Gov. Christie not invited to CPAC

You deny facts all day long and call anyone who doesnt buy the stupid lies of the stupid party a Rino.

you cant live for ever on lies

They won't let Christie in, but I'd love to get a head count of the attendees who have convinced themselves that Obama is a Muslim Kenyan Marxist Socialist Leninist Communist.

Just when you thought the circus was over.



Very few........but every single one of them know he is a shitty president.
The far right threw Christie under the bus the moment he praised Obama for Sandy relief and the teabaggers and radio voices went along with it.

Now, they're stuck on their "principles" and are staying the course demonizing him.
Christie proved he was in Obama's back pocket when hurricane Sandy hit New York. The democrats can have him conservatives don't want him.

You're an idiot. You want the Democratic Party to control the left AND the center, while the GOP controls only the right?

That's a 60/40 Democrat advantage.

Why would you want that?

The democrats keep digging themselves into a deeper and deeper hole every time they raise taxes and keep adding to the welfare rolls. They are going to prove to the voters they have no right to lead this great country and will be kicked out in 2016.
Christie proved he was in Obama's back pocket when hurricane Sandy hit New York. The democrats can have him conservatives don't want him.

You're an idiot. You want the Democratic Party to control the left AND the center, while the GOP controls only the right?

That's a 60/40 Democrat advantage.

Why would you want that?

Why do you even care? Out of ideas and ideals to steal? The deep concern for the well being of the RNC in this Thread is just so.... touching. Get real. You want DNC Full Bodied V.S. DNC Light. The RNC problem is that when in office, rather than governing on Principle and Ideal, they cave to pressure and compromise, in a way that both corrupts and abandons Purpose. Obedience trumps Sacrifice every time. Try it some time (Book of Samuel).

They won't let Christie in, but I'd love to get a head count of the attendees who have convinced themselves that Obama is a Muslim Kenyan Marxist Socialist Leninist Communist.

Just when you thought the circus was over.



Very few........but every single one of them know he is a shitty president.

Your idiots crashed the entire world economy and lied us into war.
The far right threw Christie under the bus the moment he praised Obama for Sandy relief and the teabaggers and radio voices went along with it.

Now, they're stuck on their "principles" and are staying the course demonizing him.

The problem we have with Christie is he wanted to french-kiss Obama during a photo-op never saying a word later about how hollow Obama's promises to flood victims turned out to be.

Christie wanted his palm greased to the tune of $50 billion nevermind the fact that Obama is about to gut Defense by almost that much this Friday.

Fuck that fat-fucken asshole. Only thng he's good for is ballast during a snow storm.
gee they all disapear when you mention history?

Yeah, right. Keep tellin yourself that.

I saw a chart that showed the government working up until 2007 when the Dems to both houses and jacked up Outlays way over Revenue. It's tapered off some, but most of the spending took place between 2007-2010. Who was in charge of spending then?


They won't let Christie in, but I'd love to get a head count of the attendees who have convinced themselves that Obama is a Muslim Kenyan Marxist Socialist Leninist Communist.

Just when you thought the circus was over.



Very few........but every single one of them know he is a shitty president.

Your idiots crashed the entire world economy and lied us into war.

The Bush administration had nothing to do with the economic crash caused by the democrat led Congress and there were no lies told by anyone to justify the war in Iraq. Saddam needed to be thrown out to stop Al Qaeda and that is the plain truth.
gee they all disapear when you mention history?

Yeah, right. Keep tellin yourself that.

I saw a chart that showed the government working up until 2007 when the Dems to both houses and jacked up Outlays way over Revenue. It's tapered off some, but most of the spending took place between 2007-2010. Who was in charge of spending then?



Did tax revenues go up like you cons claim they do when BUSH cut taxes?

Very few........but every single one of them know he is a shitty president.

Your idiots crashed the entire world economy and lied us into war.

The Bush administration had nothing to do with the economic crash caused by the democrat led Congress and there were no lies told by anyone to justify the war in Iraq. Saddam needed to be thrown out to stop Al Qaeda and that is the plain truth.

So Bush didn't have a veto pen back then?
The revenues plunged

face facts your ideas are failed ideas

Liberal regulations and taxes forced companies out of this country to survive. With the jobs lost there is a much smaller tax base. This means all revenue shortages are caused by liberal policies but liberals refuse to see this. 2+2=4 to conservatives but liberals can not add or see things logically.

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