Gov. Christie not invited to CPAC

Speakers like Palin, West and Santorum will pull the money in but they provide endless fodder for the left and allow them to paint all Republicans as nutjobs

Time to start spotlighting some intellectuals
Speakers like Palin, West and Santorum will pull the money in but they provide endless fodder for the left and allow them to paint all Republicans as nutjobs

Time to start spotlighting some intellectuals

True, but given the conservative anti-intellectual stance, I really can't see that happening anytime soon.
Yes, Christie, with his 74% approval, was not invited. Instead the cons invited all their losers to speak at CPAC.
Christie proved he was in Obama's back pocket when hurricane Sandy hit New York. The democrats can have him conservatives don't want him.

Christie proved the he was more concerned about the welfare of the people of his state than he was with the petty and senseless politics of the republican party. I applaud him for that. The RW loos of the GOP keep digging and digging deeper into their exclusive hole. Soon, they will be the only ones left down there to hear their message. Then they can be happy....and alone. :clap2:
Christie cut his own throat when he got in bed with Obama. Conservative won't forget this and will refuse to nominate Christie in 2016. Conservatives want a conservative candidate and after 8 years of Obama socialism and high taxes and welfare leeches running up the debt moderates will want a conservative to.

Conservatives have little to do with whom the GOP nominates for POTUS. Romney and McCain are proof enough of that.

The moderates will have seen the light by 2016 and will elect a Republican as President and give the Republicans the majority in congress. But Boehner and McConnell must keep fighting Obama and the democrats at every turn to make this happen.

Really????? So when is the magic light going to come on?:idea: :popcorn:

As long as Rove and the Baggers are at each other's throats...the lights will be flashing UGLY...:clap2:
Christie proved he was in Obama's back pocket when hurricane Sandy hit New York. The democrats can have him conservatives don't want him.

You must not live in New York or New Jersey, or else you would understand. He was governor for his people when Sandy hit, not another slimy fucking Republican snake turning his back on the people hit by by the storm.

Remember this? There's you typical Republican asshole doing his fly-over after Katrina.
Wow, I was so moved:

Christie proved he was in Obama's back pocket when hurricane Sandy hit New York. The democrats can have him conservatives don't want him.

You must not live in New York or New Jersey, or else you would understand. He was governor for his people when Sandy hit, not another slimy fucking Republican snake turning his back on the people hit by by the storm.

Remember this? There's you typical Republican asshole doing his fly-over after Katrina.
Wow, I was so moved:


Yup, showing his sincere concern...:clap2:
Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

The Old White Man's part of exclusion is at it again! Rather than widen the tent to allow more inclusion, they are shutting out the candidate from a blue state with a 70%+ approval rating. Glad to see the GOP is still heading down the road to extinction!:clap2:

Maybe we should call this the General Custer Party, since he was warned also.

Excellent post and comments. Christie IS exactly what this country needs - an example of getting stuff done together instead of cowering to extremists in both parties.

Christie in 2016!
To change your party in NJ is quite simple. They even have a form for it.

Maybe I should have Charlie Crist give Christie a call to give him some help.
To change your party in NJ is quite simple. They even have a form for it.

Maybe I should have Charlie Crist give Christie a call to give him some help.

Which Christie positions are opposed by Republicans?

Obama hugging?
To change your party in NJ is quite simple. They even have a form for it.

Maybe I should have Charlie Crist give Christie a call to give him some help.

Which Christie positions are opposed by Republicans?

Obama hugging?

Governors and presidents gig up all the time, but the Tea Brains didn't like it because it made news and they hate Obama as they hate their own miserable lives.

And how about all the governors like Scott and Kasich who are praying they get federal funds?

Good gawd, enough already.

Fuck it. Run Rand Paul in '16. Make sure he talks about closing five or six government departments on day one, a constitutional amendment banning abortion, another one banning gay marriage, eliminating Social Security, cutting Medicare benefits by 75%, going to a 10% flat tax, replacing Obamacare with nothing, shutting down Medicaid funding and beefing up the military. Just fuckin' do it.

Let's get this over with and see if we can find our way back to sanity after that.


Good gawd, enough already.

Fuck it. Run Rand Paul in '16. Make sure he talks about closing five or six government departments on day one, a constitutional amendment banning abortion, another one banning gay marriage, eliminating Social Security, cutting Medicare benefits by 75%, going to a 10% flat tax, replacing Obamacare with nothing, shutting down Medicaid funding and beefing up the military. Just fuckin' do it.

Let's get this over with and see if we can find our way back to sanity after that.


I love how you "anti-government conservatives" think it's a nifty to ban this and shut down that. Invite them into our lives is OK?

Good gawd, enough already.

Fuck it. Run Rand Paul in '16. Make sure he talks about closing five or six government departments on day one, a constitutional amendment banning abortion, another one banning gay marriage, eliminating Social Security, cutting Medicare benefits by 75%, going to a 10% flat tax, replacing Obamacare with nothing, shutting down Medicaid funding and beefing up the military. Just fuckin' do it.

Let's get this over with and see if we can find our way back to sanity after that.


Republicans need to let Conservative/Libertarians get this out of their system. Run a nut job Libertarian and see how badly he does

Then the moderates can take back the Republican Party

Good gawd, enough already.

Fuck it. Run Rand Paul in '16. Make sure he talks about closing five or six government departments on day one, a constitutional amendment banning abortion, another one banning gay marriage, eliminating Social Security, cutting Medicare benefits by 75%, going to a 10% flat tax, replacing Obamacare with nothing, shutting down Medicaid funding and beefing up the military. Just fuckin' do it.

Let's get this over with and see if we can find our way back to sanity after that.


Republicans need to let Conservative/Libertarians get this out of their system. Run a nut job Libertarian and see how badly he does

Then the moderates can take back the Republican Party

Yup. It's looking like it's going to take a real crash-and-burn, and I'd much prefer that didn't happen, but the party needs a real jolt. It looks like it's stuck right now.


Good gawd, enough already.

Fuck it. Run Rand Paul in '16. Make sure he talks about closing five or six government departments on day one, a constitutional amendment banning abortion, another one banning gay marriage, eliminating Social Security, cutting Medicare benefits by 75%, going to a 10% flat tax, replacing Obamacare with nothing, shutting down Medicaid funding and beefing up the military. Just fuckin' do it.

Let's get this over with and see if we can find our way back to sanity after that.


Republicans need to let Conservative/Libertarians get this out of their system. Run a nut job Libertarian and see how badly he does

Then the moderates can take back the Republican Party

Yup. It's looking like it's going to take a real crash-and-burn, and I'd much prefer that didn't happen, but the party needs a real jolt. It looks like it's stuck right now.


What amazes me is that the GOP lost to a very vulnerable POTUS just a few months ago and many in the party want them to double down and what caused the defeat.

Its mind-boggling.
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Republicans need to let Conservative/Libertarians get this out of their system. Run a nut job Libertarian and see how badly he does

Then the moderates can take back the Republican Party

Yup. It's looking like it's going to take a real crash-and-burn, and I'd much prefer that didn't happen, but the party needs a real jolt. It looks like it's stuck right now.


What amazes me is that the GOP lost to a very velnerable POTUS just a few months ago and many in the party want them to double down and what caused the defeat.

Its mind-boggling.

what caused the defeat was a patsy moderate who wouldn't really fight for our side.....and you guys are 'boggled' why CPAC didn't invite Mr. Christie.....:rolleyes:

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