government by edict?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Doesn't it strike you as funny or ironic that the Hussein administration tells local government (especially along the border states) not to enforce the federal immigration law but they expect them to enforce a presidential decree about weapons possession that bypasses congress?
He didn't tell them not to enforce immigration law. He told them what priorities he wanted for their limited time, budget and resources, which is perfectly legitimate for any chief executive to do.
He didn't tell them not to enforce immigration law. He told them what priorities he wanted for their limited time, budget and resources, which is perfectly legitimate for any chief executive to do.

Really? Agents were told if an illegal claimed to meet his dreamer qualification they were to be released, no verifications required. How about we apply those standards to other crimes, you know, if they say they didn't do it, screw it, let them go. Sure we can call it enforcement, by commiecrat standards. No prosecutor has the authority to exempt a whole class of criminals from prosecution, based on prosecutorial discretion, that includes your dear leader.
libturds pick and choose which laws they wish to obey, and then try to tell us we're a "nation of laws." at which point I go :lol::lol::lol:
He didn't tell them not to enforce immigration law. He told them what priorities he wanted for their limited time, budget and resources, which is perfectly legitimate for any chief executive to do.

Really? Agents were told if an illegal claimed to meet his dreamer qualification they were to be released, no verifications required. How about we apply those standards to other crimes, you know, if they say they didn't do it, screw it, let them go. Sure we can call it enforcement, by commiecrat standards. No prosecutor has the authority to exempt a whole class of criminals from prosecution, based on prosecutorial discretion, that includes your dear leader.

Not so. There are stringent criteria which must be met and they are not simply released. After they are proven to have met the criteria, they may apply for a DEFERRAL of deportation for a specific period of time.

Obama Administration Unilaterally Implements the DREAM Act; | Federation for American Immigration Reform

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