Gov Ron DeSantis just flew two planes of illegals to Martha's Vineyard.

Let it be known for the record that Republicans are using living human beings as political pawns to suit their nefarious purposes.

Shut up, fucktard. You party grooms CHILDREN. Dumbass.

To a man, they are celebrating this.

Let's see how this works out for them.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllTheGOPHasForAmericansIsMORECultureWarBS

Let's see how it works out for the elitist libofucks.

Oh Shit!


Hey it's about time to pick grapes isn't it? ;)

My governor is the best....
These LAWLESS bastards will never ever punish white rightwing people, who are the perpetrators of this crime.

No, instead they're going to punch down and attack the victims. As per usual.

It's the Republican Way!
I’m not for illegals coming here. That needs to be stopped.

However, we need to consider you voted for people that would bring them here. You did that.

Now, if I’m hiring people I have two choices. The black guy with his pants down around his ass calling me Yo, who can’t seem to actually fucking work or communicate. Or…

I can hire the Latino with pants that fit and just goes and does whatever job I tell him to.

I can either hire 10 poorly dressed Ebonics professors who will never get the job done. Or…

I can hire 9 humanly dressed illegals and one bilingual and get that job finished.

Not a tough choice.

You have made your race worthless. That’s not my problem.

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