Government Take-Over of Rental Housing

Landlords who charge fair rent, based on the quality of their rental property are fine.
They may or may not be fine; the Democrats have burned down the affordable housing market; we are in a massive crisis.
Ones who price gaugue and charge hundreds of dollars more than their property is worth, in order to exploit desperate people, should be shot
I'm afraid that mass violence doesn't discriminate, nor does fire.

When the Democrat pets - the ones they claim to represent, but whose lives they've destroyed by the millions - rise up in rage, no one is going to be safe.

The Democrats have placed us on the verge of the greatest civil disorder in the country's history, and all for 2 years of power.
How are landlords that are screwing over their tenants? Some landlords have not been paid rent since March of 2020.
The Democrats have created a MASSIVE, multi-layered crisis with their CovidScam, and they're doing nothing to solve it.

The first crisis is about to explode in mass eviction rioting/looting/arson/murder.

The second crisis is unfolding now, as rents are increasing by 30% to 50% and more as landlords seek to recoup these Democrat-inflicted losses; this is simply not sustainable.

So imminent mass rioting.

Then mass homelessness, but in two waves - the non payers now, and those who did pay but can't afford MASSIVE increases being demanded to cover the non-payers in the next wave.
Yes everyone has that right in this country. But its each individual persons responsibility to make it happen for themselves. Everyone has a right in america to security, peace, and so on and to have housing, but its their job to make those things happen.

Americans dont have a right to be taken care of and catered to. Unless youre a retard or have some disability that keeps you from being able to take care of yourself. Hell there is a guy at a restaurant Ive been going to for decades that seats people when they come in, he is in a wheelchair because he has no legs but he can still work just fine.

So no, its the governments job to guarantee all have equal opportunity to take care of themselves, NOT guarantee all will be taken care of.
Sounds good; how do we square this with the basic human right of housing?
So who decides what ones property is worth when it comes to rental and what they can charge, the government?

About 15 years ago my city forced all landlords to have an apartment inspection before renting to any new tenant. They've changed the fee as time went on, but it was around $200.00, and then if it passed, another $50.00 what they call an occupancy license.

They found all kinds of problems with my rentals because they haven't been kept up to federal, city and state codes. It cost me thousands. Where do you suppose I should have gotten that money from?

In any case I complained to my Councilman who happened to be a friend of mine. He forwarded my complaint to the Mayor. Off the record he said, the Mayor claimed that landlords are making too much money in his city, and it's time for us to share.

So I told him to relay a message to the Mayor for me. I told him I want to set up an appointment with him, have him go through my tax records which are done by a certified tax preparer, and tell me where all this money is I'm supposed to be sitting on. Why is it I get an income tax refund every year? The Mayor never responded.

You know, it's easy to sit back and count all that rental income, but try paying all the bills sometime. Try waking up at 4:30am to plow the parking lot and drive while your tenants are still comfortably in their warm bed. Let me know how it feels to be doing work around the place in summer and your tenants are off on a weeks vacation to Florida while you haven't been anywhere on vacation in 30 years because you spend all your vacation time at home catching up on projects you were able to put off. Then tell me how I should be shot for charging too much rent.
Do you think you might be happier if you invested elsewhere?
Housing is not a right but it is a necessity
Employment provides the resource to accomplish that necessity
Be responsible, go to work, find what housing suits your income and not the reverse
Sounds great! :)

Unfortunately, good & hard-working people can no longer afford housing.

30% to 50% rent increases have not been accompanied by 30% to 50% income increases, especially for those on fixed incomes.

What do you think can be done to avert this MASSIVE crisis?
Yes. The real question of this thread, and many others like it, is - should government be responsible for providing us with our "necessities"?
It's not going to happen, so rest easy.
I think it's a terrible idea, the final step in turning the servant into the master.
The servant? The master?

Who decides which is to be which?

And if you say hard/smart work determines this, may I introduce you to Paris Hilton and many others like her?
The newbie is a troll and just trying to get attention.
Baseless ad hominem/derailing/trolling.
Landlords don't buy rental property as a social obligation.
Some may; you did not.
We've had government subsidized housing for years.
Tell us more.

Do you mean you live in it, and/or participate in a Section 8 program as a landlord?
If somebody can't get that, it's something they are doing wrong because they supply housing for any qualified person.
Can you share more about this as someone who lives in Section 8 housing, or are you presuming on behalf of your tenants?
The problem is they may not be able to live exactly where they want.
So they can *choose* to live in areas with high crime and few employment opportunities?
I am not obligated to provide "human rights" to complete strangers.
It's a fantasy that you're being asked or expected to.
Don't quote me. Don't address me in any way. If you do, this is the only response you'll receive: Piss off, troll.
^ 9th instance of contributing nothing to the the thread but enraged spamming/trolling/derailing/personal attacks.

I wonder what would happen if the forum created poster competence standards...?
^ 9th instance of contributing nothing to the the thread but enraged spamming/trolling/derailing/personal attacks.

I wonder what would happen if the forum created poster competence standards...?

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