For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

All Leftist views were there’s disagreement are always anti-Biblical.
Change my mind.

The Bible has sacrificing children, genocide of Canaanite women and children, stoning for adultery, burning witches, not eating bacon, covering your head, etc.
Being anti-Biblical is by far more ethical.
Neither Jesus H. Christ, nor any of His top disciples ever advocated government run social insurance programs.

That is the main good points by Jesus.
He just could do nothing about it since the government then was the corrupt and greedy Romans.
so used to their attacks ... they use a lot of liberals( to fill in the blank )with any response to me ... personally they look like clowns in their bathrobe ... if that's offensive, you have a problem...

Liberals aren't promoting Trump as a Messiah or chosen person.
All Leftist views were there’s disagreement are always anti-Biblical.
Change my mind.

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Trump Boasted of Avoiding STDs While Dating: Vaginas Are 'Landmines ... It Is My Personal Vietnam'
Donald Trump likens avoiding contracting STDs during his single years to Vietnam in Howard Stern interview
Like this?

Trump Boasted of Avoiding STDs While Dating: Vaginas Are 'Landmines ... It Is My Personal Vietnam'
Donald Trump likens avoiding contracting STDs during his single years to Vietnam in Howard Stern interview
A. Trump isn’t a Christian.
B. There’s millions of similar quotes from Leftists.
C. STD’s are impossible if following the Bible.
All Leftist views were there’s disagreement are always anti-Biblical.
Change my mind.
it's a poor choice of words you use for us liberals/democrats we are and have never been Anti-Biblical... we tell you people who are of a religious persuasion... Here is what we don't want... You are constantly trying to make biblical ideas law in this country... placing 10 commandments in government buildings... there are many things the religious right tries to force upon us that we as a people don't want ... when we take this position we are now Christ haters we are anti-biblical haters ... it's the furthest from the truth ... we just don't want your religious views in our lives ...which is our right stated in the 1st amendment ... it says this intrusion into our lives as the religious right forces their way of life on us ...
“Guy in a bathtub”? You refer to Gd like that, and then complain about people who insult you for being an atheist?

You are one of the best examples of Democrat projection on this forum!
in other words, I point out your attacks ... that makes me wrong ... got it ... can't respond to religious wack-o's
it's a poor choice of words you use for us liberals/democrats we are and have never been Anti-Biblical... we tell you people who are of a religious persuasion... Here is what we don't want... You are constantly trying to make biblical ideas law in this country... placing 10 commandments in government buildings... there are many things the religious right tries to force upon us that we as a people don't want ... when we take this position we are now Christ haters we are anti-biblical haters ... it's the furthest from the truth ... we just don't want your religious views in our lives ...which is our right stated in the 1st amendment ... it says this intrusion into our lives as the religious right forces their way of life on us ...
Must be why you can’t name one Biblical value the Left supports that the Right doesn’t.
I don’t support biblical values at all they are all design to control … so keep your religious values in your heart not mine…
Do what libs tell conservatives who complain about pornographic film and tv. DON"T WATCH IT. IN this instance. DON"T GO INTO THE TOPIC if you feel your delicate sensibilities cannot handle it.

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I don’t support biblical values at all they are all design to control … so keep your religious values in your heart not mine…
/——-/ Sure you do. Ever heard of the Ten Commandments???
You think it’s ok for someone to kill you and steal your property?
Do what libs tell conservatives who complain about pornographic film and tv. DON"T WATCH IT. IN this instance. DON"T GO INTO THE TOPIC if you feel your delicate sensibilities cannot handle it.

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It has been documented that MAGA republicans and radical Muslim jihadists watch the most porn of any worldwide demographic.

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