Government Take-Over of Rental Housing

What do you think can be done to address the massive crisis the country is facing?

Straw man.

Straw man/ad hominem.
What can be done is simple. Incentivize people to build rental housing by providing tax breaks and incentives like subsidized construction loans. Make owning rental property attractive by reducing onerous restrictions and requirements. Something like a construction loan from the government with a capital refund of say five percent for every year that you own the property. Between payments and loan reduction, the owner would be free and clear in fifteen years or so and his capital freed up for other investments. Positive incentives work just as well as negative ones. Make it hard for rental owners and they will stop owning rental properties, make it easy and they will own more.
^ 9th instance of contributing nothing to the the thread but enraged spamming/trolling/derailing/personal attacks.

I wonder what would happen if the forum created poster competence standards...?
You'd be gone in a heartbeat.
A point I brought up a few times is that government already does provide housing and has been the last several generations. It may not be what you like or in the safest neighborhood, but housing nonetheless. If you don't qualify for government housing it means you can afford your own by their standards. Now if you can't afford your own, then the problem is where you live, not that you can't afford housing of any kind. That means the solution to your problem is moving the hell out of the area you're in and to a place where an average wage makes it affordable to have reasonable shelter.
When you own your own shelter, moving that shelter to another location on the parking lot is also an option, if you cannot vet the psychopath near you, and you do not want to be near it.
Miscegenation is both a blessing and a curse in a democracy. The organism must have the flexibility to keep a bit of territory for itself, or it will go nuts. The theologian of the protection-racket mafias gets off watching, as a voyeur, the violence of this miscegenation.
When you own your own shelter, moving that shelter to another location on the parking lot is also an option, if you cannot vet the psychopath near you, and you do not want to be near it.

Yeah but not many people want to live in a mobile home.
You assume this? What would Jesus say?
Jesus would say let me into America as I am an illegal from Latin America.

It very well could be bad luck.

I don't see much point in making the issue about personal virtue (or lack thereof). The question is whether we want to use government to provide us with housing. I think it's a really bad idea.
Are we finally back on track? :)

The reality is that we're on the verge of two massive crises; the immediate eviction crisis, and the one behind that which will be caused by the choke-slamming of good tenants with unpayable rent increases.

The country is in deep trouble, and the affordable housing crisis is real.
This is an excellent question considering that the definition can and must mutate if H. sapiens is going to address the concepts of unaffordability and the very American concept of home ownership, a very American concept, by the way. When we mentioned tiny homes, we also meant modular structures that assemble and disassemble, each piece of which is always already (owned [italics]) by the owner and not the bank, right from the start. This by default means that these tiny/micro dwellings need not fall victim to the high-cost, predatory moving systems now in place for one-piece tinies and micros, a blatant rip-off.
Have you seem the Pods that are popping up in places like Seattle?

Still much too expensive & not suitable for families. but an interesting reaction to the crisis.
A point I brought up a few times is that government already does provide housing and has been the last several generations.
It may not be what you like or in the safest neighborhood, but housing nonetheless.
Not really okay.
If you don't qualify for government housing it means you can afford your own by their standards.
Few can afford the choke-slamming rent increases now being imposed.
Now if you can't afford your own, then the problem is where you live, not that you can't afford housing of any kind.
Where are the jobs?
That means the solution to your problem is moving the hell out of the area you're in and to a place where an average wage makes it affordable to have reasonable shelter.
Never really a solution, and definitely not so now.

Why do conservatives continue to peddle outdated/mythical non-solutions while judging good people as bad?

Jesus not happy.

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