Gov. Jerry Brown to scale back CA social services

Jan 5, 2012
In a rare act from liberal politicians, Gov. Jerry Brown has finally seen the writing on the wall and will attempt to tackle California's massive debt issue by scaling back the states expenditure on its huge social service web. This should be (but won't be for sure) a message to politicians everywhere - if you cannot pay for the programs you have enacted with a balanced budget, then it is time to peel back some of those programs and allow the income to match the spending. What say you?

Martin's America - Home
In a rare act from liberal politicians, Gov. Jerry Brown has finally seen the writing on the wall and will attempt to tackle California's massive debt issue by scaling back the states expenditure on its huge social service web. This should be (but won't be for sure) a message to politicians everywhere - if you cannot pay for the programs you have enacted with a balanced budget, then it is time to peel back some of those programs and allow the income to match the spending. What say you?

Martin's America - Home

I have actually become a very big fan of Jerry Brown since he took office (this time, don't remember the last time). Almost every time I here about the California budget in the news now, its about finding ways to cut spending and their deficit problem is largely gone.
IMO he is one of the few politicians that seem to be able to transcend their party affiliates and dogma for the greater good. Sure the cuts may not be as big as the republicans want, but any dem that is willing to cut significantly is ok in my book.
hey, rhode island did it, he can too.
his challenge to the development agencies survived, so he can pull the plug on them, good job.
In a rare act from Liberal politicians Gov. Brown wants tax hikes:
Capitol Alert: Jerry Brown wants tax hikes to wealthy, sales to raise $7 billion
Gov. Jerry Brown will ask voters to raise nearly $7 billion annually by hiking taxes on upper-income earners and sales in California over the next five years, according to sources who have been briefed.
Raise taxes, cut benefits. Rinse. Repeat.

When are Americans gonna' wake up and start fighting back?

What would you have him do to fix the deficit? He has cut spending across the board. Without raising taxes he has shrunk the deficit from 26B to just over 9B. But he is quickly running out of options. At this point nothing is going to be popular, but something must be done.

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