Hunter is 100% the victim of deep state right wing lawfare

I think both prosecutions are politically motivated and bullshit. But they are not the same. Tens of millions of Americans using weed legally under state law have "lied" on federal gun/ammo purchase forms. Even by Trump's accounts, what he was convicted of was unique.

If you support the 2nd, this should be troubling. But this is all they could hang on Hunter.
There are men in prison and are felons for a lot less than what we have seen just in his photos and videos. Hunter's life has advanced from being a drug addicted scum bag. The same people who were unforms and a badge and have shit on citizens for minor stuff and more, let pieces of crap like this get away with real crimes. Th e same ones at the Trump trial if even supporting him, showed no resistance to the fascism and would kill with impunity when a total dictatorship has taken hold.
Who is the victim in this crime???? Totally victimless crime being charged by a Trump appointed special prosecutor goon which would have been resolved except a Trump appointed judge didn’t like a pound of flesh from Hunter and instead wanted to behead him in the public square. This is the most unjustified injustice of the American system of right wing deep state lawfare i have ever seen.

If they can do this to an American citizen they can do this to us. If this guy is convicted it will be because of the corrupt legal system infested by right wing deep state judges and prosecutors. If Kagan doesn’t fly an upside down flag of the seal of the justice system she is a total weenie.

Also. Why is his wife and family there? I watched the Trump trial and I thought family wasn’t allowed there since Trump had none.

He couldnt ask for a more favorable jury or a more favorable district. His trial is nothing like Trumps.
He couldnt ask for a more favorable jury or a more favorable district. His trial is nothing like Trumps.
I will grant you that, unlike Trump, Hunter has hired competent lawyers and isnt giving them stupid advice, nor will he fall asleep at trial, but that is where the advantages end for Hunter over Trump. Hunter is being 100% railroaded on a charge no one gets charged with. It is a travesty whereas Trump was charged with fraud that gets charged all the time.
I think both prosecutions are politically motivated and bullshit. But they are not the same. Tens of millions of Americans using weed legally under state law have "lied" on federal gun/ammo purchase forms. Even by Trump's accounts, what he was convicted of was unique.

If you support the 2nd, this should be troubling. But this is all they could hang on Hunter.
I support the 2nd of course. I think it is shitty that Delaware is tough. But Trump was as lied about as you say Hunter has been. But Hunter has his dad as his escape hatch.
I will grant you that, unlike Trump, Hunter has hired competent lawyers and isnt giving them stupid advice, nor will he fall asleep at trial, but that is where the advantages end for Hunter over Trump. Hunter is being 100% railroaded on a charge no one gets charged with. It is a travesty whereas Trump was charged with fraud that gets charged all the time.
I honestly dont give a shit about the gun charge. Its the tax evasion and corruption stuff that bothers me. Remember when the prosecutors in this case tried to make Hunter immune to that stuff by getting this gun judge to sign off on it? Railroaded?!!! Pfff :laugh:
He couldnt ask for a more favorable jury or a more favorable district. His trial is nothing like Trumps.

Ever read the 6th and 7th amendments Perry Mason?

You don't get to move the trial to another district where you committed the crime. I don't know where you nitwits got that idea from.
Ever read the 6th and 7th amendments Perry Mason?

You don't get to move the trial to another district where you committed the crime. I don't know where you nitwits got that idea from.
He you always ask for a change in venue and it has been done.
I support the 2nd of course. I think it is shitty that Delaware is tough. But Trump was as lied about as you say Hunter has been. But Hunter has his dad as his escape hatch.
I'm just leery of any notion that buying a firearm, despite using weed under state law, is morally or legally the same as paying off a whore with campaign funds to save your political career.

But imo the world would be possibly better, and none the worse, for not having either prosecution.
Who is the victim in this crime???? Totally victimless crime being charged by a Trump appointed special prosecutor goon which would have been resolved except a Trump appointed judge didn’t like a pound of flesh from Hunter and instead wanted to behead him in the public square. This is the most unjustified injustice of the American system of right wing deep state lawfare i have ever seen.

If they can do this to an American citizen they can do this to us. If this guy is convicted it will be because of the corrupt legal system infested by right wing deep state judges and prosecutors. If Kagan doesn’t fly an upside down flag of the seal of the justice system she is a total weenie.

Also. Why is his wife and family there? I watched the Trump trial and I thought family wasn’t allowed there since Trump had none.

He is a piece of human excrement that should be buried under the Jail, after being drawn and quartered, and his dna split up to make sure there can never be another like him
I'm just leery of any notion that buying a firearm, despite using weed under state law, is morally or legally the same as paying off a whore with campaign funds to save your political career.
Paying off a whore who extorted you is a crime? And Trump did not pay her. He did not know ahead of time what Cohen did. It was not campaign funds unless she did campaign duty. What was that?
I'm just leery of any notion that buying a firearm, despite using weed under state law, is morally or legally the same as paying off a whore with campaign funds to save your political career.

But imo the world would be possibly better, and none the worse, for not having either prosecution.
That didn't happen.

Educate yourself.

No campaign money was used.
A total bogus paper work crime. Who exactly was hurt here? Do they have blood tests of when he signed the form? I doubt it. They can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt he was on drugs at the time.
You're pushing the wrong argument here.

The argument is an argument against "pre-crime" and a due process argument.

The SAME argument we made against Obama's revoking veterans second amendment rights based on their need for help managing their bills.

You cannot under US Supreme Court precident make the status of addict a crime. (Robinson v California, 1962).

So why was the statement added to the form?

If there is no crime, an addicts constitutional 2nd amendment rights are being denied without due process.

Further, An innocent person under the law is being prejudged a criminal without due process.

Prejudged that a citizen who is an addict is more likely to commit a the government has the authority to restrict their Constitutional Rights?

Is that how we determine guilt...via probability? Or do we only remove a persons Constitutional rights via due process.

That's the argument.

And it's an argument I agree with.

If this is his defense...I hope he prevails.
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LOL.....Sauce for the Goose Mr. Saavik.

Of course you might also ask that since it's a fed charge why wasn't it moved out of a jurisdiction that his dad represented for so many decades.
Did the prosecution ask? No?

Then go whine to them.
So? He broke the law willingly and intentionally. Like others that have done the same, he probably thought noone would notice and that he'd get away with it. Karma comes calling sooner or later, regardless as to who it is that does the crime.
Can you imagine if this were Trump’s kid instead?
Nothing says right wing law fare like the State of Delaware. Poor, poor Hunter being put on trial in the blue state of Delaware where his father the President has lived for decades.

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