Gotta Read to Believe


Gold Member
Oct 19, 2008
Toledo, OH
Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player

SAO PAULO — Police say enraged spectators invaded a football field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body after he stabbed a player to death.

The Public Safety Department of the state of Maranhao says in a statement that it all started when referee Otavio da Silva expelled player Josenir Abreu from a game last weekend. The two got into a fistfight, and then Silva took out a knife and stabbed Abreu, who died on his way to the hospital.

The statement issued this week says Abreu's friends and relatives immediately "rushed into the field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body."

Local news media say the spectators also decapitated Silva and stuck his head on a stake in the middle of the field.

Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player - SOCCER - Sporting News

I have a hard time imagining something like this happening in the US. Am I wrong?
Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player

SAO PAULO — Police say enraged spectators invaded a football field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body after he stabbed a player to death.

The Public Safety Department of the state of Maranhao says in a statement that it all started when referee Otavio da Silva expelled player Josenir Abreu from a game last weekend. The two got into a fistfight, and then Silva took out a knife and stabbed Abreu, who died on his way to the hospital.

The statement issued this week says Abreu's friends and relatives immediately "rushed into the field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body."

Local news media say the spectators also decapitated Silva and stuck his head on a stake in the middle of the field.

Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player - SOCCER - Sporting News

I have a hard time imagining something like this happening in the US. Am I wrong?
Just wait 'til Sharia Law takes over.
I think that's proof positive that soccer/football needs to be banned worldwide. It is simply too violent a sport....
Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player

SAO PAULO — Police say enraged spectators invaded a football field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body after he stabbed a player to death.

The Public Safety Department of the state of Maranhao says in a statement that it all started when referee Otavio da Silva expelled player Josenir Abreu from a game last weekend. The two got into a fistfight, and then Silva took out a knife and stabbed Abreu, who died on his way to the hospital.

The statement issued this week says Abreu's friends and relatives immediately "rushed into the field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body."

Local news media say the spectators also decapitated Silva and stuck his head on a stake in the middle of the field.

Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player - SOCCER - Sporting News

I have a hard time imagining something like this happening in the US. Am I wrong?

Yup, if your Black hawks won the cup you better believe someone (more like 15) would have been murdered in Chicago.
Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player

SAO PAULO — Police say enraged spectators invaded a football field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body after he stabbed a player to death.

The Public Safety Department of the state of Maranhao says in a statement that it all started when referee Otavio da Silva expelled player Josenir Abreu from a game last weekend. The two got into a fistfight, and then Silva took out a knife and stabbed Abreu, who died on his way to the hospital.

The statement issued this week says Abreu's friends and relatives immediately "rushed into the field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body."

Local news media say the spectators also decapitated Silva and stuck his head on a stake in the middle of the field.

Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player - SOCCER - Sporting News

I have a hard time imagining something like this happening in the US. Am I wrong?

A man was already beaten into brain damage because he cheered for the wrong team in the US. Put enough Brazilians in the stands, sure it could happen here.
Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player

SAO PAULO — Police say enraged spectators invaded a football field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body after he stabbed a player to death.

The Public Safety Department of the state of Maranhao says in a statement that it all started when referee Otavio da Silva expelled player Josenir Abreu from a game last weekend. The two got into a fistfight, and then Silva took out a knife and stabbed Abreu, who died on his way to the hospital.

The statement issued this week says Abreu's friends and relatives immediately "rushed into the field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body."

Local news media say the spectators also decapitated Silva and stuck his head on a stake in the middle of the field.

Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player - SOCCER - Sporting News

I have a hard time imagining something like this happening in the US. Am I wrong?
Just wait 'til Sharia Law takes over.

That isn't Islamic violence. That is Latino violence. Cartel style. These are the type of people Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have just pissed off with their witch hunt on Zimmerman and other Latinos - Black Mob Violence is about to get a big wake up call inside USA. imo.
Their overzealous, maniacal mob actions related to happenings in soccer games is a result of their culture, not race or ethnicity. One should not condemn all Latinos to this category of idiocy. People whose culture includes a predominance of soccer oriented experience will be more likely to violence related to soccer.

ABSTRACT (Do click the link and read the whole paper)
Can some acts of violence be explained by a society's "culture"? Scholars have found it hard to empirically
disentangle the effects of culture, legal institutions, and poverty in driving violence. We address this
problem by exploiting a natural experiment offered by the presence of thousands of international soccer
(football) players in the European professional leagues. We find a strong relationship between the
history of civil conflict in a player's home country and his propensity to behave violently on the soccer
field, as measured by yellow and red cards. This link is robust to region fixed effects, country characteristics
(e.g., rule of law, per capita income), player characteristics (e.g., age, field position, quality), outliers,
and team fixed effects. Reinforcing our claim that we isolate cultures of violence rather than simple
rule-breaking or something else entirely, there is no meaningful correlation between a player's home
country civil war history and soccer performance measures not closely related to violent conduct.

I'm not a real fan of Wikipedia when it comes to opinion, but I think this piece is well researched and close to the truth.
Football hooliganism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The first instance of football violence is unknown, but the phenomenon can be traced back to 14th-century England. In 1314, Edward II banned football (at that time, a violent, unruly activity involving rival villages kicking a pig's bladder across the local heath) because he believed the disorder surrounding matches might lead to social unrest, or even treason.[7] According to a University of Liverpool academic paper, conflict at an 1846 match in Derby, England, required a reading of the "riot act" and two groups of dragoons to effectively respond to the disorderly crowd. This same paper also identified "pitch invasions" as a common occurrence during the 1880s in English football.[8]

I have long held the opinion that competitive contact sports are essentially substitutions for village warfare, constructed to allow villages (teams) to compete without actually killing the participants.

I recall reading in a recent NatGeo special edition on the Mayans, that they would stage competition between two teams playing against each other in some sport. The loosing team members were often beheaded as sacrifices to their gods.
Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player

SAO PAULO — Police say enraged spectators invaded a football field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body after he stabbed a player to death.

The Public Safety Department of the state of Maranhao says in a statement that it all started when referee Otavio da Silva expelled player Josenir Abreu from a game last weekend. The two got into a fistfight, and then Silva took out a knife and stabbed Abreu, who died on his way to the hospital.

The statement issued this week says Abreu's friends and relatives immediately "rushed into the field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body."

Local news media say the spectators also decapitated Silva and stuck his head on a stake in the middle of the field.

Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player - SOCCER - Sporting News

I have a hard time imagining something like this happening in the US. Am I wrong?

Why are you supprised? Isn't violence,mayhem and death a daily occurance at soccer games?
Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player

SAO PAULO — Police say enraged spectators invaded a football field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body after he stabbed a player to death.

The Public Safety Department of the state of Maranhao says in a statement that it all started when referee Otavio da Silva expelled player Josenir Abreu from a game last weekend. The two got into a fistfight, and then Silva took out a knife and stabbed Abreu, who died on his way to the hospital.

The statement issued this week says Abreu's friends and relatives immediately "rushed into the field, stoned the referee to death and quartered his body."

Local news media say the spectators also decapitated Silva and stuck his head on a stake in the middle of the field.

Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player - SOCCER - Sporting News

I have a hard time imagining something like this happening in the US. Am I wrong?

Why are you supprised? Isn't violence,mayhem and death a daily occurance at soccer games?

Drunken brawls, crowds smashing people yes, but this is a whole new level of psycho soccer.
Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player

Spectators kill referee, cut body to pieces after he stabbed player - SOCCER - Sporting News

I have a hard time imagining something like this happening in the US. Am I wrong?

Why are you supprised? Isn't violence,mayhem and death a daily occurance at soccer games?

Drunken brawls, crowds smashing people yes, but this is a whole new level of psycho soccer.

OK maybe going Medieval on that ref's ass was a tad much compared to the usual beat downs folks are used to seeing. Maybe this incident will bring reality back to soccer fans that this isn't a war but a game. It's OK to lose and everybody is supposed to walk away alive. If this is what soccer is then they can keep it out of the USA. Geez and I thought Hockey was bad.

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