Govenor Brewer


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Is going On The Record. Tonight.

Greta is one of the few lawyer ladies from NEW York that come across as having intellect. :eusa_angel: and common sense.

I watched that interview.

The Gov was straightup with her answers and explained the bill. Kudo's to her for having the guts to protect her citizens.

To bad the Govt isn't doing its job. If they were Brewer wouldn't have to do it for them.
Damn, I missed it. I was watching Sherlock Holmes. ( if you haven't seen it, don't bother )

Anywho, I emailed the Governor this past Monday. I don't care if I'm not a resident of her state. I needed to email her to tell her that so many like myself, are standing behind and supporting the new Arizona law. Yes, from way over here on the east coast!

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