Government Transparency


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Government Transparency: This may be one of those “there auta-be-a-law” situations that libertarians, anarchists, and other “reduce government regardless of consequences” proponent are opposed to.

Liberals, Conservatives, Tea Party, and Socialist Party, Whigs, Abolitionists, Dixiecrats, Republicans, or Democrats have all at some time been in the minority within one or both U.S. Congressional chambers.

It's vital, (regardless of political party), members of the U.S. Congress not be denied reasonable access to information regarding the policies, decisions, and activities of our federal agencies.
A democratic republic's less sustainable, if its operations and policies are less transparent.

Respectfully, Supposn
Refer to : Newly Empowered, Democrats Demand Ajit Pai Stop Withholding Documents
A few months after Trump’s inauguration, an attorney appointed by the president to a top post at the Justice Department produced a memo in which he outlined the administration’s views on congressional oversight. The memo stated simply that, because Democrats were in the minority, they had no legal authority to conduct oversight of, or demand documents from, agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)—at least, not without the express consent of their Republican counterparts. … .
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situations that libertarians, anarchists, and other “reduce government regardless of consequences” proponent are opposed to.

People often conflate libertarians with anarchists. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Libertarians seek to reduce government influence in areas where it impacts individual liberty.

Anarchists seek to reduce government to the point where they can take over.
Government transparency is one of those things that sounds good, but most people wouldn't want in practice.

The way government works would make sausage making look pristine by comparison.
Don't worry, you have none. They have complete transparency of you.
situations that libertarians, anarchists, and other “reduce government regardless of consequences” proponent are opposed to.

People often conflate libertarians with anarchists. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Libertarians seek to reduce government influence in areas where it impacts individual liberty.

Anarchists seek to reduce government to the point where they can take over.

Libertarians seek to reduce government to a point where positive feedback loop concentrated wealth can take over.

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