Gov Ron DeSantis just flew two planes of illegals to Martha's Vineyard.

Your side pulls stupid stunts, it gets used against and you cry like a baby. What difference does it make if they are illegal in Texas or Ca? I'd ship them the Sanctuary Cities, they have decided that they don't mind paying them.

Solve the problem, jackass.
The hypocrisy by liberals is, once again, on full display: Biden ships thousands of illegals all over the country, under cloak of night, and then when DeSantis ships 50, Biden calls it “shameful.”
Closing the border has never worked.
We were at a 40-year low under Trump, with his approach.

Let’s forget about the 87,000 new IRS agents to keep Republicans in line, and use the money to hire 20,000 new border agents. Then let’s complete the wall, and immediately deport any of the lowlife scofflaws who scale it.

What actually occurred was the opposite of Pushaw’s prediction. When the news of the stunt broke, volunteers at Martha’s Vineyard rushed out with pizza, salad, and soup. “People were just showing up (at the church) with food, rice, and beans,” Carla Cooper, head of the Democratic Council of Martha’s Vineyard, said. “When something happens to our island, we come together to help. We are going to take care of these people.”

You would think this response would have humiliated DeSantis, whose imagination had no room for the possibility that anybody could act so humanely. Instead, conservative media simply responded as if rich liberals had acted in the way Desantis anticipated. The Federalist gleefully reported that liberals were “melting down” as if they were angry at having to accommodate immigrants, rather than at DeSantis’s abuse of immigrants. It became a “fact” in the conservative media that Martha’s Vineyard was responding to the immigrants with terror:

What actually occurred was the opposite of Pushaw’s prediction. When the news of the stunt broke, volunteers at Martha’s Vineyard rushed out with pizza, salad, and soup. “People were just showing up (at the church) with food, rice, and beans,” Carla Cooper, head of the Democratic Council of Martha’s Vineyard, said. “When something happens to our island, we come together to help. We are going to take care of these people.”

You would think this response would have humiliated DeSantis, whose imagination had no room for the possibility that anybody could act so humanely. Instead, conservative media simply responded as if rich liberals had acted in the way Desantis anticipated. The Federalist gleefully reported that liberals were “melting down” as if they were angry at having to accommodate immigrants, rather than at DeSantis’s abuse of immigrants. It became a “fact” in the conservative media that Martha’s Vineyard was responding to the immigrants with terror:
...then they called the National Guard and bum rushed all those brown people the fuck outta there.
Brought pizza for the cameras.................kicked their brown asses off the island as soon as the pizza party was over.

What a lemming you are.
We were at a 40-year low under Trump, with his approach.

Let’s forget about the 87,000 new IRS agents to keep Republicans in line, and use the money to hire 20,000 new border agents. Then let’s complete the wall, and immediately deport any of the lowlife scofflaws who scale it.

That's a new lie about 87,000 IRS agents. We already have 21,000 border patrol agents. Fine employers who hire illegals and the illegals will self deport.
That's a new lie about 87,000 IRS agents. We already have 21,000 border patrol agents. Fine employers who hire illegals and the illegals will self deport.
That’s not a lie. The woman selected to oversee the massive new program worked with Lois “I take the 5th” Lerner when the IRS targeted conservative groups.

And the 21,000 border agents is insufficient compared to the hundreds of thousands of illegals swarming the border every month. We need to double that, at least.

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