump, the man we voted for in 2016. They won’t have any trouble finding us either. Government is poised to release 87,000 IRS agents to attack small businesses and individuals that have not properly toed the wokeness line. What are people seeing? Are they seeing populations being ushered across open boarders while America’s youth is exterminated with Fentanyl? Is this the plan Trump interrupted? The old are culled with Covid while the young are dispatched even faster with a drug more dangerous to humans that a can of Raid is to a housefly. It sure looks like Washington has had enough of people not following the herd.

Nurse Dead and Medical Center Fined $235,000 After Gallons of Fentanyl Bags Stolen (

How did 7 gallons of fentanyl go missing from a hospital? Regulators launch investigation (
Everyone living in the woke New Hampshire city I grew up in watched as the CEO of the main medical facility went before the city council demanding masking and vaccinations, some mandatory, with the threat of job loss. Some victims of the new mRNA science got serious heart issues; others suffered varying degrees of paralysis and other immune system reactions leaving them at the mercy of lifetime uncertainty especially considering any children they may have. Vaccinated citizens got Covid anyway and some died. According to these experts, a dangerous virus was loose and drastic measures needed to be taken. Local officials draped themselves in the garb of health crusaders ordering a few to fall for the benefit of many.

What that CEO did not divulge was that masking does nothing to prevent transmission of an engineered pathogen designed to defeat standard efforts to stop the spread. Businesses were wounded and some closed. Churches were shuttered and kids stopped going to school. The Governor of the state, Chris Sununu, declared alcohol a de facto heath supplement and liquor stores went into overdrive with land office sales. And of course, illegal weed use is soaring as people privately treat themselves with self-administered medical marijuana. In other words, everything that shortens a person’s life intensified.

Some of us are left with some uncomfortable questions:

Why would the CEO of a medical facility on one hand demand masking and on the other manage the place so badly that the streets of the city are flooded with Fentanyl? Why would the city’s local media allow this individual to just step over the bodies and blame underlings? No one swooped in on that CEO and demanded investigations, the FBI was not called to go to this CEO’s house in the wee hours of the morning and drag him before cameras in handcuffs.

The city, its media, its college, and now its medical center, are the textbook definition of a national American cultural and political Chernobyl. The people there don’t know it because it is poorly reported. The city’s local media do not function to inform the people of threats that could kill them or their children. They have set up shop as public relations hawkers to put a good face on anything that might cast a bad light on the city and a tiny nucleus of hacks that profit from the city’s woke reputation. Under most circumstances media running like a Mafia law firm is expected, especially these days, but now some younger people are dropping dead, and not from a virus. Since coming back from dead is extremely difficult, you may want to keep reading.

Fentanyl is a drug developed in China that is one hundred times as powerful as morphine. It is the leading cause of death among Americans 18-45. The drug is so lethal that it kills by respiratory depression or “wooden chest syndrome” a term familiar to anesthesiologists. Essentially it stops the automatic mechanism of the human nervous system that controls breathing. If a Keene citizen swallows a pill that is ubiquitous at America’s colleges say, Adderall or Ritalin, that citizen may get more than he or she bargained for. If that pill is laced with Fentanyl to make it more addictive, that citizen could be braindead within minutes.

According to news reports originating outside the city of course, there is enough missing Fentanyl at the hospital complex to kill every man, woman, and child on the East Coast twice. Someone apparently blew a whistle somewhere otherwise the people would have been spared the unwelcome news by its local media as it has been so many times in its past. This new wave of woke news reporting that appeared after the 2016 presidential election filters uncomfortable information that might threaten an established status quo. It goes a step beyond by branding anyone that asks questions about “experts” as conspiracy theorists or white supremacists, a term that has about as much meaning in the modern world as sympathizers of the Confederacy.

How much of the deadly substance made it to the streets is uncertain as is the actual amount of the missing chemical. As usual the people are just told that everything is under control and there is no need to panic. Meanwhile some just drop dead and are apparantly written off as the cost of doing business in a woke world.

Cities like this are front and center in the postmodern world of wokeness. Consider the ridiculous paradigm afoot now that spreads the notion that Joe Biden got eighty million votes in 2020. The alternate reality of a population that idolizes an installed figurehead in Washington struggling to dress himself, unable to remember the recipe for ice cubes is just another day in paradise for cities many no longer recognize. But these places are killing our kids.

The collective intelligence level of many cities has been steadily reduced by media and academia for decades because they have gone woke and wokeness depends on propagandized neurological confusion. In simple English that means that legacy media function to make and keep the people fearful and timid, like the East German Stasi did to their population years ago. One would think the people would notice that their local media is a betrayal of public trust and a travesty of journalistic integrity. But the people seem to be under a spell. Is that what Trump Derangement Syndrome is?

The people living in urban settings and increasingly smaller towns have no sense of genuine history and are unaware that generations of children are addicted to government drugs controlling their behavior. In the wake of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society (1965), intact families headed by a biological father were abandoned in favor of a village raising a child. This made government more powerful and ushered in an explosion of bureaucracies to keep it that way.

Behavioral issues quickly materialized and to cover for itself government turned to the quackery of pseudo psychology and junk psychiatry. Convenient diseases like ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, later, ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, appeared and justified drugging small children like zoo animals. Introducing government drugs into the broken homes of the people was quickly touted as an important educational tool and the government never looked back.

You can follow Fentanyl deaths on the obituary page of local newspapers by looking for the code words: “died unexpectedly”. This is especially true if the death is premature involving previously healthy Millennials. After that very strange election of 2016, media everywhere began speaking with one voice which is a dead giveaway for the malfeasance of government propaganda. This goes largely unrecognized in woke cities. Creating and supporting gullible groupthink is job one for woke media. Using America’s new corrupted security state to prevent Donald Trump from ever running for political office again is a chosen battle plan because the people showed in 2016 that they were not on board with a new world order. Americs’s elites in Washington did not wait long to go after the people.

The FBI that couldn’t find Whitey Bulger for sixteen years, had no trouble finding Trump, the man we voted for in 2016. They won’t have any trouble finding us either. Government is poised to release 87,000 IRS agents to attack small businesses and individuals that have not properly toed the wokeness line. What are people seeing? Are they seeing populations being ushered across open boarders while America’s youth is exterminated with Fentanyl? Is this the plan Trump interrupted? The old are culled with Covid while the young are dispatched even faster with a drug more dangerous to humans that a can of Raid is to a housefly. It sure looks like Washington has had enough of people not following the herd.

Nurse Dead and Medical Center Fined $235,000 After Gallons of Fentanyl Bags Stolen (

How did 7 gallons of fentanyl go missing from a hospital? Regulators launch investigation (
Man, you must be a real treat at parties and birthdays! :)
You're all over the map on this one.

CEO was doing his job. His meeting with the city council and his comments are easily referenced through a simple Google search. N95 and KN95 masks DO work in slowing and even preventing the spread of the virus by infected people. The vaccines work. There are always going to be side effects. Says there is a chance of them right in the vaccine's disclaimer.

What does Fentanyl have to do with COVID-19 masking and vaccinations? Or with being "woke"? (a right wing weaponized term).

You need to stop spending all day diving through the dregs of alt-right media. Get out. Live a little.
Maybe then, you'll be less bitter.
Everyone living in the woke New Hampshire city I grew up in watched as the CEO of the main medical facility went before the city council demanding masking and vaccinations, some mandatory, with the threat of job loss. Some victims of the new mRNA science got serious heart issues; others suffered varying degrees of paralysis and other immune system reactions leaving them at the mercy of lifetime uncertainty especially considering any children they may have. Vaccinated citizens got Covid anyway and some died. According to these experts, a dangerous virus was loose and drastic measures needed to be taken. Local officials draped themselves in the garb of health crusaders ordering a few to fall for the benefit of many.

What that CEO did not divulge was that masking does nothing to prevent transmission of an engineered pathogen designed to defeat standard efforts to stop the spread. Businesses were wounded and some closed. Churches were shuttered and kids stopped going to school. The Governor of the state, Chris Sununu, declared alcohol a de facto heath supplement and liquor stores went into overdrive with land office sales. And of course, illegal weed use is soaring as people privately treat themselves with self-administered medical marijuana. In other words, everything that shortens a person’s life intensified.

Some of us are left with some uncomfortable questions:

Why would the CEO of a medical facility on one hand demand masking and on the other manage the place so badly that the streets of the city are flooded with Fentanyl? Why would the city’s local media allow this individual to just step over the bodies and blame underlings? No one swooped in on that CEO and demanded investigations, the FBI was not called to go to this CEO’s house in the wee hours of the morning and drag him before cameras in handcuffs.

The city, its media, its college, and now its medical center, are the textbook definition of a national American cultural and political Chernobyl. The people there don’t know it because it is poorly reported. The city’s local media do not function to inform the people of threats that could kill them or their children. They have set up shop as public relations hawkers to put a good face on anything that might cast a bad light on the city and a tiny nucleus of hacks that profit from the city’s woke reputation. Under most circumstances media running like a Mafia law firm is expected, especially these days, but now some younger people are dropping dead, and not from a virus. Since coming back from dead is extremely difficult, you may want to keep reading.

Fentanyl is a drug developed in China that is one hundred times as powerful as morphine. It is the leading cause of death among Americans 18-45. The drug is so lethal that it kills by respiratory depression or “wooden chest syndrome” a term familiar to anesthesiologists. Essentially it stops the automatic mechanism of the human nervous system that controls breathing. If a Keene citizen swallows a pill that is ubiquitous at America’s colleges say, Adderall or Ritalin, that citizen may get more than he or she bargained for. If that pill is laced with Fentanyl to make it more addictive, that citizen could be braindead within minutes.

According to news reports originating outside the city of course, there is enough missing Fentanyl at the hospital complex to kill every man, woman, and child on the East Coast twice. Someone apparently blew a whistle somewhere otherwise the people would have been spared the unwelcome news by its local media as it has been so many times in its past. This new wave of woke news reporting that appeared after the 2016 presidential election filters uncomfortable information that might threaten an established status quo. It goes a step beyond by branding anyone that asks questions about “experts” as conspiracy theorists or white supremacists, a term that has about as much meaning in the modern world as sympathizers of the Confederacy.

How much of the deadly substance made it to the streets is uncertain as is the actual amount of the missing chemical. As usual the people are just told that everything is under control and there is no need to panic. Meanwhile some just drop dead and are apparantly written off as the cost of doing business in a woke world.

Cities like this are front and center in the postmodern world of wokeness. Consider the ridiculous paradigm afoot now that spreads the notion that Joe Biden got eighty million votes in 2020. The alternate reality of a population that idolizes an installed figurehead in Washington struggling to dress himself, unable to remember the recipe for ice cubes is just another day in paradise for cities many no longer recognize. But these places are killing our kids.

The collective intelligence level of many cities has been steadily reduced by media and academia for decades because they have gone woke and wokeness depends on propagandized neurological confusion. In simple English that means that legacy media function to make and keep the people fearful and timid, like the East German Stasi did to their population years ago. One would think the people would notice that their local media is a betrayal of public trust and a travesty of journalistic integrity. But the people seem to be under a spell. Is that what Trump Derangement Syndrome is?

The people living in urban settings and increasingly smaller towns have no sense of genuine history and are unaware that generations of children are addicted to government drugs controlling their behavior. In the wake of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society (1965), intact families headed by a biological father were abandoned in favor of a village raising a child. This made government more powerful and ushered in an explosion of bureaucracies to keep it that way.

Behavioral issues quickly materialized and to cover for itself government turned to the quackery of pseudo psychology and junk psychiatry. Convenient diseases like ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, later, ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, appeared and justified drugging small children like zoo animals. Introducing government drugs into the broken homes of the people was quickly touted as an important educational tool and the government never looked back.

You can follow Fentanyl deaths on the obituary page of local newspapers by looking for the code words: “died unexpectedly”. This is especially true if the death is premature involving previously healthy Millennials. After that very strange election of 2016, media everywhere began speaking with one voice which is a dead giveaway for the malfeasance of government propaganda. This goes largely unrecognized in woke cities. Creating and supporting gullible groupthink is job one for woke media. Using America’s new corrupted security state to prevent Donald Trump from ever running for political office again is a chosen battle plan because the people showed in 2016 that they were not on board with a new world order. Americs’s elites in Washington did not wait long to go after the people.

The FBI that couldn’t find Whitey Bulger for sixteen years, had no trouble finding Trump, the man we voted for in 2016. They won’t have any trouble finding us either. Government is poised to release 87,000 IRS agents to attack small businesses and individuals that have not properly toed the wokeness line. What are people seeing? Are they seeing populations being ushered across open boarders while America’s youth is exterminated with Fentanyl? Is this the plan Trump interrupted? The old are culled with Covid while the young are dispatched even faster with a drug more dangerous to humans that a can of Raid is to a housefly. It sure looks like Washington has had enough of people not following the herd.

Nurse Dead and Medical Center Fined $235,000 After Gallons of Fentanyl Bags Stolen (

How did 7 gallons of fentanyl go missing from a hospital? Regulators launch investigation (
Another wall of magaturd drivel.
Sorry bout that,

1. Drug of choice for Libtards, Fentanyl, eat up losers.
2. Die for no reason but stupidity.
3. You really serve no purpose.
4. My logic, your over and done, stick a fork in you!

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  • #9
Man, you must be a real treat at parties and birthdays! :)
You're all over the map on this one.

CEO was doing his job. His meeting with the city council and his comments are easily referenced through a simple Google search. N95 and KN95 masks DO work in slowing and even preventing the spread of the virus by infected people. The vaccines work. There are always going to be side effects. Says there is a chance of them right in the vaccine's disclaimer.

What does Fentanyl have to do with COVID-19 masking and vaccinations? Or with being "woke"? (a right wing weaponized term).

You need to stop spending all day diving through the dregs of alt-right media. Get out. Live a little.
Maybe then, you'll be less bitter.
The CEO is the person in charge like the captain of the Titanic. No one in the city is calling for this man to step down. Does this seem strange? If the ship hits an iceberg do you hold the kitchen staff responsible? The city has gone woke and that is the problem.
The CEO is the person in charge like the captain of the Titanic. No one in the city is calling for this man to step down. Does this seem strange? If the ship hits an iceberg do you hold the kitchen staff responsible? The city has gone woke and that is the problem.
Not at all. Why would they ask him to step down? It was stolen by an employee who I believe is now dead. The supervisor got punished appropriately.

Not at all. Why would they ask him to step down? It was stolen by an employee who I believe is now dead. The supervisor got punished appropriately.

The city is woke. The city's media are woke. The medical center is considered too big to fail in the city. But it has failed because its leader was not held responaible for bad leadership. What is likely to happen is that qualified medical personell will quietly abandon ship to keep from being associated with a failed medical center. If you pick up a skunk you can never get away from that odor. Surgeons are very sensative to reputations and good surgeons do not grow on trees. They will be the first to go. This means that people will have to travel farther to get safe surgery. The fish rots from the head.
How many years does this go back? The people people in the city will never know because local media is treating the incident like the Hunter Biden scandal.

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