Government needs a good shutdown

No shutdown this time. As much as I hate it, there is a thing called a Continuous Resolution milked by Obama that kind of ties our hands until September. So the Libs get most of what they want this time. Better be different in September. Shut 'er down. Shut 'er down until hell freezes over or the GOP gets what they need to build the wall and whatever else. Few years back the Dems shut it down and blamed the GOP! Time for the GOP to grow a pair. Truth is that the government never really shuts down anyway. They just shut off the public parts like parks for political hay.
No shutdown this time. As much as I hate it, there is a thing called a Continuous Resolution milked by Obama that kind of ties our hands until September. So the Libs get most of what they want this time. Better be different in September. Shut 'er down. Shut 'er down until hell freezes over or the GOP gets what they need to build the wall and whatever else. Few years back the Dems shut it down and blamed the GOP! Time for the GOP to grow a pair. Truth is that the government never really shuts down anyway. They just shut off the public parts like parks for political hay.

It isnt just all Obama,Romney was one of the first people who signed it.he and many of the other GOP's are as corrupt as Obama,I am hoping that trump is a RINO not one of the elite like bush and romney,he is our last hope.

Told you liberals you got no idea who you are playing with. You know Trump will do it. He is running this like a business and a shut down can help trim some fat off....I hope he goes through with it! With taxes and a healthcare law done and in place a shutdown will only harm RINO'S and Democraps.

I can't speak for all the liberals, progressives, Democrats or RINO's but I know who we are playing with; a person unfit, incompetent and an ignorant narcissistic megalomaniac.

I do wonder about you, and the pathological hate which pollutes your every post. Who or what made you into the piece of pathological and disgusting person you are today?
No shutdown this time. As much as I hate it, there is a thing called a Continuous Resolution milked by Obama that kind of ties our hands until September. So the Libs get most of what they want this time. Better be different in September. Shut 'er down. Shut 'er down until hell freezes over or the GOP gets what they need to build the wall and whatever else. Few years back the Dems shut it down and blamed the GOP! Time for the GOP to grow a pair. Truth is that the government never really shuts down anyway. They just shut off the public parts like parks for political hay.

Did you too follow the White Rabbit?

One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all

Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you're going to fall
Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar has given you the call

And call Alice, when she was just small

When the men on the chessboard get up and tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom, and your mind is moving low

Go ask Alice, I think she'll know

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead
And the white knight is talking backwards
And the red queen's off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head, feed your head

Go ask Alice, I think she'll know

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead
And the white knight is talking backwards
And the red queen's off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head, feed your head

Told you liberals you got no idea who you are playing with. You know Trump will do it. He is running this like a business and a shut down can help trim some fat off....I hope he goes through with it! With taxes and a healthcare law done and in place a shutdown will only harm RINO'S and Democraps.

Doesn't Trump realize Congress is shutting down the branch of government that he runs?
Shut it down

most of us won't even notice

those of you that do notice need to get a fucking job
The country is not a business. The notion it should be run like one is foolish.

The Republican'ts control Congress and the White House, yes explain how exactly a 'shutdown' will be put forth as caused by anyone other than the Republicans. I say go for it! Don't just shut it down, be sure to withhold paychecks from all government employees, except of course for Congress and the White House as they will exempt themselves as they always do.

Comedy, the only way to describe this.

The Republican'ts control Congress and the White House, yes explain how exactly a 'shutdown' will be put forth as caused by anyone other than the Republicans. I say go for it! Don't just shut it down, be sure to withhold paychecks from all government employees, except of course for Congress and the White House as they will exempt themselves as they always do.

Comedy, the only way to describe this.

Ahh, the same way the Dems blamed the GOP for a shutdown in 2013 when THEY controlled all branches! If the Dems, minority party that they are now, refuse to come to an agreement, they still are part of the government and can hold the government past the deadline of budgetary funding.

The Republican'ts control Congress and the White House, yes explain how exactly a 'shutdown' will be put forth as caused by anyone other than the Republicans. I say go for it! Don't just shut it down, be sure to withhold paychecks from all government employees, except of course for Congress and the White House as they will exempt themselves as they always do.

Comedy, the only way to describe this.

I have another way to describe Trump and his surrogates, in Congress and in his administration. They are collectively like a toddler, and will blame others for stealing a cookie or breaking a valued item. They have not matured, or in the words of Freud, they are ruled by the Id, the Superego has yet to develop.

The Republican'ts control Congress and the White House, yes explain how exactly a 'shutdown' will be put forth as caused by anyone other than the Republicans. I say go for it! Don't just shut it down, be sure to withhold paychecks from all government employees, except of course for Congress and the White House as they will exempt themselves as they always do.

Comedy, the only way to describe this.

Ahh, the same way the Dems blamed the GOP for a shutdown in 2013 when THEY controlled all branches! If the Dems, minority party that they are now, refuse to come to an agreement, they still are part of the government and can hold the government past the deadline of budgetary funding.

During Barack Obama's presidency, the United States federal government shutdown of 2013 ran from October 1 to 16, 2013. The primary issue of dispute between the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and the Democratic Senate was the Republicans' desire to delay or defund the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), signed into law in 2010.[2] A bill to end the shutdown and fund federal agencies through January 15, 2014, passed the Senate and the House and was signed into law on October 17, 2013.[3] Standard & Poor's, the financial ratings agency, stated on October 16 that the shutdown had "to date has taken $24 billion out of the economy," and "shaved at least 0.6 percent off annualized fourth-quarter 2013 GDP growth."[4]

Why do you lie and try to revise history?

Q. Why do so many on the Right practice this deception?

A. Because they are on the wrong side of history!
Lets see if Trump keeps the parks open

He will keep the parks open, and anything else of use to the public. He will close all the government parking lots and make the workers take long, hot, slow buses to work, then when they get to work a notice that they are laid off indefinitely w/o pay.

In a shutdown, only essential services are allowed by law to remain open

How is Trump going to explain that a park is an essential function?
"How is Trump going to explain that a park is an essential function?"

Why would he bother? Americans understand and there's no hope that liberals would ever be allowed by their masters to do so.
The last time Republicans shut down Government it cost $24 billion

The latest estimate for Trumps wall is $21.6 billion

Does Trump realize he is spending his wall money to shut down Government?

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