Gov. Christie not invited to CPAC

The moderates will have seen the light by 2016 and will elect a Republican as President and give the Republicans the majority in congress. But Boehner and McConnell must keep fighting Obama and the democrats at every turn to make this happen.

Sounds like quit the cozy little fantasy you have going there.

The GOP hasn't nominated a conservative for POTUS since the 1920's, but they're going to do it in 2016 because you want it to be true. :lol:

Dream on.

You're full of crapola as usual.

Reagan, Nixon, Goldwater, Ford, Dole, etc.

Epic fail.

Reagan - Raised taxes several times, expanded the federal government, expanded the federal deficit, never had one balanced budget....

Nixon - EPA, price controls, Clean Air Act, began Earth Day/week, expanded federal angencies and created more than any previous POTUS, etc

Need I go on?

Perhaps this is part of the problem. Most of you "conservatives" have no idea what conservatism is.
The problem we have with Christie is he wanted to french-kiss Obama during a photo-op never saying a word later about how hollow Obama's promises to flood victims turned out to be.

Christie wanted his palm greased to the tune of $50 billion nevermind the fact that Obama is about to gut Defense by almost that much this Friday.

Fuck that fat-fucken asshole. Only thng he's good for is ballast during a snow storm.

Christie stood up for the needs of his state over the needs of his party

It will carry a lot of influence come election time. I can't wait for his party to attack him on it

So in reality, he was actually taking care of his state's needs......not buddying up to Dear Leader like Dems want to claim?

Actually, this is what republicans are claiming.
There's nothing emotional about your rhetoric, yet you can't act like an adult.

You must resort to ad hominems and juvenile, junior high rhetoric like "buttboy" like some petulant child who just had his favorite stuffed animal taken away.

And you want me to take you seriously?


Grow up, drop the juvenile crap and come like an adult.
Look Troll, you have no room to talk.
I was gonna suggest you grow up first. I see nothing adult about your posts.

Judging by your handle and your avi you must be a fag because only fags, females, and blacks in the Army support Obama.
wow. Look at yidnar. Mudwhistles meltdown. Army cowboy, nice job dude.

I don't care enough about this site to have a meltdown.

Only Army Active Duty or vet that supports Obama after the way he's been treating us is fags, females, and blacks. And the occasional Devilworshipper.

Pretty much the same as a fag.

I've always believed this.
Look Troll, you have no room to talk.
I was gonna suggest you grow up first. I see nothing adult about your posts.

Judging by your handle and your avi you must be a fag because only fags, females, and blacks in the Army support Obama.
wow. Look at yidnar. Mudwhistles meltdown. Army cowboy, nice job dude.

I don't care enough about this site to have a meltdown.

Only Army Active Duty or vet that supports Obama after the way he's been treating us is fags, females, and blacks. And the occasional Devilworshipper.

Pretty much the same as a fag.

I've always believed this.

Then you're obviously not very intelligent.
For all of you Lefties who seem unable to face facts, CPAC IS NOT RUN BY THE GOP!!!

Here's a bit on the sponsor of CPAC:

The American Conservative Union (ACU) is an American political organization advocating conservative policies, and is the oldest such conservative lobbying organization in the country.

Nowhere does it indicate support of ANY political party.

Christie a conservative? Not according to some of his actions.

That being the case, why should ACU invite him?

If this is the case, why did they invite Mitt Romney?

Please detail his conservative cred.

According to the Democrats during the election, Romney was a hard rightwing radical. You guys need to make up your mind.
For all of you Lefties who seem unable to face facts, CPAC IS NOT RUN BY THE GOP!!!

Here's a bit on the sponsor of CPAC:

Nowhere does it indicate support of ANY political party.

Christie a conservative? Not according to some of his actions.

That being the case, why should ACU invite him?

If this is the case, why did they invite Mitt Romney?

Please detail his conservative cred.

According to the Democrats during the election, Romney was a hard rightwing radical. You guys need to make up your mind.

You guys?

I voted for Gary Johnson.

However its rather telling you allow democrats to define everything for you.
If this is the case, why did they invite Mitt Romney?

Please detail his conservative cred.

According to the Democrats during the election, Romney was a hard rightwing radical. You guys need to make up your mind.

You guys?

I voted for Gary Johnson.

However its rather telling you allow democrats to define everything for you.

Gary Johnson? Bullshit! I carried Johnson's banner in my signature thru the election. You might fancy yourself a libertarian, but you're a liberal Democrat.
Sounds like quit the cozy little fantasy you have going there.

The GOP hasn't nominated a conservative for POTUS since the 1920's, but they're going to do it in 2016 because you want it to be true. :lol:

Dream on.

You're full of crapola as usual.

Reagan, Nixon, Goldwater, Ford, Dole, etc.

Epic fail.

Reagan - Raised taxes several times, expanded the federal government, expanded the federal deficit, never had one balanced budget....

Nixon - EPA, price controls, Clean Air Act, began Earth Day/week, expanded federal angencies and created more than any previous POTUS, etc

Need I go on?

Perhaps this is part of the problem. Most of you "conservatives" have no idea what conservatism is.

Save your breath.

The EPA used to be for the purpose of safeguarding the environent, not punishing anyone who doesn't support liberal causes like Global Warming. It didn't become a problem till they started hammering us about CFCs claiming it was causing a hole in the ozone.

All this proves is the GOP comes up with good ideas and Democrats tend to screw them up. Conservatives aren't all the same.

The tax increases by Reagan were later offset by tax cuts which helped create 25 million jobs.

Keep trying.
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According to the Democrats during the election, Romney was a hard rightwing radical. You guys need to make up your mind.

You guys?

I voted for Gary Johnson.

However its rather telling you allow democrats to define everything for you.

Gary Johnson? Bullshit! I carried Johnson's banner in my signature thru the election. You might fancy yourself a libertarian, but you're a liberal Democrat.

Thanks for that update there, Sparky.

Hope that makes you feel clean and pure.

Christie isn't a moderate. He is a democrat just like Charlie Crist.

Republicans didn't say that when Christie vetoed the NJ Gay Marriage bill and tax increase on millionaires

They also didn't say that when he fought the NJ Teachers unions and state worker unions

But hug Obama and you become a socialist

It would be the same thing if Christie had hugged Bin Laden. No matter what else he did, he cozied up to an enemy.

You guys are never going to get elected
You're full of crapola as usual.

Reagan, Nixon, Goldwater, Ford, Dole, etc.

Epic fail.

Reagan - Raised taxes several times, expanded the federal government, expanded the federal deficit, never had one balanced budget....

Nixon - EPA, price controls, Clean Air Act, began Earth Day/week, expanded federal angencies and created more than any previous POTUS, etc

Need I go on?

Perhaps this is part of the problem. Most of you "conservatives" have no idea what conservatism is.

Save your breath.

The EPA used to be for the purpose of safeguarding the environent, not punishing anyone who doesn't support liberal causes like Global Warming. It didn't become a problem till they started hammering us about CFCs claiming it was causing a hole in the ozone.

All this proves is the GOP comes up with good ideas and Democrats tend to screw them up. Conservatives aren't all the same.

The tax increases by Reagan were later offset by tax cuts which helped create 25 million jobs.

Keep trying.

Learn your history. The original tax cuts were offset by subsequent tax hikes.

Keep trying to say Nixon, Reagan, Dole etc were conservative though. All you're doing is embarassing yourself further.
Reagan - Raised taxes several times, expanded the federal government, expanded the federal deficit, never had one balanced budget....

Nixon - EPA, price controls, Clean Air Act, began Earth Day/week, expanded federal angencies and created more than any previous POTUS, etc

Need I go on?

Perhaps this is part of the problem. Most of you "conservatives" have no idea what conservatism is.

Save your breath.

The EPA used to be for the purpose of safeguarding the environent, not punishing anyone who doesn't support liberal causes like Global Warming. It didn't become a problem till they started hammering us about CFCs claiming it was causing a hole in the ozone.

All this proves is the GOP comes up with good ideas and Democrats tend to screw them up. Conservatives aren't all the same.

The tax increases by Reagan were later offset by tax cuts which helped create 25 million jobs.

Keep trying.

Learn your history. The original tax cuts were offset by subsequent tax hikes.

Keep trying to say Nixon, Reagan, Dole etc were conservative though. All you're doing is embarassing yourself further.

Bullshit. TEFRA was before the Tax Reform Act of 1986.

TYou should be ashamed, voting for Gary Johnson.

What did he do? Climb Everest?

Great qualification for POTUS. Frostbite.
Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

The Old White Man's part of exclusion is at it again! Rather than widen the tent to allow more inclusion, they are shutting out the candidate from a blue state with a 70%+ approval rating. Glad to see the GOP is still heading down the road to extinction!:clap2:

Maybe we should call this the General Custer Party, since he was warned also.

Why would a compassionate progressive self proclaimed Republican be invited to a conservative meeting in the first place when his positions are that of a stronger centralized government at the expense of individual rights and freedoms? CPAC after all is a conservative organization founded upon the premise of freedom and fiscal responsibility, of which he has a profound disdain for.

The primary concern of those of the left bench is that they embrace tolerance at the expense of philosophical rectitude, furthermore, believe and demand that the GOP should capitulate their fundamental beliefs and sing Kum Bah Yah around the liberal camp fire.
Chris Christie Still Not Invited To CPAC 2013: Report

The Old White Man's part of exclusion is at it again! Rather than widen the tent to allow more inclusion, they are shutting out the candidate from a blue state with a 70%+ approval rating. Glad to see the GOP is still heading down the road to extinction!:clap2:

Maybe we should call this the General Custer Party, since he was warned also.

Why would a compassionate progressive self proclaimed Republican be invited to a conservative meeting in the first place when his positions are that of a stronger centralized government at the expense of individual rights and freedoms? CPAC after all is a conservative organization founded upon the premise of freedom and fiscal responsibility, of which he has a profound disdain for.

The primary concern of those of the left bench is that they embrace tolerance at the expense of philosophical rectitude, furthermore, believe and demand that the GOP should capitulate their fundamental beliefs and sing Kum Bah Yah around the liberal camp fire.


CPAC is a Conservative circle jerk where the participants try to convince themselves how relevant they still are. Christie tends to tell things people do not want to hear. The last thing Conservatives need
Save your breath.

The EPA used to be for the purpose of safeguarding the environent, not punishing anyone who doesn't support liberal causes like Global Warming. It didn't become a problem till they started hammering us about CFCs claiming it was causing a hole in the ozone.

All this proves is the GOP comes up with good ideas and Democrats tend to screw them up. Conservatives aren't all the same.

The tax increases by Reagan were later offset by tax cuts which helped create 25 million jobs.

Keep trying.

Learn your history. The original tax cuts were offset by subsequent tax hikes.

Keep trying to say Nixon, Reagan, Dole etc were conservative though. All you're doing is embarassing yourself further.

Bullshit. TEFRA was before the Tax Reform Act of 1986.

TYou should be ashamed, voting for Gary Johnson.

What did he do? Climb Everest?

Great qualification for POTUS. Frostbite.

Actually I know Gov Johnson, having first met him in '97 when I was stationed at WSMR.

He's an honest guy who would have done a better job than either of the two corportist puppets we were fed.
Christie carries a 74% approval rating in a solid blue state

Obviously not CPAC material. Good thing they have Palin to blow sunshine up their ass

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