For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

I'm fairly confident the Apostol's carried arms!

In the New Testament, Jesus sanctioned the use of weapons for self-defense. While giving his farewell discourse to the disciples before going to the cross, he instructed the apostles to purchase side arms to carry for self-protection. He was preparing them for the extreme opposition and persecution they would face in future missions:
The Bible was assembled from numerous authors and texts that were passed down, translated, and edited.

The Bible did not exist, as such, until well after Jesus was executed.

And American citizens are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan and other faiths. Our gov't serves all faiths.

Is Self-Defense Biblical?​

According to conservative leader and Wall Builders founder David Barton, the original intent of the Founding Fathers when writing the Second Amendment was to guarantee citizens "the biblical right of self-defense."

Richard Henry Lee (1732–1794), a signer of the Declaration of Independence who helped frame the Second Amendment in the First Congress, wrote, "... to preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them..."

As many of the Founding Fathers recognized, Barton believes that "the ultimate goal of the Second Amendment is to make sure you can defend yourself against any kind of illegal force that comes against you, whether that is from a neighbor, whether that is from an outsider or whether that is from your own government."
There’s no just Constitutional law that can be created without a Biblical value.
It's just more evidence demofks really hate our constitution and the founding fathers and their beliefs. traitors to the objective of the US.

And yet they prosper because of it. hypocrites all.

And millions upon millions want what we have.
All Leftist views were there’s disagreement are always anti-Biblical.
Change my mind.
Disagreement with whom, you or the Bible? If the disagreement is with the Bible, then of course it’s anti-Biblical. If it’s a disagreement with you, that’s just you being stupid again. Much like this “challenge”. :cool-45:
Disagreement with whom, you or the Bible? If the disagreement is with the Bible, then of course it’s anti-Biblical. If it’s a disagreement with you, that’s just you being stupid again. Much like this “challenge”. :cool-45:
it's one in the same. You should reread what he said.
All Leftist views were there’s disagreement are always anti-Biblical.
Change my mind.
Yes, it's those who fail to produce, or produce very little. Hopefully this catches on is other churches. It's so obvious it should have happened sooner.

---Chief among the new doctrines is the idea that God rewards “seeding”—that is, the “sowing” of financial donations to churches, or favored online preachers—with a material harvest in return.---

Are these the values you’re talking about?

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