Gov. Christie not invited to CPAC

The far right threw Christie under the bus the moment he praised Obama for Sandy relief and the teabaggers and radio voices went along with it.

Now, they're stuck on their "principles" and are staying the course demonizing him.

The problem we have with Christie is he wanted to french-kiss Obama during a photo-op never saying a word later about how hollow Obama's promises to flood victims turned out to be.

Christie wanted his palm greased to the tune of $50 billion nevermind the fact that Obama is about to gut Defense by almost that much this Friday.

Fuck that fat-fucken asshole. Only thng he's good for is ballast during a snow storm.

Christie stood up for the needs of his state over the needs of his party

It will carry a lot of influence come election time. I can't wait for his party to attack him on it
According to your chart the only time the CBO reported a surplus was in the mid-90s under Cliton. Who held both houses then? Who was speaker then? Newt.

Nuff said.
The revenues plunged

face facts your ideas are failed ideas

The temporary tax cut was put in place in June, 2001 a little thing called 9-11 happened barely 3 months later.

That coupled with the fact Congress would not make the tax cut permanent made businesses scramble and adapt to survive. Most businesses downsized. After several more attempts to make the tax cuts permanent, without any success a good many companies found they were fine operating as they were. Times were not favorable to risk growing. It was better to wait out Obama's first term.

Now that Obama has been reelected it is no better. We haven't seen the worst yet.
The joke's on Christie because he stood up for the PROMISE of help for his state, but that help never came. The aid bill passed, just as democrats wanted it and the aid went to the pork democrats stuffed the bill with leaving New Jersey hanging. Christie tried. His heart was in the right place. He just failed. Christie will have no problem being reelected. He is very popular despite the fact that nothing was done for the areas hit by the storm.
The joke's on Christie because he stood up for the PROMISE of help for his state, but that help never came. The aid bill passed, just as democrats wanted it and the aid went to the pork democrats stuffed the bill with leaving New Jersey hanging. Christie tried. His heart was in the right place. He just failed. Christie will have no problem being reelected. He is very popular despite the fact that nothing was done for the areas hit by the storm.

The far right threw Christie under the bus the moment he praised Obama for Sandy relief and the teabaggers and radio voices went along with it.

Now, they're stuck on their "principles" and are staying the course demonizing him.

The problem we have with Christie is he wanted to french-kiss Obama during a photo-op never saying a word later about how hollow Obama's promises to flood victims turned out to be.

Christie wanted his palm greased to the tune of $50 billion nevermind the fact that Obama is about to gut Defense by almost that much this Friday.

Fuck that fat-fucken asshole. Only thng he's good for is ballast during a snow storm.

Christie proved he was in Obama's back pocket when hurricane Sandy hit New York. The democrats can have him conservatives don't want him.

You're an idiot. You want the Democratic Party to control the left AND the center, while the GOP controls only the right?

That's a 60/40 Democrat advantage.

Why would you want that?

The democrats keep digging themselves into a deeper and deeper hole every time they raise taxes and keep adding to the welfare rolls. They are going to prove to the voters they have no right to lead this great country and will be kicked out in 2016.

You didn't address the issue. You want the moderates out of the Republican party. How do you win the presidency by driving off the moderates, who make up 45% of the electorate?
gee they all disapear when you mention history?

Yeah, right. Keep tellin yourself that.

I saw a chart that showed the government working up until 2007 when the Dems to both houses and jacked up Outlays way over Revenue. It's tapered off some, but most of the spending took place between 2007-2010. Who was in charge of spending then?



Did tax revenues go up like you cons claim they do when BUSH cut taxes?

You can't use that chart for that. It is based on spending and revenues in relation to the GDP. You need a straight dollar tax to revenue ratio with no outside factors.
The far right threw Christie under the bus the moment he praised Obama for Sandy relief and the teabaggers and radio voices went along with it.

Now, they're stuck on their "principles" and are staying the course demonizing him.

The problem we have with Christie is he wanted to french-kiss Obama during a photo-op never saying a word later about how hollow Obama's promises to flood victims turned out to be.

Christie wanted his palm greased to the tune of $50 billion nevermind the fact that Obama is about to gut Defense by almost that much this Friday.

Fuck that fat-fucken asshole. Only thng he's good for is ballast during a snow storm.


Facing up to the truth would make any decent American angry.
Yeah, right. Keep tellin yourself that.

I saw a chart that showed the government working up until 2007 when the Dems to both houses and jacked up Outlays way over Revenue. It's tapered off some, but most of the spending took place between 2007-2010. Who was in charge of spending then?



Did tax revenues go up like you cons claim they do when BUSH cut taxes?

You can't use that chart for that. It is based on spending and revenues in relation to the GDP. You need a straight dollar tax to revenue ratio with no outside factors.


The revenues tanked and pretending that hcart doesnt show that clearly is nothing but partisan blather
The problem we have with Christie is he wanted to french-kiss Obama during a photo-op never saying a word later about how hollow Obama's promises to flood victims turned out to be.

Christie wanted his palm greased to the tune of $50 billion nevermind the fact that Obama is about to gut Defense by almost that much this Friday.

Fuck that fat-fucken asshole. Only thng he's good for is ballast during a snow storm.


Facing up to the truth would make any decent American angry.

I love the emotionally charged rhetoic of "decent American." :lol:

Your masters have taught you well, grasshopper.
Christie isn't a moderate. He is a democrat just like Charlie Crist.

Republicans didn't say that when Christie vetoed the NJ Gay Marriage bill and tax increase on millionaires

They also didn't say that when he fought the NJ Teachers unions and state worker unions

But hug Obama and you become a socialist
Christie cut his own throat when he got in bed with Obama. Conservative won't forget this and will refuse to nominate Christie in 2016. Conservatives want a conservative candidate and after 8 years of Obama socialism and high taxes and welfare leeches running up the debt moderates will want a conservative to.
Christie cut his own throat when he got in bed with Obama. Conservative won't forget this and will refuse to nominate Christie in 2016. Conservatives want a conservative candidate and after 8 years of Obama socialism and high taxes and welfare leeches running up the debt moderates will want a conservative to.

That works so well for you, doesn't it? :lol:
Christie cut his own throat when he got in bed with Obama. Conservative won't forget this and will refuse to nominate Christie in 2016. Conservatives want a conservative candidate and after 8 years of Obama socialism and high taxes and welfare leeches running up the debt moderates will want a conservative to.

That works so well for you, doesn't it? :lol:

It will work well for the country in 2016 after 8 years of Obama socialism. Mark my words.

Did tax revenues go up like you cons claim they do when BUSH cut taxes?

You can't use that chart for that. It is based on spending and revenues in relation to the GDP. You need a straight dollar tax to revenue ratio with no outside factors.


The revenues tanked and pretending that hcart doesnt show that clearly is nothing but partisan blather

Like I said, you can't use that chart because it's based on government in relation to the GDP. If the GDP goes up and revenues remain the same then the ratio will drop. Your chart doesn't tell the whole story.

Not even a feeble attempt I might add.
Christie cut his own throat when he got in bed with Obama. Conservative won't forget this and will refuse to nominate Christie in 2016. Conservatives want a conservative candidate and after 8 years of Obama socialism and high taxes and welfare leeches running up the debt moderates will want a conservative to.

Conservatives do not pick the GOP Presidential candidate......moderates do

Christie showing bipartisanship will help with moderates
Christie cut his own throat when he got in bed with Obama. Conservative won't forget this and will refuse to nominate Christie in 2016. Conservatives want a conservative candidate and after 8 years of Obama socialism and high taxes and welfare leeches running up the debt moderates will want a conservative to.

That works so well for you, doesn't it? :lol:

It will work well for the country in 2016 after 8 years of Obama socialism. Mark my words.

You said that after 4 years of Obama socialism

Didn't work out did it?

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