For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

New York appeals judge rejects Donald Trump’s request to delay his April 15 hush money trial ... BWA hahahahahah here we go I can see them fitting trump in his jumbo dumbo Orange suit ... can't wait to see him handcuffed and dragged off to jail ... its so special he starts his trial the 15th IRS day ... Tump favorite time... BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA heres donnie​

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somebody has to do it I pick me ...Seriously no liberals demean you for your religion ...what we do is post information or a rebuttal to you trying to force your position in the debate with a religious response... you don't realize what you are doing when everything you do and say is forcing your religious views upon us ... and you think that we didn't see your response coming...we do see it we've seen it a 1000 times ... its like every time you or people like you find god you have to browbeat us with it ...
It’s hardly a rebuttal when you talk about the garbage in churches to me (weird since I’m Jewish) and how I’m a fool for having a religion.

And read what I said: my religion does not proselytize. All we ask is to be left alone by people like you. You would object to people saying racist things, but you join in to mock and insult religious people.

New York appeals judge rejects Donald Trump’s request to delay his April 15 hush money trial ... BWA hahahahahah here we go I can see them fitting trump in his jumbo dumbo Orange suit ... can't wait to see him handcuffed and dragged off to jail ... its so special he starts his trial the 15th IRS day ... Tump favorite time... BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA heres donnie​

What’s the issue? He paid someone not to disclose information. Done all the time.

NY sure didn’t find any actual crimes to pin on Trump, despite Herculean efforts to do so. All the NY Dems are doing is demonstrate how they use (very weak) legal charges to go after their political rival - and in doing so drive more support to Trump.
no i clearly understood your message

Here's is what I know.... you sit and pray your ass off for god or Jesus to save your child ... here we have a doctor trying everything he can to save the child's life ... no god is standing over your child because you are praying ... iA) Now the first case... the doctor save the child's life. and instead of thanking the doctor for his skills, you say to him. "thank god he was listening to our prayer" ... or B) the doctor comes to you he says I'm so sorry we tried everything but your child didn't make it ... you fall to your knees cry out loud god why did you let my child die and some fool says to you its gods will ... it's what happens when you pray some time the doctor wins sometimes he doesn't is the reality of life clown in the sky in his bathrobe can change it us telling you these things we are now called haters ...
So what’s it to you? Why be so insulting with “clown in his bathrobe” remarks?
It’s hardly a rebuttal when you talk about the garbage in churches to me (weird since I’m Jewish) and how I’m a fool for having a religion.
I have never had a Jewish person ever force their religion on me ... the majority of religious people that I'm talking to you about are Christians... that's who I'm speaking to ... 99% of the time were Christians I'm speaking too, not Jewish people ... the liberals here who are atheists have been speaking to Christians in the past ... well lets say ever since I have been on the internet never once have I had a Jewish person try and push their religion views on us Atheists ... let's make that clear
And read what I said: my religion does not proselytize. All we ask is to be left alone by people like you. You would object to people saying racist things, but you join in to mock and insult religious people.
now this second part as a Jewish person I've never responded to a matter of fact I respect the Jewish people because they keep their religion to themselves ...unless you have a question you asked a question about their religion they are great to explain it to you ... now you accuse us of mocking religious people ... when you have a religious person say to you "we Christians ( want to be clear whom I'm talking about here) feel women have no right to abortion" ... because Jesus says its wrong... I will respond to that by saying you have no right to force your views on any woman ... that's when it starts... you liberals hate Christmas ... you hate Jesus ....on an on the attacks start... forcing the 10 commandments on us ... it doesn't stop ... then they start quoting scriptures at us ... so when you say we mock, I kind of take offense of the use of that word we respond to their demands not mock at least i don't ... what i do is set them straight what the law says and if the Christians feel they have to have you follow the bible law, then we have a problem ... never in my entire life have i had a jewish person open their bible or off the top of their head start quote scriptures ... Christians do it all the time
So what’s it to you? Why be so insulting with “clown in his bathrobe” remarks?
so used to their attacks ... they use a lot of liberals( to fill in the blank )with any response to me ... personally they look like clowns in their bathrobe ... if that's offensive, you have a problem...
now that the Dems have started to have control over that city for years the Republicans refuse to make building standards ... I propose that all buildings and homes in Arizona have air conditioning of some kind... too many times in the last couple of decades have I heard or read about people dying of heat exhaustion ... thats not right ...
now that the Dems have started to have control over that city for years the Republicans refuse to make building standards ... I propose that all buildings and homes in Arizona have air conditioning of some kind... too many times in the last couple of decades have I heard or read about people dying of heat exhaustion ... thats not right ...
1) Who is going to pay to install the air-conditioning?

2) What about the slums in Democrat cities? Don‘t the welfare recipients in BaltImore, St. Louis, DC, and Chicago get air-conditioning?
what you religious people do is force your views on us … then tell us what we are or what we think … when you clearly have no idea what a liberal thinks
Do you have any representation of someone forcing religious beliefs on anyone other than demofks views?
What’s the issue? He paid someone not to disclose information. Done all the time.
that's illegal its a felony those people who you say do it all the time should go to jail ...
NY sure didn’t find any actual crimes to pin on Trump, despite Herculean efforts to do so. All the NY Dems are doing is demonstrate how they use (very weak) legal charges to go after their political rival - and in doing so drive more support to him

here is the law he violated when Jean Carrol wrote her book about her life good and bad she as a known author was known for her truthfulness ... this has been established in a court of course in her book where she talked about abusive men ... she talked about the time Trump came in her dressing room ata store she was in an tried to raper her ... Well Trump become aware of her book and what she said ...trump becomes enraged about it ... he comes to the press upon the release of her book an says this to the national press "I don't know this woman, I've never met her, i never raped her" ... these are things that all right to say to the national press, but trump the stupid man he is says this... "shes a liar" you can't say that she's a liar unless you have proof she is lying ... otherwise trump just defamed her ... Trump can't deny it because it's on video ...that cost her to loss of sales for her book by defaming her... so yeah he did creat a crime ... then after his conviction of him defaming her what does trump do ??? he walk out to the press and does it again he comes to the press an says this to the national press I don't know this woman, I've never met her, i never raped her shes a liar ... she file suit again this time got another 84 million dollars ... now to file for appeal you got to come up with the money ...that money goes to the court ... if Trump wins the appeal he gets his money back... if he loses the appeal the court release the 94 million to jean carol ...the sad part here trump doesn't learn he comes to the press and says everything again ... Carrol is going to sue him again he just can't seem to keep those asshole lips of his shut
1) Who is going to pay to install the air-conditioning?

2) What about the slums in Democrat cities? Don‘t the welfare recipients in BaltImore, St. Louis, DC, and Chicago get air-conditioning?
did you not see building standards ??? that means a building code ... when a home is built they have to add to the cost of the home or building airconditioning ... so the answer is the buyer pays for it because it is a code

if a building or a home is built in the slums the buyer pays for the air-condition That's part of the cost Nowhere in my post did I say they had to start installing air conditioning ... but it's not a bad idea to make the slum lords pay for it,... the person who's is renting the home pay for it problem solved ... I suppose there are no republican slums right??? just personal attacks against Democrats huh ... Let's see here ...what states have more people on welfare who live in the slums??? Red states??? blue states ??? the answer !!! there are more people on welfare in the red states than in blue states something you can't refute ...
Except you don’t follow your own advice. Why can’t WE believe in Gd without your ridiculing us?
where did I say You can't believe what you want to believe stop putting words into my mouth ...never said that... try again... I clearly said you have no right to force your religious views on us ... I certainly do follow my advice... you follow whatever guy in a bathrobe in the sky you want, but don't force it on me is what I clearly said ... ... do you have comprehension problems like all of your Republicans seem to have ... they seem to read into things that weren't said
did you not see building standards ??? that means a building code ... when a home is built they have to add to the cost of the home or building airconditioning ... so the answer is the buyer pays for it because it is a code

if a building or a home is built in the slums the buyer pays for the air-condition That's part of the cost Nowhere in my post did I say they had to start installing air conditioning ... but it's not a bad idea to make the slum lords pay for it,... the person who's is renting the home pay for it problem solved ... I suppose there are no republican slums right??? just personal attacks against Democrats huh ... Let's see here ...what states have more people on welfare who live in the slums??? Red states??? blue states ??? the answer !!! there are more people on welfare in the red states than in blue states something you can't refute ...
YOU were the one who introduced air-conditioning - and focused your comments on the REPUBLICAN areas. So I pointed out that there are plenty of Democrat slums.

I guess we’re supposed to pretend that the losers only live in red areas. Right……..
where did I say You can't believe what you want to believe stop putting words into my mouth ...never said that... try again... I clearly said you have no right to force your religious views on us ... I certainly do follow my advice... you follow whatever guy in a bathrobe in the sky you want, but don't force it on me is what I clearly said ... ... do you have comprehension problems like all of your Republicans seem to have ... they seem to read into things that weren't said
“Guy in a bathtub”? You refer to Gd like that, and then complain about people who insult you for being an atheist?

You are one of the best examples of Democrat projection on this forum!
All Leftist views were there’s disagreement are always anti-Biblical.
Change my mind.

Leftists are on the side of contrary behavior, or in some circles, the side of the devil.

A. Men are women too.
B. Gays marry and have children.
C. Hire someone because of their color and genital preferences.
D. Get an abortion.
E. Incite racism and unrest.
F. Do not arrest criminals.
G. Allow illegals to storm the border and reward them.
H. Reward those who are irresponsible, by stealing from those who are responsible.
I. Allow men to compete with women, even in women's beauty contests.
J. Entertain pornography and violence.
K. Storm all forms of information with propaganda.
L. Involve yourselves with war to feed the military industrial complex.
M. Side with terrorists at the expense of Israel.
N. Allow squatters to squat.
O. Practice projection and hypocrisy.
P. Ensure 45 declarations of communist takeover is a success.

I could go on for a long while, but you get the idea.

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