Gov. Scott suing federal government


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Gov. Scott suing federal government in attempt to purge voter roles

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. -- Governor Rick Scott spent a busy day in our area. He started with a bill signing in Boca Raton and later toured the Riviera Beach marina. City officials are hoping Scott can help them with a $15 million marina expansion project.

Tonight Gov. Scott is making waves for a different matter. Late this afternoon Scott decided to sue the federal government in an attempt to purge the voter roles of non-citizens. He made the surprise announcement after talking about the situation in Boca Raton.

WATCH: Full interview with Gov. Rick Scott

Governor Scott not backing down, vowing for a long fight. Demanding to be able to check the citizenship status of registered voters against federal databases. But the U.S. government isn't cooperating. This is what the governor said this morning in Boca Raton.

Gov. Scott: I believe the federal government is going do the their job and give us the save database, allow us to do our job. Clearly there shouldn't be a debate about this. It's clear people have registered to vote, that weren't entitled. They voted, it's not right, it's a crime.

But just a few hours later Governor Scott announced of the Fox News Channel that he was suing to get the needed information to check to make sure all registered voters are legally allowed to vote.


As a result of Florida suing the federal government over the voter purge debate, the Department of Justice has decided to counter-sue the state. The federal lawsuit seeks to prevent Florida from removing any voters from the current voting roles.Gov. Scott suing federal government in attempt to purge voter roles

WPEC-TV CBS12 News :: News - Top Stories - Gov. Scott suing federal government in attempt to purge voter roles

Governor Rick Scott accuses Obama administration of ‘stalling’ on database to check voters

By: George Bennett, Palm Beach Post

Read more: Governor Rick Scott accuses Obama administration of
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So, Holder and Obama don't want names of illegals off the voter rolls? There is only one reason for that. Obama needs those illegal aliens' vote.
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At a tea party rally in Tallahassee on Sunday, Scott said he’s considering suing the Obama administration to get Homeland Security to give Florida access to the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements, or SAVE, database.

‘Considering suing’ and actually suing are clearly two different things.

It’s obviously a stunt and bluff on the part of Scott, trying only to appease his rightist base.
Scott is having a temper tantrum.
Yes, he is. And failing to take personal responsibility.

But Perez wrote that Florida has been on notice for eight months that the federal database can only work if Florida provides more information than the name and date of birth of potential non-citizen voters, such as numeric identifiers in immigration paperwork or underlying immigration documents.

“Florida has failed to either to provide the necessary information to DHS, or to confirm that the necessary information would be available for verification purposes under the SAVE Program,” he wrote. “As a result, the significant problems you are encountering in administering this new program are of your own creation.”

Feds, Florida in dueling lawsuits over voter purge |
Obama Suing Florida - and Vice Versa - Over Voter Registration

6/11/12 By Kevin Glass

The state of Florida recently engaged in a campaign to fight voter fraud, combing through their voter rolls to weed out illegitimately-registered voters. While they've been accused of invalidating legal voters' registrations, the effort has been having some modicum of success.

n the last few days, the Division of Elections released a list of the names of 86 voters it says have been removed by local supervisors because they were non-citizens between April 11 and June 8. About half of them are listed as having voted.
That, backers of the purge effort say, proves the need for the move, because it shows that some non-citizens have indeed registered and cast votes.

Obama Suing Florida - and Vice Versa - Over Voter Registration - Kevin Glass
So, Holder and Obama don't want names of illegals off the voter rolls? There is only one reason for that. Obama needs those illegal aliens' vote.

He's got more imporant things to do like let off black perpetrators, but get that Zimmerman (he's hispanic and jewish, but hey blame whitey!!!!!!!!!)
ACLU sues Florida to stop noncitizen voter purge

By Marc Caputo, Miami Herald
Marc CaputoTampa Bay Times Posted: Jun 11, 2012

"The state of Florida is violating federal law by subjecting citizens to this new and unnecessary requirement in order to exercise their right to vote," Julie Ebenstein, an ACLU Florida staff attorney, said in a written statement. "We are asking the court to protect the right to vote and stop this unlawful, targeted voting purge."

Detzner's office couldn't immediately respond to all aspects of the suit, which was filed late Friday afternoon. But it insisted the program is fair and needed.

"We have a year-round responsibility to ensure that the vote of a U.S. citizen isn't diminished by the vote of a non-citizen, and we take this responsibility very seriously," spokesman Chris Cate said.

ACLU sues Florida to stop noncitizen voter purge - Tampa Bay Times

Stop the ACLU Coalition :: Working Hard to Keep America Safe From the ACLU gambling
"Governor Scott not backing down, vowing for a long fight. Demanding to be able to check the citizenship status of registered voters against federal databases. But the U.S. government isn't cooperating. This is what the governor said this morning in Boca Raton.

Gov. Scott: I believe the federal government is going do the their job and give us the save database, allow us to do our job. Clearly there shouldn't be a debate about this. It's clear people have registered to vote, that weren't entitled. They voted, it's not right, it's a crime.

But just a few hours later Governor Scott announced of the Fox News Channel that he was suing to get the needed information to check to make sure all registered voters are legally allowed to vote."
Yeah....sure.....that's what's going-on, in the.....​


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From the OP link:

The governor says he has proof there are illegal citizens voting. But dozens of supervisors of elections are questioning that proof. They're concerned legal citizens might be barred from voting. Palm Beach County's supervisor of elections is also concerned.

Susan Bucher, PBC Supervisor of Elections: Once we realized it was old data and the other supervisors were getting false positives on the list, then we're working with the division of elections to get more updated information.

I would like to see the governor's proof.
From the OP link:

The governor says he has proof there are illegal citizens voting. But dozens of supervisors of elections are questioning that proof. They're concerned legal citizens might be barred from voting. Palm Beach County's supervisor of elections is also concerned.

Susan Bucher, PBC Supervisor of Elections: Once we realized it was old data and the other supervisors were getting false positives on the list, then we're working with the division of elections to get more updated information.

I would like to see the governor's proof.
Ah, yes......Scottie's WMDs!!!!!!!!

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