Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: "That woman from Michigan" CBS Puff Piece


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
In her first term, Michigan's Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer weathered the ire of MAGA Republicans and the former president, as well as a foiled kidnapping plot. Now in her second term, and armed with a Democratic-led legislature, Whitmer is pushing gun control measures and protections for LGBTQ rights and labor unions, while enshrining reproductive rights in the state's constitution. She talks with correspondent Martha Teichner about her agenda, and how she turned Donald Trump's label for her ("That woman from Michigan") into a badge of honor.

Here's the real lesson that should be taken away from MI's folly.

Michigan had a trigger law that banned abortion when Roe v wade was struck down....The witch was re-elected as a result despite her being a witch.

If you ban abortion in a swing state the Democrats will take over in the next election.....Sure as shit.
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That repulsive twat was re-elected because MI's elections are a fucking sham.
Gretchen's popularity will only end when her good looks have aged. That's the number 1 drawing card for American politicians.

It's the reason why Trump is going to bring back the mad and crazy Kari, and probably foist her on the people as his VP.
Gretchen's popularity will only end when her good looks have aged. That's the number 1 drawing card for American politicians.

Good lord....You be needin' this.

She's a warrior, and has personally defeated a group of armed insurrectionists and kidnappers (surely Trump supporters) who wished to murder this woman. Politicians have to be very careful these days, lots of unhinged Trump supporters out there.
I picture her either wearing a witch or dominatrix outfit when she is home.....Maybe both, stirring a witch's caldron or bearing a cat-o-nine tails with equal enthusiasm.
could she be candidate for POTUS?
Both Gretchen and Newsome were trotted out last night, even before the debate!

Trump must be stopped and will be. The Dems are digging deeper into their barrel of tricks already.

Trump could only just hint at stopping the war. The voters weren't ready for the whole statement that's been made by Trump on the war against Russia.

And fwiw, Biden had to have been coached to not bring up the question directly, for the most likely reason that he couldn't defend the war without losing track and starting to mumble.

What a show we're going to get for 4 months!
Newsom / Houchl 24
My first impression from last night's display is that Newsome looks a lot like a loose cannon with a careless mouth.

Gretchen's very impressive and appears to be stable. Watch out for her.

It couldn't hurt if the R's are proactive now, before the chip fall from last night's clusterfk.
My first impression from last night's display is that Newsome looks a lot like a loose cannon with a careless mouth.

Gretchen's very impressive and appears to be stable. Watch out for her.

It couldn't hurt if the R's are proactive now, before the chip fall from last night's clusterfk.
Michigan could go Trump ( At least at the top of the Ticket ) not New York

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