Gov Newsome and Gov Kemp involved in Chinese kickback scheme?

It sure is how it works since YOU were the one that leveled this claim first:

"When you stop posting unadulterated lying bullshit as you did in the OP, then perhaps you'll have some moral standing to lecture others about how to act in a civil society."

The claim that it is a kickback scheme and it's "treason" is unadulterated bullshit.

Then he started lecturing people about how to behave in civil society.

Imagine that. A governor trying to secure supplies of masks is "treason."

The owners of Natural News are not stupid. They know that people respond to wild and baseless conspiracy theories, particularly when that nonsense is wrapped in the flag. So they make wild claims about how the governor is "betraying the country" and taking "kickbacks" because they know that there a market for this garbage, regardless if it's true or not. And people like the OP lap it up, driving clicks to the site and advertising dollars up.

You said there is no transparency. Fair enough. But simply because there is a lack of transparency is NOT proof that there is a kickback scheme.

Too bad so many can't see the nonsense in the OP for what it is.

I never said I agreed with the OP about Kemp OR any kickbacks - I don't know squat about Kemp.

I also don't care for 'Natural News' as a source. I'll hover over a link to see where it goes and I don't click on iffy links.

I DO KNOW about Newsom. He is scum and only looks out for his hometeam and the Unions as did Brown before him.
And he's always looking for ways to fleece the Feds - there's that $7 Billion in unfunded liabilities that needs to be funded.
What did your republican guy do besides get Davis recalled?

Not a damn thing!

It's difficult to get anything done when both houses are Democrat and the Gov is a Republican.

BTW I wasn't here during the Davis recall and Arnold election.

Are you going to sign Newsom's third recall petition?
For what? They should be recalling those governors who went along with those claiming the pandemic is a Hoax.

Here is a quote from Newsom that brings to light the most important aspect of this whole thing because it happens to be a factor in almost every single decision humans make, political and otherwise.

Quote regarding Newsom's decision to up CA taxpayers' bills by 30% (according to article) to cover 1 billion dollar mask bill to China: “I’m for OUTCOME here,” Newsom shot back when asked by a reporter about withholding the contract’s details. “Some are CONSUMED BY PROCESS, personality, intrigue. Who’s up, who’s down. We are for actually solving a major, major problem — not only for the state but potentially a template for the country.”

Wow...consumed by process. This guy is a bold one, I'll give him that.

Readers will be right to say that this is a well-known moral dilemma that's been going on for centuries, and that this isn't anything new. It matters more in politics, however, a lot more imo, as these are individuals who are elected to do their best job.

What does it mean to "do the right thing" when the decisions you make are not just your own, or for your family's sake but will impact an entire state? Do you focus strictly on outcome as Newsom and do whatever it takes to do it?

Is Newsom right to say that the means justify the ends? I don't think so, but still admit to having about a 10%-12% doubt.

Maybe the best answer is that it's situational, but that leaves me right where I am with this particular moral dilemma.

I've been considering this complex issue for a few years now, even when watching television shows like The 100 for instance (great show up to the end of season 5, but forget seasons 6 and 7 as they switched writers and upset about half a million fans by the change).

Side note to iceberg: can I borrow that quote you have about the opinion others have about me are not my responsibility? I love that, and fits well with it being no business of mine what others think of me...that one hit hard recently and very helpful for people pleasers like me! Thanks in advance:)
it's simple - people care more about getting THEIR outcome and "the process" simply gets in the way. but they don't understand the process is what protects us all.

without it, they simply make it to where anyone who wants OUTCOME can do it any way they feel necessary to get THEIR desired outcome. we've looked the other way for so long what used to be wrong is at best sighed at today because we know we won't do anything about it.

which makes the entire attitude of I WANT OUTCOME justified in their eyes.

does the end justify the means. been asking ourselves that since way before camelot and does might make right or is might simply right?

i stopped watching the 100 when they all went inside and the original purpose became lost in a desire to get funky. i only made it to S3 of LOST before i simply got tired of all the fluff-drama.

where do we go from here? we have to let it take its course and hopefully people impeach him or vote him out at the next election. we have to unfortunately see first hand what this mindset does long term before we realize the short term gains are simply a myth.

as for the tagline - feel free. i'm sure i read it somewhere also and loved it for much the same reasons as you.
Not sure what this is all about, but just going by the actions of this idiot Newsom, and now Kemp ? They should be recalled immediately if are found to be compromised in the worst ways imaginable. When do the treason trials start is my thoughts, because if we are going to continue as a soverign nation, then we must act on these things if legit.
It sure is how it works since YOU were the one that leveled this claim first:

"When you stop posting unadulterated lying bullshit as you did in the OP, then perhaps you'll have some moral standing to lecture others about how to act in a civil society."

The claim that it is a kickback scheme and it's "treason" is unadulterated bullshit.

Then he started lecturing people about how to behave in civil society.

Imagine that. A governor trying to secure supplies of masks is "treason."

The owners of Natural News are not stupid. They know that people respond to wild and baseless conspiracy theories, particularly when that nonsense is wrapped in the flag. So they make wild claims about how the governor is "betraying the country" and taking "kickbacks" because they know that there a market for this garbage, regardless if it's true or not. And people like the OP lap it up, driving clicks to the site and advertising dollars up.

You said there is no transparency. Fair enough. But simply because there is a lack of transparency is NOT proof that there is a kickback scheme.

Too bad so many can't see the nonsense in the OP for what it is.

I never said I agreed with the OP about Kemp OR any kickbacks - I don't know squat about Kemp.

I also don't care for 'Natural News' as a source. I'll hover over a link to see where it goes and I don't click on iffy links.

I DO KNOW about Newsom. He is scum and only looks out for his hometeam and the Unions as did Brown before him.
And he's always looking for ways to fleece the Feds - there's that $7 Billion in unfunded liabilities that needs to be funded.
What did your republican guy do besides get Davis recalled?

Not a damn thing!

It's difficult to get anything done when both houses are Democrat and the Gov is a Republican.

BTW I wasn't here during the Davis recall and Arnold election.

Are you going to sign Newsom's third recall petition?
For what? They should be recalling those governors who went along with those claiming the pandemic is a Hoax.
Based upon the lack of severity or based upon the mortality rate, it definitely is a hoax. It's a hoax in the sense that it was claimed to be so bad that a nations economy was ruined because of it, therefore threatening our national security as a result of ? Yeah it's a hoax in that sense yes.
It sure is how it works since YOU were the one that leveled this claim first:

"When you stop posting unadulterated lying bullshit as you did in the OP, then perhaps you'll have some moral standing to lecture others about how to act in a civil society."

The claim that it is a kickback scheme and it's "treason" is unadulterated bullshit.

Then he started lecturing people about how to behave in civil society.

Imagine that. A governor trying to secure supplies of masks is "treason."

The owners of Natural News are not stupid. They know that people respond to wild and baseless conspiracy theories, particularly when that nonsense is wrapped in the flag. So they make wild claims about how the governor is "betraying the country" and taking "kickbacks" because they know that there a market for this garbage, regardless if it's true or not. And people like the OP lap it up, driving clicks to the site and advertising dollars up.

You said there is no transparency. Fair enough. But simply because there is a lack of transparency is NOT proof that there is a kickback scheme.

Too bad so many can't see the nonsense in the OP for what it is.

I never said I agreed with the OP about Kemp OR any kickbacks - I don't know squat about Kemp.

I also don't care for 'Natural News' as a source. I'll hover over a link to see where it goes and I don't click on iffy links.

I DO KNOW about Newsom. He is scum and only looks out for his hometeam and the Unions as did Brown before him.
And he's always looking for ways to fleece the Feds - there's that $7 Billion in unfunded liabilities that needs to be funded.
What did your republican guy do besides get Davis recalled?

Not a damn thing!

It's difficult to get anything done when both houses are Democrat and the Gov is a Republican.

BTW I wasn't here during the Davis recall and Arnold election.

Are you going to sign Newsom's third recall petition?
For what? They should be recalling those governors who went along with those claiming the pandemic is a Hoax.
Based upon the lack of severity or based upon the mortality rate, it definitely is a hoax. It's a hoax in the sense that it was claimed to be so bad that a nations economy was ruined because of it, therefore threatening our national security as a result of ? Yeah it's a hoax in that sense yes.
How did you reach your conclusion? Our healthcare system is being stressed now and mobile hospitals are being deployed.

The Spanish flu killed more people than WWI. It was just the flu, right?
It sure is how it works since YOU were the one that leveled this claim first:

"When you stop posting unadulterated lying bullshit as you did in the OP, then perhaps you'll have some moral standing to lecture others about how to act in a civil society."

The claim that it is a kickback scheme and it's "treason" is unadulterated bullshit.

Then he started lecturing people about how to behave in civil society.

Imagine that. A governor trying to secure supplies of masks is "treason."

The owners of Natural News are not stupid. They know that people respond to wild and baseless conspiracy theories, particularly when that nonsense is wrapped in the flag. So they make wild claims about how the governor is "betraying the country" and taking "kickbacks" because they know that there a market for this garbage, regardless if it's true or not. And people like the OP lap it up, driving clicks to the site and advertising dollars up.

You said there is no transparency. Fair enough. But simply because there is a lack of transparency is NOT proof that there is a kickback scheme.

Too bad so many can't see the nonsense in the OP for what it is.

I never said I agreed with the OP about Kemp OR any kickbacks - I don't know squat about Kemp.

I also don't care for 'Natural News' as a source. I'll hover over a link to see where it goes and I don't click on iffy links.

I DO KNOW about Newsom. He is scum and only looks out for his hometeam and the Unions as did Brown before him.
And he's always looking for ways to fleece the Feds - there's that $7 Billion in unfunded liabilities that needs to be funded.
What did your republican guy do besides get Davis recalled?

Not a damn thing!

It's difficult to get anything done when both houses are Democrat and the Gov is a Republican.

BTW I wasn't here during the Davis recall and Arnold election.

Are you going to sign Newsom's third recall petition?
For what? They should be recalling those governors who went along with those claiming the pandemic is a Hoax.
Based upon the lack of severity or based upon the mortality rate, it definitely is a hoax. It's a hoax in the sense that it was claimed to be so bad that a nations economy was ruined because of it, therefore threatening our national security as a result of ? Yeah it's a hoax in that sense yes.
How did you reach your conclusion? Our healthcare system is being stressed now and mobile hospitals are being deployed.

The Spanish flu killed more people than WWI. It was just the flu, right?
Depends on who you are listening too or what stats you're following. Until you can prove your bullcrap beyond a shadow of a doubt, then I'm going with a strong flu that kills vunerable people just like any strong flu does. The hype of this thing for political purposes, is just like what Justin Trudeau said it should be used for in the world, but he was wrong... He thinks that it should be used to effect change while it's a hot topic. Wrong !!!!!
Last edited:

Here is a quote from Newsom that brings to light the most important aspect of this whole thing because it happens to be a factor in almost every single decision humans make, political and otherwise.

Quote regarding Newsom's decision to up CA taxpayers' bills by 30% (according to article) to cover 1 billion dollar mask bill to China: “I’m for OUTCOME here,” Newsom shot back when asked by a reporter about withholding the contract’s details. “Some are CONSUMED BY PROCESS, personality, intrigue. Who’s up, who’s down. We are for actually solving a major, major problem — not only for the state but potentially a template for the country.”

Wow...consumed by process. This guy is a bold one, I'll give him that.

Readers will be right to say that this is a well-known moral dilemma that's been going on for centuries, and that this isn't anything new. It matters more in politics, however, a lot more imo, as these are individuals who are elected to do their best job.

What does it mean to "do the right thing" when the decisions you make are not just your own, or for your family's sake but will impact an entire state? Do you focus strictly on outcome as Newsom and do whatever it takes to do it?

Is Newsom right to say that the means justify the ends? I don't think so, but still admit to having about a 10%-12% doubt.

Maybe the best answer is that it's situational, but that leaves me right where I am with this particular moral dilemma.

I've been considering this complex issue for a few years now, even when watching television shows like The 100 for instance (great show up to the end of season 5, but forget seasons 6 and 7 as they switched writers and upset about half a million fans by the change).

Side note to iceberg: can I borrow that quote you have about the opinion others have about me are not my responsibility? I love that, and fits well with it being no business of mine what others think of me...that one hit hard recently and very helpful for people pleasers like me! Thanks in advance:)
it's simple - people care more about getting THEIR outcome and "the process" simply gets in the way. but they don't understand the process is what protects us all.

without it, they simply make it to where anyone who wants OUTCOME can do it any way they feel necessary to get THEIR desired outcome. we've looked the other way for so long what used to be wrong is at best sighed at today because we know we won't do anything about it.

which makes the entire attitude of I WANT OUTCOME justified in their eyes.

does the end justify the means. been asking ourselves that since way before camelot and does might make right or is might simply right?

i stopped watching the 100 when they all went inside and the original purpose became lost in a desire to get funky. i only made it to S3 of LOST before i simply got tired of all the fluff-drama.

where do we go from here? we have to let it take its course and hopefully people impeach him or vote him out at the next election. we have to unfortunately see first hand what this mindset does long term before we realize the short term gains are simply a myth.

as for the tagline - feel free. i'm sure i read it somewhere also and loved it for much the same reasons as you.
Not sure what this is all about, but just going by the actions of this idiot Newsom, and now Kemp ? They should be recalled immediately if are found to be compromised in the worst ways imaginable. When do the treason trials start is my thoughts, because if we are going to continue as a soverign nation, then we must act on these things if legit.
Most people talk about actions and, reactions.

I more talk motivations and where those choices take things.
Don't expect me to you anymore without a link. Isn't equality wonderful even under Capitalism?

Using the Spanish flu for political reasons won't cut it bud, and the Covid already proving that it's not the serious pandemic in the mortality rates that the spanish flu was or many others since then were, uhh outs your usage of the Covid under the guise of it being as lethal a virus as those were. The stats aren't proving your case, and most of the nation not falling for the bullcrap will remain open and free. The entire nation should fall under Marshall law enacted by Trump until a full federal investigation can be completed as to whether this was a bio attack with help from our enemies within or not. If it's as serious as you claim, then you should welcome the investigation.

The Marshall law doesn't mean a physical lock down, but instead it means a clamp down on fake media until an investigation into this thing gets on the way, and is completed.
Using the Spanish flu for political reasons won't cut it bud, and the Covid already proving that it's not the serious
I would like to believe you, but with That flu, the second and third waves were worse than first. It is not about politics but about learning from historical mistakes.

Here is a quote from Newsom that brings to light the most important aspect of this whole thing because it happens to be a factor in almost every single decision humans make, political and otherwise.

Quote regarding Newsom's decision to up CA taxpayers' bills by 30% (according to article) to cover 1 billion dollar mask bill to China: “I’m for OUTCOME here,” Newsom shot back when asked by a reporter about withholding the contract’s details. “Some are CONSUMED BY PROCESS, personality, intrigue. Who’s up, who’s down. We are for actually solving a major, major problem — not only for the state but potentially a template for the country.”

Wow...consumed by process. This guy is a bold one, I'll give him that.

Readers will be right to say that this is a well-known moral dilemma that's been going on for centuries, and that this isn't anything new. It matters more in politics, however, a lot more imo, as these are individuals who are elected to do their best job.

What does it mean to "do the right thing" when the decisions you make are not just your own, or for your family's sake but will impact an entire state? Do you focus strictly on outcome as Newsom and do whatever it takes to do it?

Is Newsom right to say that the means justify the ends? I don't think so, but still admit to having about a 10%-12% doubt.

Maybe the best answer is that it's situational, but that leaves me right where I am with this particular moral dilemma.

I've been considering this complex issue for a few years now, even when watching television shows like The 100 for instance (great show up to the end of season 5, but forget seasons 6 and 7 as they switched writers and upset about half a million fans by the change).

Side note to iceberg: can I borrow that quote you have about the opinion others have about me are not my responsibility? I love that, and fits well with it being no business of mine what others think of me...that one hit hard recently and very helpful for people pleasers like me! Thanks in advance:)
it's simple - people care more about getting THEIR outcome and "the process" simply gets in the way. but they don't understand the process is what protects us all.

without it, they simply make it to where anyone who wants OUTCOME can do it any way they feel necessary to get THEIR desired outcome. we've looked the other way for so long what used to be wrong is at best sighed at today because we know we won't do anything about it.

which makes the entire attitude of I WANT OUTCOME justified in their eyes.

does the end justify the means. been asking ourselves that since way before camelot and does might make right or is might simply right?

i stopped watching the 100 when they all went inside and the original purpose became lost in a desire to get funky. i only made it to S3 of LOST before i simply got tired of all the fluff-drama.

where do we go from here? we have to let it take its course and hopefully people impeach him or vote him out at the next election. we have to unfortunately see first hand what this mindset does long term before we realize the short term gains are simply a myth.

as for the tagline - feel free. i'm sure i read it somewhere also and loved it for much the same reasons as you.
Not sure what this is all about, but just going by the actions of this idiot Newsom, and now Kemp ? They should be recalled immediately if are found to be compromised in the worst ways imaginable. When do the treason trials start is my thoughts, because if we are going to continue as a soverign nation, then we must act on these things if legit.
Most people talk about actions and, reactions.

I more talk motivations and where those choices take things.
That's exactly what it all boils down to: motives (under the surface) regardless of words spoken (superficial level).

Polished politicians (exceptionally creepy in my book) are skilled at deception. The one reason I could never find myself a Romney voter is how polished he comes across, way too polished, as if he's practiced in front of a mirror 250 times per speech. These types remind me of a slick talking used-car salesman, not to bad mouth any hard-working car salesman and only referring to the vulture-type carnivores;)

Human knowledge is doubling every six months, yet we still have corrupt individuals making decisions for others. It's been almost 28 years (August 6, 1991 to be exact) since The World Wide Web became public, and yet we still have hidden deals being made by government officials that the public should have access to the details. (The only reason I can think of when the public should be kept in the dark regarding government info is to save lives-military etc., and similar cases.) How Fast Is Knowledge Doubling?

A transition is on the horizon, following the end of this Age of Information evolving into Digital Transformation, although they've yet to coin a phrase for it. According to the linked article, Discovery Age/Stage is a possibility, so going off that idea it should include discovering when people running for office are telling the truth or not. Will it require using AI to know 100% if someone is being truthful? I guess time will soon tell. The information age revisited: bridges for a hybrid world

A new AI that detects "deception" may bring an end to lying as we know it
The FBI should be leading Newsom out of the Sacramento capital in handcuffs (do not pass the French
Just one more reason to keep Trump in office despite the criminal attempt to steal the election by
Biden who should also be sent to federal prison.
Biden will not do a thing to stop China cutting deals with shit bags like Newsom.
He's China's lackey.

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