For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

No I said anyone … you hear you religious people say to a doctor I prayed to god and he save my child … really did’t see Jesus in the operating room doing his best to answer your prayer … could it be the doctor was the one that’s saved them … your praying had nothing to do with it … what about all this people who pray like crazy to only find out they died … they the say must had been gods will … that’s insane gods will my ass
First, why do you think I saw Jesus in the OR? Not every religious person believes in him.

Second, why do you liberals have so much contempt for traditional religion? Is it because you want everyone worshipping the Regime?
If Freedom is a godless, leftist agenda, so be it. :cool-45:
No freedom is our choice to believe in god or not .. I as. Liberal don’t care what you believe .. what I don’t like is someone like you saying what a liberal believes or doesn’t believe… then try to bad mouth them because they don’t believe like you … you have no right to force your views or tell me … or what I believe because you have no idea what I believe …
First, why do you think I saw Jesus in the OR? Not every religious person believes in him.
Have no idea what you’re trying to say
Second, why do you liberals have so much contempt for traditional religion? Is it because you want everyone worshipping the Regime?
what you religious people do is force your views on us … then tell us what we are or what we think … when you clearly have no idea what a liberal thinks

Second part of your second question …we don’t care what you’re u think at all …we just don’t like being forced to follow the Bible a book that has no truth to it… that book has been written by man not h Jesus … we don’t like being quoted scriptures to ever quest asked to you … its like you have no ability to think for yourself … but when we tell you these things like keep your religion to your self now we’re god haters or religion hater because we told you we didn’t want to hear it … here’s a clue we’ve heard every scripture you have more then once … we choose to not believe that lying piece of garbage that’s t7rying to control you and take your money …that’s what all these churches are about … control your thinking and take your money … but you are to ignorant to see it… oh yes we would never want you to worship anything because we don’t anything at all I hope you learn something here … stop calling us commies, fascust, or socialist anything of that nature … we will never accept a fascist state or a commie state ever .. we are capitalist and will always be …
No freedom is our choice to believe in god or not .. I as. Liberal don’t care what you believe .. what I don’t like is someone like you saying what a liberal believes or doesn’t believe… then try to bad mouth them because they don’t believe like you … you have no right to force your views or tell me … or what I believe because you have no idea what I believe …
Except you don’t follow your own advice. Why can’t WE believe in Gd without your ridiculing us?
Have no idea what you’re trying to say

what you religious people do is force your views on us … then tell us what we are or what we think … when you clearly have no idea what a liberal thinks

Second part of your second question …we don’t care what you’re u think at all …we just don’t like being forced to follow the Bible a book that has no truth to it… that book has been written by man not h Jesus … we don’t like being quoted scriptures to ever quest asked to you … its like you have no ability to think for yourself … but when we tell you these things like keep your religion to your self now we’re god haters or religion hater because we told you we didn’t want to hear it … here’s a clue we’ve heard every scripture you have more then once … we choose to not believe that lying piece of garbage that’s t7rying to control you and take your money …that’s what all these churches are about … control your thinking and take your money … but you are to ignorant to see it… oh yes we would never want you to worship anything because we don’t anything at all I hope you learn something here … stop calling us commies, fascust, or socialist anything of that nature … we will never accept a fascist state or a commie state ever .. we are capitalist and will always be …
First, I don’t try to force my religious views on anyone. We don’t proselytize.

And second, you condemned what you call “you religious people” as being insulting and name-calling…..and listen to the nasty mouthful you just unloaded on me! How I’m so ignorant, and believe that “lying piece of garbage” that is a church, etc., etc.

And P.S. I just told you that I’m not a Christian. You’re so hateful to people who follow a religion that you just lash out without listening to what they say.
I think you feel youare being made fun of because you make everything thing you say and do about god and religion … we get kind of tired of your responses so we respond To your foolish attacks
And we get tired on you holier-than-thou liberals demeaning us for our religion.
I frankly don't know how either the Democrat or republican party can claim to be Christian like because their elected members surely act opposite of what Jesus preached. 180 degrees opposite. In every facet.
First, why do you think I saw Jesus in the OR? Not every religious person believes in him.

Second, why do you liberals have so much contempt for traditional religion? Is it because you want everyone worshipping the Regime?
No freedom is our choice to believe in god or not .. I as. Liberal don’t care what you believe .. what I don’t like is someone like you saying what a liberal believes or doesn’t believe… then try to bad mouth them because they don’t believe like you … you have no right to force your views or tell me … or what I believe because you have no idea what I believe …
You misread my message/intent.
And we get tired on you holier-than-thou liberals demeaning us for our religion.
somebody has to do it I pick me ...Seriously no liberals demean you for your religion ...what we do is post information or a rebuttal to you trying to force your position in the debate with a religious response... you don't realize what you are doing when everything you do and say is forcing your religious views upon us ... and you think that we didn't see your response coming...we do see it we've seen it a 1000 times ... its like every time you or people like you find god you have to browbeat us with it ...
You misread my message/intent.
no i clearly understood your message
That’s not true, for one…..and you know everyone?
Here's is what I know.... you sit and pray your ass off for god or Jesus to save your child ... here we have a doctor trying everything he can to save the child's life ... no god is standing over your child because you are praying ... iA) Now the first case... the doctor save the child's life. and instead of thanking the doctor for his skills, you say to him. "thank god he was listening to our prayer" ... or B) the doctor comes to you he says I'm so sorry we tried everything but your child didn't make it ... you fall to your knees cry out loud god why did you let my child die and some fool says to you its gods will ... it's what happens when you pray some time the doctor wins sometimes he doesn't is the reality of life clown in the sky in his bathrobe can change it us telling you these things we are now called haters ...

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