Gov. Perry to send 1,000 Texas National Guard troops to border

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
(CNN) -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry will send 1,000 National Guard troops to help secure the southern border, where tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors from Central America have crossed into the United States this year in a surge that is deemed a humanitarian crisis.

Perry will also call on President Barack Obama and Congress to hire an additional 3,000 border patrol agents for the Texas border, which would eventually replace the temporary guard forces, according to a person in his office with knowledge of his plans.

He will make the announcement later Monday in Austin.

Perry's state has received the majority of migrant children, especially in the Rio Grande region, and he has repeatedly called on the federal government to deploy the National Guard.

"The people of Texas expect us, and I think people of this country expect us, to secure the border. And we will," Perry said in an interview with CNN affiliate KIMT in Clear Lake, Iowa, on Sunday.

Perry sending National Guard troops to border -
(CNN) -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry will send 1,000 National Guard troops to help secure the southern border, where tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors from Central America have crossed into the United States this year in a surge that is deemed a humanitarian crisis.

Perry will also call on President Barack Obama and Congress to hire an additional 3,000 border patrol agents for the Texas border, which would eventually replace the temporary guard forces, according to a person in his office with knowledge of his plans.

He will make the announcement later Monday in Austin.

Perry's state has received the majority of migrant children, especially in the Rio Grande region, and he has repeatedly called on the federal government to deploy the National Guard.

"The people of Texas expect us, and I think people of this country expect us, to secure the border. And we will," Perry said in an interview with CNN affiliate KIMT in Clear Lake, Iowa, on Sunday.

Perry sending National Guard troops to border -

FINALLY! That's why I love Texas. They don't take no shit and they stand up to the federal government!

I bet that little cry baby will! He's gonna throw a tantrum and abuse his executive order to have his way again while making himself look like socialist pig in the process. He really just needs punched in the throat. I think it'd do him a lot of good.

Perry can call out the State Guard if he want's, he's the Governor, he can do that.

But to expect Obama to help him in that area you'd have to be dreaming.
I hope that the Governor's of New Mexico and Arizona do the same as Texas. .. :thup:

Unfortunately, the 4th border state California, is a liberal's paradise and loves having an unsecured border. . :doubt:
Good for Perry for taking responsibility to protect the citizens and legal residents of his state.

I suspect Obama's next move will be some EO or threat which denies funding to TX for some services for which Texans have already paid taxes.

Or perhaps he'll send in the SEIU-ACORN goons.
I really don't see this ending well.... I went from being excited to being concerned... Obamas a lawless wannabe dick-tater (dictator) so I doubt he's gonna let this fly. Shits gonna hit the fan.

That's an example of 1,000 times more leadership capability than we have seen from the White House on this particular subject... Texans need to be thankful they have a real leader in the Governor's Mansion. This is a huge step in advancing the notion of Sovereign State Rights.

I reckon the DOJ will file suit and initiate an investigation against Texas next - - nothing would surprise me. This could still become very interesting from the standpoint of Sovereign State Rights vs. an over-bearing, but useless and impotent, Central gub'mint.
We are all Americans and we need to think of ourselves as such. To keep America free we all from every walk of life need to band together working together to keep this nation strong and FREE. We must never ever again vote in a man like O'drama..
I see a lot of snivelling, crying, sobbing and blubbering on this thread, and it's all coming from the ODS crowd.

So, same old same old. Crybabies just gotta cry. Any excuse will do. There you go, get it all out of your system, ODSers. Here's a kleenex. Better now?
I see a lot of snivelling, crying, sobbing and blubbering on this thread, and it's all coming from the ODS crowd.

So, same old same old. Crybabies just gotta cry. Any excuse will do. There you go, get it all out of your system, ODSers. Here's a kleenex. Better now?

^^^ I see a whackjob Moonbat, who is not nearly as cute as Batfink ^^^

Here's Batfink!


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