Hunter is 100% the victim of deep state right wing lawfare

Been fun guys but if Hunter Biden broke the law he should face the legal system with competent lawyers stating his case to a jury of citizens who will judge him. That is our process. Even if the prosecution is overstepping his bounds the jury will only convict if they prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Hunter played with fire his whole life and likely has a list of illegalities he has been lucky enough to avoid. I wish him well on his road to recovery and hope, for his family's sake, he can stay on the right course.
It is easy peasy for Progs to discard him due to not being in politics. Joe is dirty. And a congenital liar that seems to be every sentence he spews.
TDS much? This isnt about Trump. This is about the bogus court case against Hunter. Shit. I hope every piece of paper you signed has the right date on it and you didn’t attest to your signing the dotted line on the wrong date or you will find yourself in court if the right wing lawfare deep state has its way.
Crackhead Hunter WILLFULLY lied on a federal form. He can thank his daddy for upping the penalties to about 10 years for that. Tossing a gun into a trash can next to a school. The laptop being entered as evidence. Bogus case? Hardly.
TDS. This is about an American citizen not involved in the government being charged by a crooked DA in a case overseen by a crooked judge. Hunter did nothing wrong. His signature was perfect. He is being railroaded by a system that hates his father simply because of his political leanings. This is outrageous and Americans everywhere are outraged.
Outraged that it took THIS LONG for that criminal scum to get hauled into a courtroom to answer for his crimes.
Hunter paid his back taxes.

Your orange god? Nassomuch.

Looks like, as always, your orange god is far more guilty of that of which his cult sheep accuse everyone else.

Hey dumbfuck, how come Obozo's IRS couldn't find anything? Hunter paid nothing and his sugar daddy is being investigated now. Like always, you stupid cultists have no idea what you spew. Just repeat your Dem masters words.
Fine. Did you know that the law also includes marijuana use?

So how many Cletus' do you suppose lied on paperwork, when they claimed not to have ever used marijuana to buy that AR15?

If I'm a prosecutor in a red state, and especially a blue city in a red state, I would hire an investigative team to look at any marijuana convictions, or even charges where possession or distribution was proven, and those ammosexuals will rue the day these charges were brought against Biden.
So do it. Investigate them all. Any person caught lying on the form should be held accountable, regardless as to who it is.
Who is the victim in this crime???? Totally victimless crime being charged by a Trump appointed special prosecutor goon which would have been resolved except a Trump appointed judge didn’t like a pound of flesh from Hunter and instead wanted to behead him in the public square. This is the most unjustified injustice of the American system of right wing deep state lawfare i have ever seen.

If they can do this to an American citizen they can do this to us. If this guy is convicted it will be because of the corrupt legal system infested by right wing deep state judges and prosecutors. If Kagan doesn’t fly an upside down flag of the seal of the justice system she is a total weenie.

Also. Why is his wife and family there? I watched the Trump trial and I thought family wasn’t allowed there since Trump had none.

/----/ Funniest, most ironic post all year. Thanks for the laugh.
My guess: to try and sway the jury with their presence.

As far as the charges brought against Hunter, they are valid. He lied on the ATF form. He wrote a book detailing his addiction to illegal drugs. He isn't above the law.
Find me a case of the DOJ prosecuting somebody for lying on the ATF form, without it being the result of investigating a gun crime, and they look back on where the criminal got his gun.

When somebody commits a crime with a gun, the FBI looks to see where the gun came from, and that's where they check the paperwork for falsifications, like with straw purchases.

This is remarkable, since Hunter only had the gun for 11 days.
Who is the victim in this crime???? Totally victimless crime being charged by a Trump appointed special prosecutor goon which would have been resolved except a Trump appointed judge didn’t like a pound of flesh from Hunter and instead wanted to behead him in the public square. This is the most unjustified injustice of the American system of right wing deep state lawfare i have ever seen.

If they can do this to an American citizen they can do this to us. If this guy is convicted it will be because of the corrupt legal system infested by right wing deep state judges and prosecutors. If Kagan doesn’t fly an upside down flag of the seal of the justice system she is a total weenie.

Also. Why is his wife and family there? I watched the Trump trial and I thought family wasn’t allowed there since Trump had none.

Another example of libs not liking what they dish out…
Crackhead Hunter WILLFULLY lied on a federal form. He can thank his daddy for upping the penalties to about 10 years for that. Tossing a gun into a trash can next to a school. The laptop being entered as evidence. Bogus case? Hardly.
Re: Tossing a gun into a trash can next to a school.
It was on the other side of a highway from a school. In a commercial dumpster.
And now Hunters trial will last longer than the time he had the gun.
Another example of libs not liking what they dish out…
They're turning a usual "enhancement" crime, into a primary crime.

Remember another person who lied on an AFT form,

Dominick Black could face federal charges for a straw purchase, which is lying on the ATF forms indicating that a buyer at a licensed firearms dealer must sign saying he or she is not prohibited from possessing a firearm and is not buying one for someone else.

Conviction of the federal offense carries a possible maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

Instead what did they do?

Man who bought gun for Kyle Rittenhouse pleads no contest
Dominick Black will pay a $2,000 fine for buying an AR-15-style rifle for Kyle Rittenhouse. who used it to shoot three people, killing two.
They're turning a usual "enhancement" crime, into a primary crime.

Remember another person who lied on an AFT form,

Dominick Black could face federal charges for a straw purchase, which is lying on the ATF forms indicating that a buyer at a licensed firearms dealer must sign saying he or she is not prohibited from possessing a firearm and is not buying one for someone else.

Conviction of the federal offense carries a possible maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.

Instead what did they do?

Man who bought gun for Kyle Rittenhouse pleads no contest
Dominick Black will pay a $2,000 fine for buying an AR-15-style rifle for Kyle Rittenhouse. who used it to shoot three people, killing two.
I think you mean ‘defend his life under attack’…
You answered your own question, he pled out….Thems the breaks dummy.
Hunter also pled out, but the judge objected to the terms. Why wasn't Hunter allowed to plea out (new terms) similar to Dominick Black, for a $2,000 fine and no jail time?

Why did they throw the book at Hunter? Refusing to even consider another plea deal?
If his last name was Black, instead of Biden, he could have gotten a plea deal for a $2,000 fine.
Hunter also pled out, but the judge objected to the terms. Why wasn't Hunter allowed to plea out (new terms) similar to Dominick Black, for a $2,000 fine and no jail time?

Why did they throw the book at Hunter? Refusing to even consider another plea deal?
You’d have to ask the judge…My guess is that the plea deal was so ridiculously over the top, that the judge couldn’t accept it.
You’d have to ask the judge…My guess is that the plea deal was so ridiculously over the top, that the judge couldn’t accept it.
So why wasn't Hunter allowed a new plea that wasn't "over the top", Such as the one Dominick Black got for a $2,000 fine?

I'm sure Hunter lawyer Abey Lowell proposed such a deal, but the Trump appointed US Attorney refused to even consider a plea deal, any plea deal.
You’d have to ask the judge…My guess is that the plea deal was so ridiculously over the top, that the judge couldn’t accept it.
The Republican prosecutors are bowing to Republican pressure.

It’s all political.
Who is the victim in this crime???? Totally victimless crime being charged by a Trump appointed special prosecutor goon which would have been resolved except a Trump appointed judge didn’t like a pound of flesh from Hunter and instead wanted to behead him in the public square. This is the most unjustified injustice of the American system of right wing deep state lawfare i have ever seen.

If they can do this to an American citizen they can do this to us. If this guy is convicted it will be because of the corrupt legal system infested by right wing deep state judges and prosecutors. If Kagan doesn’t fly an upside down flag of the seal of the justice system she is a total weenie.

Also. Why is his wife and family there? I watched the Trump trial and I thought family wasn’t allowed there since Trump had none.

Who couldn't see this coming from a billion light years away?

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