Gov. Chris Christie Cleared of Wrongdoing

The investigation was "commissioned" by the guy being investigated.

Right wingers don't care about the 4 dead Americans in Benghazi anymore than they cared about the 4,000 killed in Iraq. They are perfectly fine with dead Americans when there is a republican president.

and left-wing nutjobs like this loser dont give a crap that employment for Black and Hispanic Americans was WAY BETTER when bush and REpublicans ran things

you dont give a crap about Black people; as long as they keep voting for Democrats

You are the one who brought up Benghazi. Therefore you were claiming to care about the 4 dead Americans. I didn't mention anything about black people. Please try to be a little more coherent.

no we care when any American dies, including democraps.....we don't think life is an accident created by a star, blah blah blah. You don't like the Iraq war, fine, but fuck off on your bullshit. Nothing like a liberal troll.

and yes Ben Ghazi is faaaaaaaar more important that Bridgegate......

Again, I never get an answer, why is this a big deal?
oh goody doofus; you didnt have a problem when obama insisted his IRS doesnt have a "SMIDGEON of corruption"
or cleared himself of wrongdoing regarding Benghazi and Fast an furious

ur a joke moron

The investigation was "commissioned" by the guy being investigated.

Right wingers don't care about the 4 dead Americans in Benghazi anymore than they cared about the 4,000 killed in Iraq. They are perfectly fine with dead Americans when there is a republican president.

and left-wing nutjobs like this loser dont give a crap that employment for Black and Hispanic Americans was WAY BETTER when bush and REpublicans ran things

you dont give a crap about Black people; as long as they keep voting for Democrats

Wow, this is pretty far off topic
and left-wing nutjobs like this loser dont give a crap that employment for Black and Hispanic Americans was WAY BETTER when bush and REpublicans ran things

you dont give a crap about Black people; as long as they keep voting for Democrats

You are the one who brought up Benghazi. Therefore you were claiming to care about the 4 dead Americans. I didn't mention anything about black people. Please try to be a little more coherent.

no we care when any American dies, including democraps.....we don't think life is an accident created by a star, blah blah blah. You don't like the Iraq war, fine, but fuck off on your bullshit. Nothing like a liberal troll.

and yes Ben Ghazi is faaaaaaaar more important that Bridgegate......

Again, I never get an answer, why is this a big deal?

That's it. When you get stumped just post an incoherent rant and include the word "liberal". Excellent example of how the mind of an ideologue works. Thanks.
Soooo, I take it my wife probably won't buy my investigation that I didn't spend money at the nudie bar.

Not if you are dumb enough to leave a paper trail that she can see.

But then you shouldnt have been there to begin with.
If we assume that Christie did the worst of what he is accused of, it still wouldn't stop me from voting for him - if he's running against "the usual suspects" whose names are being floated around out there.

In the end, the Tea Party and far right wing fringe would never allow Christie to get the GOP nod...he shook Obama's hand for god's sake. He is a RINO! Nope, we will be stuck with Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin...then after they rape each other in the GOP primaries, Ryan will get the nod. Rand Paul will be in the fray, probably taking his father's place and diverting votes away from the GOP. God help us, this train wreck is pointing to Hillary in 2016. I think I might be sick.

So we're told on one hand the Tea Party is irrelevant and pissing in the wind...on the other hand we're told the Tea Party is powerful enough to be kingmakers.

Which is it?

They can't make kings. But they can stir up enough shit to keep someone from becoming one.
If we assume that Christie did the worst of what he is accused of, it still wouldn't stop me from voting for him - if he's running against "the usual suspects" whose names are being floated around out there.

In the end, the Tea Party and far right wing fringe would never allow Christie to get the GOP nod...he shook Obama's hand for god's sake. He is a RINO! Nope, we will be stuck with Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin...then after they rape each other in the GOP primaries, Ryan will get the nod. Rand Paul will be in the fray, probably taking his father's place and diverting votes away from the GOP. God help us, this train wreck is pointing to Hillary in 2016. I think I might be sick.

Is your attention span really this short? McCain is pretty much a RINO and Romney is right behind him. You maybe right in who gets the nomination but as history has shown a conservative Republican wins over a "moderate."
If the Democrats/liberal/progressives devoted as much time to find the truth about Hilary Clinton and Benghazi as they have wasted over nothing regarding Governor Christie, and more importantly, have they any regard for the truth, Hilary would be toast and Governor Christie be a top contender.
If the Democrats/liberal/progressives devoted as much time to find the truth about Hilary Clinton and Benghazi as they have wasted over nothing regarding Governor Christie, and more importantly, have they any regard for the truth, Hilary would be toast and Governor Christie be a top contender.

Yeah, of course right wingers would love to just ignore "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" and focus on the witch hunt which is Benghazi. Sadly reality doesn't work like that
If the Democrats/liberal/progressives devoted as much time to find the truth about Hilary Clinton and Benghazi as they have wasted over nothing regarding Governor Christie, and more importantly, have they any regard for the truth, Hilary would be toast and Governor Christie be a top contender.

Yeah, of course right wingers would love to just ignore "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" and focus on the witch hunt which is Benghazi. Sadly reality doesn't work like that

Tell me about the first traffic congestion where four innocent people died, and then I will concede that Hilary Clinton's and President Obama's neglect of Americans overseas equals a half hour of inconvenience are on the same level.
Chris Christie: Move along....nothing to see here
If the Democrats/liberal/progressives devoted as much time to find the truth about Hilary Clinton and Benghazi as they have wasted over nothing regarding Governor Christie, and more importantly, have they any regard for the truth, Hilary would be toast and Governor Christie be a top contender.

Yeah, of course right wingers would love to just ignore "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" and focus on the witch hunt which is Benghazi. Sadly reality doesn't work like that

Tell me about the first traffic congestion where four innocent people died, and then I will concede that Hilary Clinton's and President Obama's neglect of Americans overseas equals a half hour of inconvenience are on the same level.

Was there a terrorist attack on the George Washington Bridge? I need to pay more attention to the news
Wow...who have thunk it. Governor Christie's investigated him and found he did nothing wrong....

I doubt very much that the left wing nutjobs here will be able to see the irony here.

Christie investigated himself and found himself innocent.

That is not irony rightie, that is business as usual for RePugs.

Not only that...he nailed us taxpayers for the bill to pay his crony lawyers a cool mil to say he is pure as Mother Teresa...While suggesting that his fired staffer Kelly and the hoboken mayor who called him out for corruption were both emotionally unhinged women with no credibility..
This, right before going to Money Mogul Edelson to woo him to support Christi for prez..among a throng of other GOP hopefuls.
Nice going guv..either U are stupid enough not to realize that we all see thru ur shenanigans, or u think the electorate...which is over 50% female, is REALLY stupid.

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Christie/Clinton? They're both corrupt Progressive/Communist douches. Not much of a choice. I'll be supporting an alternative to both.

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