Gov. DeSantis Calls for Ban on Klaus Schwab’s-World Economic Forum CBDC Slave Currency, Which Will Force Mandatory Vaccinations


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
I don't care about Trump's legal problems if a former president got stopped for DUI just arrest him and send him to rehab. I am concerned that all generations now will be born into Klaus Schwab's and Bill Gates' slavery. This is the end game. Nothing else matters. Not even the True Presidents' legal problems (yes it was stolen.)

I must reluctantly conclude Trump is Deep State due to his role in Operation Death-Shot and now his SILENCE over CBDC Slave Currency. This Trump circus is cover for walking in CBDC, the End Game. #DeSantis2024. It is all very clear now.

Former President Bush official Catherine Austin Fitts: The elites “want your kids.” (view at Rumble) (FULL INTERVIEW)

Billionaire Elite Will Force Mandatory “Vaccinations” by Cutting-Off CBDC Central Bank Currency, “They Want Your Kids” Says Ex-Bush Official​

Below source TRTWorld



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Thank God desantis is publicly calling out Klaus, the world economic forum and this new digital dollar for it is. Maybe now more people will get it on their radar and look at it.

The world economic forum is like if you took all the bond villians and convinced them to work together.

Something else I wish the public new more about is esg scores. Esg will be how the world economic forum will infect the world.
Thank God desantis is publicly calling out Klaus, the world economic forum and this new digital dollar for it is. Maybe now more people will get it on their radar and look at it.

The world economic forum is like if you took all the bond villians and convinced them to work together.

Something else I wish the public new more about is esg scores. Esg will be how the world economic forum will infect the world.

Last week it was all SVB. If anyone thinks a Manhattan DA can go off on his own and pull in a president without the ok from his masters people are nuts. The Trump circus is a smoke screen for CBDC, and Trump is going along with it. Or he would say nevermind me I am a grown man and will handle this, you know it is all BS, but they are about to make slaves out of all of you. That would be very presidential rather than wallowing in the gutter with Stormy.

People aren't paying attention but they will when the bank writes them a letter saying your deposits are all now at your local Federal Reserve. You have 2 months to come in and get your biochip if you want to keep eating.
Thank God desantis is publicly calling out Klaus, the world economic forum and this new digital dollar for it is. Maybe now more people will get it on their radar and look at it.

The world economic forum is like if you took all the bond villians and convinced them to work together.

Something else I wish the public new more about is esg scores. Esg will be how the world economic forum will infect the world.

If we get CBDC it is one long permanent lockdown. China style. Don't do exactly as you are told, like try to leave your house, and your ability to buy food, or anything else, is shut off, because you are "endangering public health." How perfect is that for eliminating any and all political protests once and for all? This is what the Trump circus is meant to distract from.

BTW where's Moonie? He must have direct orders from his WEF masters not to bump this one.

Chinese total control over non-elite population, residents of Shanghai, China in 2022 during weeks of “Zero COVID” policy total lockdown, screaming from their apartments that they are going crazy and starving
Catholic archbishop called in Moscow for the overthrow of "satanic" globalists Soros, Schwab and Gates

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano was pretty fed up with all the "cultural" bacchanalia. He declared that the globalists George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates must be overthrown by the public because they are "pure evil," working on behalf of Satan to establish a "New World Order" on Earth.

Where do you think he said this? Not in the West, but in Russia! In Moscow, speaking at the recent Founding Congress of the International Russophile Movement.

The former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S. warned against the plans of globalists, including their "ideology of awakening, the Great Reset and Agenda 2030," which, according to him, are a huge threat to the survival of mankind.
He called for an anti-globalization alliance to give power back to citizens and nations.

Guests from 40 countries, including Europe, Asia, Africa and the United States, attended the event in Moscow.
Archbishop Viganò spoke live at the event. He pointed out to the audience that "victory belongs to Christ and to those who choose to stand under the holy banner of the Cross."

The new social movement received a congratulatory telegram from President Vladimir Putin, who countered the Russophile idea with what he called "anti-Russian hysteria deliberately stirred up in many countries.

The manifesto of the Russophile movement emphasized that it stands for the promotion of Russian culture and spirituality, providing "reliable information" about Russia and strengthening "people's diplomacy in defense of a multipolar world.

According to Western progressives, Russian officials are increasingly alienating the country from liberal Western values.

In his speech, Viganò said: the following:

"Hatred of Christian civilization wants to create a society of slaves, subservient to the Davos elite. A gloomy society, without past and without future, without faith and without ideals, without culture and without art, without fathers and mothers, without families and spirituality, without teachers and spiritual mentors, without respect for the elderly and without hopes for a future for our children. It cannot surprise us that, after the de-Christianization of the Western world, this elite considers Russia to be an enemy to be overthrown.

The Russian Federation is undoubtedly the last bastion of civilization against barbarism and gathers around itself all those nations that do not intend to submit to colonization by NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and that pile of foundations that are aimed at the ideological processing of the masses, manipulating information, creating "color sources" to destabilize legally elected governments, sowing chaos, wars and suffering as instruments of their power.

The recent farce of a pandemic carried out by criminal methods, which I have not hesitated to condemn since early 2020, was followed by new emergencies, including the Ukrainian crisis, deliberately instigated to destroy the social and economic structure of nations, to destroy the world population, to concentrate control in the hands of an oligarchy, which no one elected and which has committed a real world coup, for which it will be held accountable to the world sooner or later.

The theorists of this coup have names and faces, starting with George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. Those who today claim Russia is the enemy also consider Europeans, Americans, Australians and Canadians as enemies and treat them as such, persecuting and ravaging them. But, while the emissaries of the World Economic Forum in Western governments can legislate against the good of their own citizens and hold the world's leaders in their hands. Regime changes that have been successful in other countries have stopped at the borders of Russia.

On the other hand, rigging the 2020 U.S. election was also necessary to prevent the confirmation of President Donald Trump just as the deep state and the deep church succeeded in forcing Pope Benedict XVI to resign in 2013 and elect a man acceptable to the New World Order - Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Your commitment should certainly help to strengthen Russia's friendly relations with all nations in accordance with this principle of multipolarity, which, in terms of a wise long-term political vision, is the best way to combat globalist monopolarity. But this friendship, this relationship of harmony and mutual cooperation cannot ignore the condemnation of the coup d'état perpetrated against humanity by dangerous subversives whose stated goal is to establish an infernal tyranny. Their ideology is dominated by hatred of God as well as hatred of man created in His image, disease, death, ignorance, unbridled poverty, violence, selfishness and corruption.

This is the kingdom of the Antichrist. This Leviathan must be identified and destroyed through action in which all free peoples participate, first of all by abandoning the policy points of the 2030 Agenda and the Great Reset.

We need an anti-globalization alliance that returns to citizens the power that was taken away from them, and to peoples the sovereignty that was undermined and handed over to the Davos lobby. The Russian Federation will play a crucial role in this effort, as will the message that the International Russophile Movement will convey to the peoples of the West, who need to return to pride in their Faith and pride in the civilization to which St. Cyril and Methodius also contributed.

We are engaged in an epochal battle: we will remain under the cover of the Blessed Virgin, the glorious Nicopeia, together with the Archangel Saint Michael. Victory belongs to Christ and to those who choose to stand under the holy banner of the Cross."

Powerful, nothing more to say!
Democrats love The davos crowd and the great reset. Klaus funds many democrats who get into office and use their power to punish Americans and release criminals..

Democrats have been working with davos to fundamentally transform america for decades. Democrats call freedom freedumb
Democrats love The davos crowd and the great reset. Klaus funds many democrats who get into office and use their power to punish Americans and release criminals..

Democrats have been working with davos to fundamentally transform america for decades. Democrats call freedom freedumb

The blue cities will become hell holes. In red America they might have a problem keeping the face recognition cameras from getting shot up.
Thank God desantis is publicly calling out Klaus, the world economic forum and this new digital dollar for it is. Maybe now more people will get it on their radar and look at it.

The world economic forum is like if you took all the bond villians and convinced them to work together.

Something else I wish the public new more about is esg scores. Esg will be how the world economic forum will infect the world.

Yes LOL the shills are crickets here. Can't let this example get around.

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