Why isn't the media investigating Biden?

Dunno, but I think it has to do with his hairy legs

Either that or it has to do with the fact that the deep universal state ruled by Beelzebub himself wants to kill off as many people as possible or enslave them.

It's a 50/50 toss of the coin.
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He has dubious ties to foreign powers, and he and his party is pushing agendas a majority didn't ask for or need. Dems: USE all that critical powers of introspection on BIDEN as you do Trump. To quote John Lennon: "Image that, if you try".
Because it hasn't yet become advantageous to the Democrat Party to dump Biden. The media takes its cue from the Democrat Party, and the party wants him to finish out his one term without an impeachment.

As the next election grows nearer, they'll become more aggressive in covering Biden's scandals, in order to sway the Democrat voting base into choosing someone other than Biden. But until then, we're stuck with the media ignoring Biden's problems.
Because it hasn't yet become advantageous to the Democrat Party to dump Biden. The media takes its cue from the Democrat Party, and the party wants him to finish out his one term without an impeachment.

As the next election grows nearer, they'll become more aggressive in covering Biden's scandals, in order to sway the Democrat voting base into choosing someone other than Biden. But until then, we're stuck with the media ignoring Biden's problems.
But how can you impeach a democrat when democrats never do anything bad?

Makes no sense.
Because the media is corrupt greedy and they want to make big bucks in China at the expense of their own country....
China owns Biden and his crime family and the media knows it....
Sure, that's why Trump and family went 60 years committing all kinds of white collar crime and he's never been in jail.... :rolleyes-41:

It might be catching up to him, but more than likely, not.... He is Teflon Don.

Which no one can find evidence of.

Face it, you had 150 of of the most virulent anti Trump investigators, who blew through 40 million dollars, and they couldn't come up with a single crime.

If they did the same to the xiden crime family, on the other hand, you would be shocked at the level of crime they have committed.

If you were honest.

Which is doubtful.
Oh please. Every day there is a report detailing that day's crime of the century that was supposedly carried out by someone who is either the world's leading criminal mastermind or someone who is drooling into a cup.
The liberal media is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party. It will coverup for Joe and Hunter Biden by not revealing damning evidence. People who got their news from the liberals media think the rumors by the conservative media are just conspiracy theories and if they are actually true their wonderful liberal media will report the facts. Liberals are easily deceived.

The conservative media is investigating the Biden Crime Family.

Why do you think liberals are for censorship?


He has dubious ties to foreign powers, and he and his party is pushing agendas a majority didn't ask for or need. Dems: USE all that critical powers of introspection on BIDEN as you do Trump. To quote John Lennon: "Image that, if you try".

Actually, most of his agenda is widely supported... and no, as much as you think bad selfies is a crime by Hunter, it really isn't.
Any story you want to read about will always have two completely different and incompatible versions from different sources. That's politics. That's also why nobody believes the media. We'd probably be better off with no media than with the media we have today.
Because the media is corrupt greedy and they want to make big bucks in China at the expense of their own country....
China owns Biden and his crime family and the media knows it....
Sure, regurgitating Carlson and Hannity, isn't evidence.

On May 13, Trump tweeted: “President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!”

May 14 2018
The Chinese government is extending a $500 million loan to a state-owned construction company to build an Indonesian theme park that will feature a Trump-branded golf course and hotels.

The Trump properties are considered flagship elements of the theme park, according to MNC marketing materials, and internal documents obtained by Agency France-Presse show Trump’s sons have been directly involved in its planning.

Trump and his cult are always trying to deflect, from THEIR crimes.
Look at the capitol attempted insurrection, they deflect to the riots of 2020.
Because the media is corrupt greedy and they want to make big bucks in China at the expense of their own country....
China owns Biden and his crime family and the media knows it....
Fake news!

Democrats and the media good, people bad.
He has dubious ties to foreign powers, and he and his party is pushing agendas a majority didn't ask for or need. Dems: USE all that critical powers of introspection on BIDEN as you do Trump. To quote John Lennon: "Image that, if you try".
Well, he is president if you have not heard.

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