For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

Anybody can pray in public school. One cannot disrupt the educational process or bother one's neighbors.

Imagine putting empahasis on school-led prayer but oppose bringing in breakfast and lunch for students.
The bible states Adam didnt have life until he breathed :D
This is problematic. Adam copulated with Eve, and there is never a time, even before their copulation, that there was not life in what was to become Cain and Abel. So this non-existent entity, "god," must have been envious enough of this revolutionary, evolutionary reproduction, to sentence everyone to death from then on. Bizarre.
Free food, free rent, free sex ... sounds like the Garden of Eden to me ... Jesus was a liberal, read the Bible if you don't believe me ... it's no accident Martin Luther King Jr was an ordained minister ... nor that Nicolaus Copernicus was a Catholic priest ...

It's okay to hate liberalism ... but you hate liberals ... and thus are blind to Christ ... you love only yourself ...
Though to love everyone else except oneself is also a mental illness. To have the courage to oppose the violence of religion, the science of non-existent entities, is to be mentally healthy and care for oneself. This is not a contradiction. Nature does not oppose the invention of caring for oneself. This invention is part of Nature itself. Nature opposed myth.
Masculinity is the norm. God created man and woman each with specific talents. Men are naturally strong, protective, courageous....a real man is. What does the left want? soy boys, transwomen (LOL)

The left(wrong) wing can sit in here all you want and insult those who point out the ACTUAL, TRUE and VALID leftwing agendas that are ALWAYS anti God. Insult is all you have since there is no refuting the godless leftist agendas.
The left(wrong) wing can sit in here all you want and insult those who point out the ACTUAL, TRUE and VALID leftwing agendas that are ALWAYS anti God. Insult is all you have since there is no refuting the godless leftist agendas.
Haha, you honestly think that listening to somebody like you try and point out a secret agenda of your political opponents means anything to anyone?!?! No sir. Partisan hacks can lie and manipulate all day. Means nothing. Want to be respected and taken seriously. Show an ability to be honest, objective and communicate like an adult.

An example of how not to do this would be to respond with a lazy personal attack against myself but rather an actual substantive and thoughtful argument. I won’t get my hopes up.
The left(wrong) wing can sit in here all you want and insult those who point out the ACTUAL, TRUE and VALID leftwing agendas that are ALWAYS anti God. Insult is all you have since there is no refuting the godless leftist agendas.
If Freedom is a godless, leftist agenda, so be it. :cool-45:

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