Government lies on Bengazi: Where's the outrage?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Doug Ross @ Journal: YOO-HOO, ANTIQUE MEDIA: You figured out yet that everything the White House told you about Benghazi was a lie?

• Ambassador Susan Rice lied on five Sunday talk shows last week, saying that the attack that killed Ambassador Stevens was not "premeditated or preplanned".

• Ambassador Susan Rice also lied about Stevens' security, stating that " two of the four Americans who were killed were there providing security."

• White House Press Secretary Jay Carney lied that the attacks had nothing to do with the anniversary of 9/11.

• Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lied as well, indicating that an anti-Islamic film was the cause of the non-existent protests in Benghazi

• Hillary's State Department lied; first downplaying the possibility of 9/11 terror attacks and then scrubbing its website to remove its horrific mistake

• Clinton also lied to Senate Republicans, claiming they did not have details of the terror attacks when they were instead revealing those details to The New York Times

• President Barack Obama also lied, echoing the same falsehoods for days on end

Obama lied when Americans died.
What I dont get is the following...

The administration AND the media played on thye fact that Romney made an assessment without all of the facts...even though he was correct with his assessment.

And, in a way, the administration AND the media were correct....


When asked why they did not say it was a terrorist act, the administration said they did not want to make a final determnination until they had all of the facts....

And that would be the proper approach...


They DID make an assessment without all of the facts when they orioginally said it was spurred by the anti Islam movie...and said it on all of the Sunday news programs....

So why didnt the media address THAT as they addressed Romneys "early assessment"?
BEcause the media is in the tank for Obama. Like anyone had any doubt.
oh come on now... the media is plenty tough on The Annointed.

Just look at the hardball questions letterman gave him. Can't wait to hear the penetrating queries when He is on the view....
oh come on now... the media is plenty tough on The Annointed.

Just look at the hardball questions letterman gave him. Can't wait to hear the penetrating queries when He is on the view....

Yep we've seen how things are handle with the very few reporters that ask some very simple tough questions. They are never heard from again.
BEcause the media is in the tank for Obama. Like anyone had any doubt.

The irony is...

Romney was criticized for jumping the gun yet being right..

And Obama was given a pass for jumping the gun and being wrong.

And even more ironic?

The media covers Obama as he criticizes Romney for jumping the gun yet being right....and not a word about Obama doing the same and being wrong.

Most do not follow politics with their independent minds...they follow politics via the media. Most are not on message boards. Most do not have the interest or the time.

It is a shame that the media is going to be repsonsible for a transformation of America.

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