Government report Illegals increasingly taking "black jobs.'


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Oh there's those pesky facts again.

It cited a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper that “suggests that a 10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of blacks by almost a full percentage point.”
Oh there's those pesky facts again.

It cited a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper that “suggests that a 10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of blacks by almost a full percentage point.”
Illegal.immigration impacts jobs for all people, but I presumed hispanic and black Americans would be impacted more as a percentage if these illegals head to major cities.
Illegals also trying to corner the market on drunk driving. Another filth illegal driving drunk with no license plowed into a Tesla and killed the driver...AND FLED THE SCENE shocker there. Bystanders chased him down and held him for police. Not sure if Joe Biden has been arrested yet as an accessory.
Oh there's those pesky facts again.

It cited a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper that “suggests that a 10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of blacks by almost a full percentage point.”
What does the increased incarceration rate for blacks have to do with illegals?
What does the increased incarceration rate for blacks have to do with illegals?
The rich Prog areas that do not allow any interference to their real privilege have a say in any increased incarceration rates for African Americans. I demand that low-income housing be built in those areas to start. I demand it.
The 20 million illegals under Biden, that trump claimed is just another big fat lie of his....

You totally miss the point in terms of how the present works .

Facts are relatively unimportant .
It is the number of times you repeat a message and its volume .

Always refer back to both Goebbels and later McLuhan for basic guidelines .
Why are Americans against "Immigrants"? Is it because of demographic change, that the US wont be as white as it was? I see no other valid reason, since america was created by immigrants, and is a very young nation like 400 years old not older. Austria for example is over thousand years old country, with a population that lives here since the stone age.
You totally miss the point in terms of how the present works .

Facts are relatively unimportant .
It is the number of times you repeat a message and its volume .

Always refer back to both Goebbels and later McLuhan for basic guidelines .
That’s why MAGA keeps repeating Ruzzian propaganda! They admire the Goebbels type.

I have one more question

Trump just recently "warned" the whole world that america will be the greatest country on earth again... but that is not specific to trump every American says something like that i noticed i guess average americans want to hear they are the greatest country. I did not notice that austrians say they are the best and greatest country they love their country but they never say they are the greatest. I do understand understand though it might be a legacy of the cold war and nature of superpowers and that america has many adversaries i do not judge them just noticed. even very big countries, regional powers, like russia, china, do not think "they are the greatest country on earth" ... i mean im not sure but never saw the russians saying it, of course they are patriots love and defend their country and provide good for it, but they do not say they are "the greatest country on earth"

Why americans think their country is the greatest country on earth?
The OP needs to stop citing from shit sources like the dailywire.
Why are Americans against "Immigrants"? Is it because of demographic change, that the US wont be as white as it was? I see no other valid reason, since america was created by immigrants, and is a very young nation like 400 years old not older. Austria for example is over thousand years old country, with a population that lives here since the stone age.
Say good night, mortimer
The 20 million illegals under Biden, that trump claimed is just another big fat lie of his....
It could be more when you consider how many got in undetected. But any way you look at it, it's a big problem that was created by Biden and it's only one of many problems that can only be fixed by electing Trump. MAGA
Oh there's those pesky facts again.

It cited a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper that “suggests that a 10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of blacks by almost a full percentage point.”

Oh there's those pesky facts again.

It cited a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper that “suggests that a 10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of blacks by almost a full percentage point.”
We have the same rate of unemployment now that we had before COVID. 6.1 percent.

Oh those pesky facts again.
I have one more question

Trump just recently "warned" the whole world that america will be the greatest country on earth again... but that is not specific to trump every American says something like that i noticed i guess average americans want to hear they are the greatest country. I did not notice that austrians say they are the best and greatest country they love their country but they never say they are the greatest. I do understand understand though it might be a legacy of the cold war and nature of superpowers and that america has many adversaries i do not judge them just noticed. even very big countries, regional powers, like russia, china, do not think "they are the greatest country on earth" ... i mean im not sure but never saw the russians saying it, of course they are patriots love and defend their country and provide good for it, but they do not say they are "the greatest country on earth"

Why americans think their country is the greatest country on earth?

Two reasons, first it is part of the American Hubris. Remember we are the country that came up with the idea that we (well, at least white Americans) were destined by God Himself to conquer the whole country from ocean to ocean.

2nd, is that most Americans have never been outside of this country except for maybe on giant cruise ships to sunny ports.
Two reasons, first it is part of the American Hubris. Remember we are the country that came up with the idea that we (well, at least white Americans) were destined by God Himself to conquer the whole country from ocean to ocean.

2nd, is that most Americans have never been outside of this country except for maybe on giant cruise ships to sunny ports.
that sounds kinda "wrong" and "arrogant" do you agree? I think it doesnt really ok to think so and be like that?

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