Government Disassociation


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
In light of the GOP... and some people's activities..

Should the government just disassociate, and say.. fine.

Go get your money stolen, in fact go have NO money at all.

Go eat an "every bacteria and virus known to man kind Sandwich"..
Go eat somebody's window, and go eat somebody's roach infestation problem, or go eat poison.

Go drive something made in a country with no expertise in making them.

Go blindly put your kids into some young unwed male's van and pray that they come back alive.

Go get Mexican surgery inside somebody's house...

We don't care Anymore.
We're the land of the free and the home of the Brave.

In return, don't even think about picking up the phone, we're not coming.
We don't have the money to come to your aid.

Should the Government do that ?
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